Chapter 401 I Like Her
Only then did Yu Xiaowan continue to flip through the newspaper in her hand.

"Mom, I trust Xiaowan, and I like her."

This is the first time Lu Mu said the word "like".

Living with the little girl for such a long time, her emotions have already restrained him.

Especially today's tender and soft husband.

He clearly knows his heart.

He likes her, you can even say, he loves her.

Even if she is ignorant and unable to understand his feelings for her, he will never let go.

Lu's mother probably didn't expect Lu Mu to have such an attitude, and her voice suddenly raised a bit, "Believe it? Like it? Everything is in front of you and you still believe her. What kind of ecstasy did she give you?"

"Mom, if you have nothing else to do, just hang up. You also said that this is a long distance, and it costs more than one yuan per minute, which is quite expensive."

Lu Mu interrupted Mother Lu's words and was about to hang up the phone after speaking.

Originally, after hearing what the uncle said, he still had expectations for his family.

It seems that he really can't expect too much.

"Don't hang up, I still have something to do," Lu's mother stopped her.

Lu Mu hummed again, obviously a little impatient.

"We can let go of the matter of Yu Xiaowan and observe it for a while. You should pay close attention to the other matter, which is your sister's marriage."

"Jiaxin? Is her marriage settled?"

Before, Yu Xiaowan was asked to introduce Qi Chuang to Lu Jiaxin, but Qi Chuang didn't seem to intend to get married, and he knew about it.

It's only been a few days, did Qi Chuang agree again?
"I told you just because I haven't settled down. You are his second brother. Don't ignore things at home just because you are working outside. Your sister is already 21. She is really old. You know, the village The young men here are all engaged early, your sister’s age is already hard to choose in our rural areas, but if you don’t have to choose the rural ones, others don’t know, you must know as a brother, our Jiaxin is beautiful, not to mention, You can do whatever you want to do the work in your hand, don't care where you put it, they are all good housekeepers, do you teach her well in Jin City? I am wronged, if there is a suitable one in the city, it would be great to find someone from the city, by the way, that classmate of yours is the one named Yang who picked you up last time, is he married?"

Lu Mu had a premonition when Mother Lu said that she didn't have to choose the countryside. Sure enough, the next moment Mother Lu's topic turned to Lin Dongyang.

Lu Mu was silent for a moment, and then said, "Dongzi is not married if he is not married, but he has someone in his heart."

"There is someone in your heart? That is, not only are you not married, but you don't even have a girlfriend? Just right, your dad and I think that your classmate is good and has a good relationship with you, and we know all about it. You might as well introduce your sister to him. You are here, and your sister can’t suffer from marrying him. By the way, he is a native of Jin City, right? I heard his accent is like a mouthful of Jin City. Does his car belong to him? His parents both What do you do? It’s not bad to be able to drive a car, right?”

Lu Mu couldn't listen anymore, "Mom, I told you, there is someone in Dongzi's heart, otherwise you think why he is 26 and still not looking for a girlfriend, it's not that he doesn't have one, but he doesn't want to look for it at all."

Lu Mu never expected that his mother would blame Lin Dongyang for Jiaxin's matter.

He and Lin Dongyang have been brothers for so many years, and he knows his thoughts clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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