Chapter 366

He was really not feeling well. After riding all the way in the car, he fell asleep in bed just now.

It's just that he didn't sleep well, and in his sleep, he saw Sun Jihong taking the opportunity to pounce on him and touch his face.

He has always disliked being touched by people, especially the opposite sex, except of course Yu Xiaowan.

There was the sound of spatulas and water in the kitchen.

No one has lived in for half a month, the house is cold, and the tap water is not frozen, and it is not much better now.

Thinking of what Sister-in-law Yuan had told her, Lu Mu lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Yu Xiaowan didn't plan to make complicated ones. Lu Mu was in poor health and didn't eat at noon. It's best to cook something easy to digest.

There are dried noodles at home, so she bought vegetables and eggs in the supermarket and prepared to make two bowls of egg noodles.

Just as she had chosen the dishes and turned on the faucet to wash, a big hand reached out and took the dishes away from her hands.

"Let me wash it."

"Why are you up? Have you taken all the medicine?"

Yu Xiaowan saw that Lu Mu's expression was not very good, but she didn't dare to reach out to touch him again.

"Yes," Lu Mu replied, washing the vegetables under the faucet.

Yu Xiaowan knew that Lu Mu was still angry, knew that he had taken the medicine and didn't say anything, and turned on the fire to cook.

Yu Xiaowan's cooking skills are not very good, at least not as good as Lu Mu's.

The egg noodles even made the eggs burnt.

After finishing the two bowls of noodles, she brought the bowl of egg noodles without fried egg to Lu Mu, and kept the fried one for herself.

The fried protein is a carcinogen. Yu Xiaowan didn't plan to eat it, but it was too wasteful to throw away the whole egg like this.

Especially in this era when material life is not very affluent, Yu Xiaowan has also learned to save.

I wanted to remove the sticky part and eat the uncooked part.

Before she could move the chopsticks, a pair of chopsticks took her first, picked up the eggs in her bowl, and gave her a good fried egg.

Looking at the man again, he has already started to eat.

"Lu Mu, that one is mushy and can't be eaten."

"I can't die."

Lu Mu replied without raising his head.

Yu Xiaowan moved her mouth, and swallowed the words she wanted to remind again.

Bowing his head and sipping the noodles in the bowl, he always felt that it was not as delicious as expected.

After dinner, Lu Mu lit up the fire, and the temperature in the room slowly rose.

Lu Mu moved his quilt to the single bed, left two quilts for Yu Xiaowan, and only took one for himself.

Yu Xiaowan wanted to remind him that it was cold at night, and he was sick again, if he didn't cover himself with a quilt, he would catch a serious cold.

But seeing Lu Mu's appearance, he didn't say the reminder in the end.

The next day, Lu Mu went out after breakfast, and the medicine on the table was gone. Yu Xiaowan guessed that the cold should be relieved after taking the medicine.

Yu Xiaowan made lunch at noon, but Lu Mu didn't come back at all.

After heating up the meal, I ate lunch alone and went out for a walk.

Almost all the factory workers live in the family courtyard of the factory, and most of these workers are outsiders like Lu Mu. At this moment, the entire family courtyard is quiet, and the doors of each house are closed.

There were snowflakes in the sky again. Compared with the light snow in the second grade of junior high school in my hometown, this snow was much bigger, and the ground became white in a short while.

Yu Xiaowan returned home, but Lu Mu still didn't come back.

He took out the half-knitted waistcoat to pass the time, and it was evening.

He heated up the lunch for lunch, and made some porridge, when there was a coughing sound outside the door...

(End of this chapter)

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