Chapter 279

Annoyance flashed across his deep eyes.

He was only worried that she would be cold, but he forgot that they hadn't slept on the heated kang for more than half a year, so they slept once and were so hot by him, it's no wonder they didn't have a sore throat.

"It should be because the sleeping kang is on fire, drink more water, and I will buy you some medicine in a while."

"Oh," Yu Xiaowan responded, touched her throat with her small hand, coughed twice, and frowned.

She still doesn't know that sleeping on the kang has this side effect.

After breakfast, Lu Mu took Yu Xiaowan to his grandparents' house as planned.

Grandpa Lu and Grandma Lu have two sons. Father Lu is the eldest. Now the old man is in his 70s and still lives alone.

In their words, live by yourself and be at ease.

Seeing Yu Xiaowan, Grandma Lu directly gave Lu Mu a palm.

"You child, how did you take care of your wife in the past six months? How did you go to the city with you, so that you starved people like this? Look at this little face and thin."

Yu Xiaowan let Grandma Lu's big wrinkled hands touch her face, saw Lu Mu's sad face, and helped him speak, "Grandma, I'm not hungry, it's because I want to lose weight, you see Have I become more beautiful?"

In the memory of the original owner, both Grandpa Lu and Grandma Lu loved her very much.

Just like the Yu family, they are really kind to her.

Back then Mother Lu disliked her and wanted to break up the marriage, it was Grandpa Lu's insistence that allowed the original owner and Lu Mu to be together.

Although the original owner was not satisfied with this marriage, from an outsider's point of view, the original owner, who is fat, lazy and useless, can find a husband like Lu Mu. It is really a blessing that he only cultivated after saving the Milky Way in his previous life.

After being in touch with Lu Mu for so long, Yu Xiaowan also felt that Lu Mu was a good husband candidate.

Grandma Lu looked at Yu Xiaowan carefully, with a loving expression on her face.

"Not to mention, my granddaughter-in-law is getting more and more beautiful, isn't she, Amu? Grandma didn't lie to you, did she?"


Lu Mu was on the sidelines doing good, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Yu Xiaowan found that Lu Mu completely changed his state in front of Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu, unlike in front of the Lu family, who seemed very casual, but with a hint of strict caution.

"Let's talk in the room, isn't it cold?" Grandpa Lu reminded.

Grandma Lu took Yu Xiaowan with one hand and Lu Mu with the other when she left the house.

"Grandpa, grandma, this is a gift from Lu Mu and me."

Yu Xiaowan took out the gift she had prepared in advance.

Grandpa Lu is a woolen waistcoat, and Grandma Lu is a woolen scarf and a woolen hat.

When I saw these things, I didn't need to ask Lu Mu to know that they were driven out by Yu Xiaowan after setting up a stall again.

His eyes couldn't help falling on her little hands with chilblains and some swelling.

"I know how to put powder on his face. That brat gave it to me? That brat knows how to buy wine for his grandfather, but never bought me a gift. Did Xiaowan weave it?"

Grandma Lu was very happy with her woolen hat and scarf.

Grandpa Lu also compared his waistcoat with his waistcoat, "We don't want to wear this, the cotton waistcoat made by your grandma is very warm, Xiaowan, don't be so troublesome next time."

"No trouble, you can wait for the spring to warm up, and then wear it after taking off your cotton coat."

"Grandpa, your blood pressure is unstable. The doctor asked you to quit drinking. It was my idea. I won't buy you alcohol this year." Lu Mu said aside.

Grandpa Lu didn't say anything, but the two humming sounds showed his attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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