Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1444 Your Mom Had Her Difficulties Back then

Chapter 1444 Your Mom Had Her Difficulties Back then
Lu Jiaxin had never been in contact with Mr. Lu of Stanislav, but thinking of that Xu Siman, Lu Jiaxin had already put a small label on this aunt whom she had never met.

Last night, Li Wei heard what Xu Siman and Lu Mu said, and told Lu Jiaxin exactly what he said, and she was so angry that she stayed up half the night.


Lu Mu was very surprised when he received the call from Lu Wei. He never expected that his elder brother, who was obedient to his mother since he was a child, would have such a day.

He knew his mother well. If his elder brother hadn't used some tough methods, his mother would never have left Jin City at this time.

The couple packed up and drove directly to the bus station.

Lu's mother was still angry, seeing the disgust on the faces of Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan.

"Didn't you say that you were scared enough yesterday? Why are you still running around? Go back quickly, don't be an eyesore to me."

After Lu Mu finished speaking, he looked at Yu Xiaowan again, taking a serious look up and down.

Yu Xiaowan had the illusion that she hadn't seen Lu's mother look at her so seriously since she came to Jin City.

Sure enough, the next moment Mother Lu was even more disgusted.

"The days are getting better now, are you still hungry every day? Why are you starving yourself like this? It's not as chubby as before. With your body, when can you add another baby to our Lu family? It's okay. From time to time, I will go home twice more to learn from your sister-in-law, which one of these two is not strong and solid?"

The home that Mother Lu mentioned was the family courtyard where Lu Wei and the others lived. In Mother Lu's eyes, home was where her son was.

Seeing Mother Lu's awkward look, Yu Xiaowan suppressed a smile, and suddenly felt that the old lady wasn't so annoying anymore.

He nodded, "I see."

Mother Lu was quite satisfied with Xiao Wan's attitude, so she looked away.

Lu Mu stepped forward, took out a thick envelope from his pocket and stuffed it into Mother Lu's hand, "You bring this to Dad."

Mother Lu knew what was inside just touching the envelope, looked at Lu Mu with complicated eyes, and said in a low voice after a while, "Your mother also had her difficulties back then."

After that, he didn't say anything, turned around and got into the car.

This trip was accompanied by Li Ying. Originally, he wanted Lu Wei to send Lu's mother back to his hometown. By the way, Zhuang Zhuang completed the transfer procedures and brought the child here.

It's just that the Xingwangzhuang project has just been won, and there are still many things in the company, and he can't leave for a while, so Li Ying made a trip, and brought Xiaolonglong back to show some old people.

After sending off Mother Lu and Li Ying, Lu Mu didn't go home, but greeted his eldest brother Lu Wei and Li Wei, "Are you all busy today? If you have nothing to do, let's find a place. I have something to talk to you later. discuss."

Lu Mu is not a procrastination person, since He Yu Xiaowan decided to give up here, some things can be done.

And he really didn't want to have any more contact with that woman Xu Siman.



In the quiet teahouse, the fragrance of tea overflows.

Before Lu Mu could finish speaking, Lu Wei interrupted him.

"The company can't live without you. I can only serve as your deputy. If you don't want to contact Stanis, at worst, I will deal with Stanis in the future, and you have to check other projects of the company. "

Lu Mu knew this would be the result, but he didn't change his mind because of Lu Wei's attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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