Autumn of the 17th year of Chongzhen

Chapter 658 Affecting Nanyang

Chapter 658 Affecting Nanyang
Wang Yan borrowed with one hand and gave benefits with the other, and the interests of these firms gradually became entangled and inseparable.

After discussing these matters, most of the merchants left. Wang Yan left Feng Yingchang to chat with several high-ranking maritime merchants to learn about the development of maritime trade and the problems of maritime trade during his absence in Guangzhou.

Several people moved to the small hall and sat down. The servants prepared melon and fruit refreshments, and Wang Yan asked, "Mr. Feng, how is Jinghai's trade in Nanyang doing this year?"

Feng Yingchang replied: "Don't worry, Your Highness, the company now has a hundred seagoing ships, traveling between countries in the South Seas, everything is relatively smooth."

"Smooth?" Wang Yan couldn't help asking after hearing this, "But what's the trouble?"

Since he was representing the interests of Guangnan merchants and great gentry, Wang Yan naturally had to understand the difficulties faced by maritime merchants and try his best to solve them. Otherwise, if he just took money and did nothing, who would support him?

Feng Yingchang didn't speak, and the head of the Four Seas Tour said: "Your Highness, the company is in Nanyang, but there are some troubles."

The Four Seas Shop is one of the family businesses of the Chen family in Guangnan. They have produced two Jinshi in this dynasty. The person present today is not an ordinary shopkeeper, but Chen Jinyu, the head of the Chen family.

When Wang Yan heard him speak, he straightened his body and asked, "I don't know what troubles are there?"

Chen Jinyu said: "Reporting to Your Highness, in the land of Nanyang, since the eunuch Sanbao went to the West, the imperial court imposed a sea ban, and there has been very little contact with the imperial court. Now that the imperial court opens the sea, a large number of seagoing ships from our dynasty have poured into Nanyang, but because the government has not communicated with other countries. , we have a lot of inconvenience when dealing with the locals.”

Wang Yan didn't understand: "Can Mr. Chen give you a specific example?"

Chen Jinyu and a few people glanced at it, but Feng Yingchang explained on his behalf: "Your Highness, several of our companies also have experience with what Mr. Chen said. We transport the goods to Pahang, Malacca, Champa, etc., and the local Fanbang Unlike my language and culture, the influence of the Ming Dynasty is already very weak, and it is often subject to many constraints, and even exploited by officials, but the red-haired barbarians can prevail here, and various transaction procedures are often much simpler than ours. They don’t dare to exploit them either. The reason for this difference, we think, is because the red-haired barbarians are powerful in Nanyang, so the countries dare not provoke them, so they give them convenience, while ours is because the imperial court’s influence in Nanyang has weakened. will be constrained."

Wang Yan frowned slightly. After listening, he could probably understand what was going on, that is, the maritime merchants arrived in Nanyang, but the power of the imperial court did not arrive, and the diplomacy did not keep up.

This is not surprising, the Central Plains dynasty called China the world, and the other four corners and corners were wild and rotten land, and they didn't care much.

But the imperial court didn't care, but Wang Yan couldn't help it. If it affected the interests of the sea merchants, it would affect his pocketbook, so he couldn't ignore it.

Just how to exert influence is a problem.

Originally, these small states around China were collectively worshiping China and flattering China, admiring Chinese culture, and coming to Korea by themselves, China didn’t need to do anything at all, and its influence could spread, but now as the red-haired barbarians roam the world, the situation seems to be different Something has changed.

Wang Yan pondered for a while, how can he influence Nanyang again, my majestic great country, China, can't send envoys there by itself.Even if Wang Yan could let go of his airs, the ministers in the court would not agree.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Yan had an idea, and said with a smile: "Listening to what Feng Lao said, the Nanyang countries gave the Hongyi convenience because they were afraid of the Hongyi, so I asked the navy to travel in Nanyang. I don't know how many people think how?"

His actions are very threatening and intimidating. It is domineering, not kingly, but it is not in line with the Confucian concept of benevolence and righteousness to govern the world. However, several sea merchants' eyes lit up when they heard this, and they all saluted, "So, I will thank you Pass Your Highness."

Wang Yan raised his hand to tell them not to be too polite, and then said with a smile: "Your business is easy to do, and the court will pay more taxes. There is nothing to thank."

After several people sat down, Wang Yan asked again: "Everyone is at sea, if you have any problems, you can tell them together."

Feng Yingchang and the others looked at each other again. They were right to support Wang Yan. Feng Yingchang used to be a salt merchant in Yangzhou, and he sent out a lot of money every year. Wang Yan was heartbroken like this.

The maritime merchants in Guangnan are also deeply touched. Even the rich gentry like the Chen family have to spend money to buy peace and manage the relationship thoroughly so that the government will not take the opportunity to investigate you. This family is really the only one that solves problems.

After everyone gathered their thoughts, it was still Feng Yingchang who said: "Your Highness, if there is any problem, then only the red-haired barbarians at sea."

Chen Jinyu also added: "Yes, Hongmaoyi is called trade at sea, but it is actually a robbery. This year, three ships of the Four Seas Company fell into the hands of Hongmaoyi. Now when we go to sea, many companies travel in groups. Moreover, the waterways leading to Tianzhu in the west of Pahang and Srivijaya are also controlled by them, and the ships of the company dare not leave at all, otherwise the benefits of maritime trade will at least be multiplied several times."

In the first half of the year, when the Dutch invaded Guangdong, Wang Yan wanted to cooperate with Zheng Chenggong to attack the Netherlands and recover Dayuan and other places. Has never acted.

Seeing Wang Yan frowned, Feng Yingchang asked, "Didn't Your Highness plan to attack Hong Maoyi before? Did he change his mind?"

Wang Yan shook his head, "You can rest assured that the red-haired Yigu will definitely be driven out of the South China Sea, but at this time, although the Navy's imitation warships have launched five ships, it will take some time before they can form combat power. And during this time, you all need to be patient.”

Everyone was a little disappointed when they heard it, but they also understood it very well. After all, to a larger extent, this is also considered a national war. It is a big event and cannot be hasty.

Seeing how many people were like this, Wang Yan murmured slightly: "For the time being, the navy can't fight the Hongmaoyi, but the defense of the merchant ships must be strengthened. Gu can bypass the imperial court. In the name of the governors of the five provinces, I will give you a coastal defense regiment training The title allows merchant ships to be equipped with artillery, but the number of each ship must be registered in the register, and it cannot exceed the configuration of the navy No. [-] Fuchuan."

Several people were stunned when they heard the words, the people of Ming Dynasty couldn't help their swords, so the sailors on the merchant ships were all equipped with weapons, but swords couldn't reach the enemy at sea, if they had firearms, it would be a bit worse against red-haired barbarians, but against ordinary pirates But there is no problem, and he can even look down on the navy of the Nanyang countries.

Several people were overjoyed immediately, and were about to thank them, when a person broke in, it was Yu Taichu from Nanzhen Fusi.

He walked in dressed in Jin Yiwei, startling them all, until he walked to Wang Yan's side, they came back to their senses.

"Your Highness, information from the north."

Wang Yan took it from him suspiciously, glanced at it a few times, his expression immediately changed, he stood up, and hurriedly said: "That's it for today, I'll have a detailed discussion with you guys some other day."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and said to the guard behind him, "Let's go to the governor's office."

 Thank you abcde4869 for the one thousand book coins, thank you Jinye for your reward, thank you Kansai brother, hatuha, come on Jinye’s monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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