Autumn of the 17th year of Chongzhen

Chapter 578 Great defeat, congratulations to the leader

Chapter 578 Great defeat, congratulations to the leader
The old man next to Niu Lu is also Man Dahai. He can bend his bow and shoot big birds, and he can touch fish and shrimps in the river. Continue to rush towards his banner.

At this time, the shouts of killing from the south had already rushed straight to Xiaohan, and the rout of soldiers from the south swept in, instantly causing the main formation, which was already facing collapse, to be in chaos.

The mudlegs roared excitedly, and their voices temporarily covered all the sounds on the battlefield. The soldiers of the Ming army in the wilderness realized that the dawn of victory was just around the corner. Inspired by this, their morale skyrocketed.

Under the attacks from the east, south, and west, the morale of the army was shaken, and the Qing soldiers who had no intention of fighting couldn't hold on and fled one after another.

Man Dahai was shocked, he knew that this time it was really a load, 5 people were destroyed, and it would even implicate the entire battle of Chu and Jiangxi.

He didn't want to go, he and Dazhu couldn't take half a step back, but under the current situation, he had already failed.Man Dahai wasn't indecisive, he was just unwilling. He felt that [-]% of the battle was controlled by God, but he didn't want to come up with an odd number.

This is also God's will, but the Eight Banners and him can't break it here. The stability of the Qing Dynasty and the world requires them to work for decades. As for the green battalion soldiers who are entangled, it depends on their own fortune.

"Let's retreat!" Man Dahai quickly adjusted his mood, but this defeat, he was really not reconciled, he was defeated in the field battle, what face did he have to see the elders of Manchuria.

After hearing the order, all the Qing generals felt relieved when they saw the festering battle formation and the Ming army that was about to kill them. Before Man Dahai could finish his sentence, they clamped their horses tightly and prepared to flee.

After all, cavalry is Manren's strong point. In the wilderness, if they want to leave, they still have a great hope of escaping.

At this time, Man Dahai also pulled the rein, ready to ride his horse and retreat, but he couldn't help but look back resentfully, the mud legs that caused his mistake glanced, and this look was a disaster.

In the distance, Li Yuanyin and others saw a group of Qing generals preparing to retreat under the banner of the big banner, and immediately galloped while drawing their bows and arrows, and a dozen arrows went straight to the most coquettish Mandahai under the banner.

The left and right Qing soldiers were busy retreating, but when Man Dahai turned his head, he was half a beat slower than others. There were more than ten cold lights in his eyes. The arrow hit, and everyone and Ma Qiqi fell to the ground.

The Manchus are good at riding and shooting, but there are also some Han Chinese who are unparalleled in riding and shooting.

The faces of all the Qing soldiers changed greatly in horror, and they hurriedly carried Man Dahai onto the horse, turned around and ran away before pulling out the flag, Li Yuanyin charged over, cut off the flagpole with a knife, and the big banner fell to the ground with a loud crash.

Once the banner fell, it meant that the battle was defeated. The army was placed on the battlefield, relying entirely on flags and drums. The cavalry of the Qing army in the distance thought that Lord Baylor and the generals of the Chinese army had been taken over by the Ming army. lose.

The Qing army, which was still fighting on the battlefield and had already fled, suddenly fell into despair. Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were driven northward by the Ming army in three directions without any rules.

The infantry and cavalry were mixed together and fled north one after another. The Ming army from all walks of life followed closely behind and launched a merciless pursuit of the fleeing enemies.

The smarter Qing soldiers realized after running for a while, taking advantage of the failure of the Ming army to encircle them, they ran diagonally to the east. Those birds running in a straight line, tens of thousands of horses, were all driven into Poyang Lake, and nearly [-] were drowned. The rest knelt down and begged to surrender.

The battlefield gradually quieted down, and the [-] Qing troops, who were arrogant and arrogant, entered the Jiangxi region, collapsed and disappeared under the siege of the Jiangxi Ming army.

On the battlefield with a radius of tens of miles, the soldiers of the Ming army looked around, with broken knives and broken guns, scattered throughout the battlefield, half-rolled flags, wildfire smoke, horses screaming, and tens of thousands of dead bodies.

The cheers stretched from the edge of Poyang Lake to the entire Yuzhang Plain. The soldiers shouted presumptuously, waved their weapons vigorously, shouted like venting, and waved their swords selflessly.

"Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng ~" A long gun was lifted into the sky, put down and raised again, and the soldiers shouted their throats, unconsciously.

In this battle, the Jiangxi Ming Army defeated the Jiangxi Qing Army in one fell swoop, and sounded the horn of reversal for the decadent Eastern Front War. Its impact will be immeasurable. A mighty army that was enough to make Man Qing look at him.

The infantry of the Ming army was cheering and clearing the battlefield among the corpses on the battlefield, but the cavalry of the Ming army did not stop their pursuit.

Man Dahai was guarded by a group of Qing generals, and he ran for more than 60 miles at a stretch. The horse couldn't run, so he found a place to rest and heal his injuries.

Zhong Qing quickly took down the manda sea and laid it flat under the shade of the tree. A group of flies that smelled the stench immediately buzzed over to give birth as if they had seen feces.

General Qing hurriedly waved the flies away, then broke off the shaft of the arrow, then cut off the armor and silk inner robe, and saw that Man Dahai's waist and chest were bloody and bloody, and the arrows shot extremely deep. With the help of medical treatment, with Man Dahai's strong body, he might be able to recover, but the bumpy road, the blood was gone, and the injury was so serious that Hua Tuo would not be able to save him even if he was alive.

Man Dahai has fallen into a coma along the way, and all the generals are veterans of the battlefield. Most of them know that Man Dahai probably will not survive, and they can't help but look like dead mothers. Death, still Lord Baylor, they can't escape the responsibility.

At this moment, they could only clean up Man Dahai's wound first, and then bandage it up, hoping that he could make it to Nanjing. After all, the situation is quite different between dying in Nanjing and dying now.

A group of people tried their best and tried their best to save Man Dahai's life, but at this moment, a burst of roaring hooves suddenly came.

At first, everyone thought it was the cavalry of the two red flags. After all, the Qing army was defeated so badly that they all ran away. It is very common to meet rout soldiers here, but when they got closer, their faces turned pale with shock. It was actually the Ming army cavalry chasing them. kill it.

According to the art of war, the poor should not chase. Firstly, they are afraid of falling into ambush, and secondly, they are afraid that the rabbit will bite people in a hurry and cause unnecessary damage. However, the Ming army who pursued them obviously did not follow the rules and did not follow the routine.

It was Li Yuanyin who was chasing after him. He saw Manda hit an arrow in the sea with his own eyes. Nali was willing to let go of this opportunity and led dozens of cavalry in pursuit all the way, killing several waves of stragglers along the way. On the back is the head of a Qing army full of money rat tails.

These heads are also easy to carry, three together, once the braids are tied, and once hung on the saddle, it will not affect the movement at all.

The generals of the Qing Dynasty were already defeated, but when they looked at the hanging head, they immediately became terrified. The timid ones would even be scared to death.

Li Yuanyin and his party beat their horses and chased them fiercely, and they shot each other with Qingqi from time to time. After chasing for five miles, one person was shot dead, and Man Dahai, who was caught in front of the horse, also fell to the ground.

He was already seriously injured, but when he fell, he belched immediately. Li Yuanyin galloped over, jumped off his horse, turned the corpse over and laughed wildly. After a while, he drew a knife and cut off the head, and picked it up with a spear .

After a while, there was loud hoofbeats on the road, and another group of Ming army cavalry chased after them. Immediately, they were also covered with heads. The person who came was Wang Deren. He saw the head raised by Li Yuanyin's gun at a glance, "Whose head is this?" "The head of Mandahai." Li Yuanyin replied.Wang Deren's face was filled with pity.

(Thanks to fwx88 for the [-] book coins, thanks to the descendants of Ziye Saburo for the [-] book coins, thanks to the reward on the fence, and thanks to gdrthg, the monthly ticket of great fortune)
(End of this chapter)

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