Chapter 223

"That...that's different!" Rong Ningrui couldn't talk to him, so he could only play a scoundrel.

Xia Mu smiled, leaned forward and hugged the shameless little wild cat into his arms, "Why is it different?"

Damn, I don't know how to pity her, but I know how to bully her, and every time I have to force her to be speechless.

Miss Rong was very angry, and the consequences were serious, "Who asked you to hug me? You sleep in the guest room!"

"Don't go!" Xia Mu refused to let go, and hugged her even tighter, "Don't you want to get pregnant? Without my efforts to sow seeds, how can you conceive alone?"

"You..." Rong Ningrui was once again at a loss for words by him, she still wanted to be mad and playful, and someone who was impatient had already started to pull the clothes on her body.

Rong Ningrui was still angry, she didn't want to cooperate at first, but helplessly, her sensitive body couldn't withstand his increasingly proficient teasing.After some fighting, the two hungry bodies were tightly entangled together...

Newlyweds, every night is sweet.

A month later, Rong Ningrui, who was eager to have a child, did not wait for the baby, but the aunt who came to torment her every month.

"What's the problem? Should I ask a doctor to prescribe some medicine..." Rong Ningrui was so bored that she couldn't make out because she was inconvenient, and her heart became more and more entangled.

"How can you be like this? It's only been a month, and you're starting to worry that you won't be able to give birth?"

"Who said it must be my problem? Maybe it's you who can't do it!" Rong Ningrui who is married is still so heartless, can the word 'no' be said casually?

"I can't?!" Xia Mu was angry, and didn't bring it up in one breath, almost choking.

"Otherwise? If you don't get pregnant after working hard every day, you can't escape the responsibility!"

This... What is the reason for this?Who said that every day that... what, she would definitely be able to conceive?

"You're just too nervous! Pregnancy should go with the flow, the more you want it, the more you won't be able to conceive it!" Xia Mu, who hasn't enjoyed the two-person world enough, is obviously not on the same level as his wife. Yes, his mentality is... happy if he has it, and he will be disappointed if he doesn't!

" hit me!" Rong Ningrui was anxious and angry, waving her paws desperately to play.

"Okay, okay, if you don't have us, keep working hard, and you will get pregnant one day." Xia Mu is really afraid of her, and if she continues to toss about like this, she will definitely scratch her face.

After being hugged and coaxed by her husband with soft words for a while, Rong Ningrui finally settled down.She curled up into a soft ball, nestled in his arms and acted like a baby, "It's easy for other people to get pregnant, but why it's so twists and turns when it comes to me, it's so annoying."

"That's all you want to have a baby?"

"Of course you want to, don't you?"

"Frankly speaking, I don't really think about it yet." As soon as Xia Mu said this, she immediately pinched her arm twice, causing him to frown in pain.

"It's fun to have a child of our own, why don't you want to?" Rong Ningrui was hit hard, she was so anxious, but he didn't care.

"Isn't it good for a two-person world? If you have a child, half of your love will be given to him. I can't bear it."

"What kind of logic is this? A child is a child, and you are you. What's the point of arguing?" This time, it was Rong Ningrui's turn to be speechless. Competing and jealous with her own child is really childish!
"The child is a piece of meat that fell from you. Your feelings for him must be the most special. How could I win over him?" Hearing the sour tone, there was no sign of the child, and someone knocked him over. A jar of vinegar.

"Hey, you didn't secretly do something behind my back, did you?" What he said reminded Rong Ningrui, could it be human-made that he didn't get pregnant after working so hard?
"Do I look like such a boring person?" Xia Mu asked with a smile.

Rong Ningrui frowned seriously, and threatened half-truthfully, "It's not the best thing, I warn you, if you dare to secretly do any messy surgery behind my back, I'll divorce you immediately!"

This really scary.

In the second month, the sweetness was still the same, the hard work was the same, but the result... was the same, still not pregnant.

This time, instead of complaining to her husband, Rong Ningrui went directly to her mother-in-law for help.

"Mom, tell me... Do you want Mu Mu and I to see a doctor?" Rong Ningrui was almost crying.

"It's not that serious. It's two months, not two years. Don't worry too much, let nature take its course, and you'll get pregnant." Although Xia Xiaomo grew up watching her daughter-in-law grow up, Xia Xiaomo was still a little shocked. Come on, this kid, is he too impatient!

"I'm anxious! I can't conceive after working so hard, I'm worried that I won't be able to conceive." Rong Ningrui now looks like a pitiful little grieving woman.

"Bah, bah, bah! Spit out and say it again! You are still young and in good health, how could you not be able to give birth!"

"But... Mom was hit with one blow twice, why... I can't?"

Uh, this kind of thing please... there is no comparison!

Xia Xiaomo, who was over forty years old, blushed uselessly. It was too embarrassing to be told by her daughter-in-law that she hit with one blow.

After a little relief, Xia Xiaomo suddenly said with emotion: "Actually, pregnancy is also a matter of fate. You think about it every day, but you won't be able to conceive. When you stop thinking about it, say Maybe he will come."

"Is that true?" Rong Ningrui was dubious.

"Give it a try, don't think about pregnancy for the next month, maybe there will be surprises."

Well, don't worry, who wouldn't, just pretend it's nothing, what should I do.

For the next month, Rong Ningrui forgot all the precautions taught in the book, ate and drank according to his own preferences, and no longer wanted to go to bed early and get up early, and occasionally went to the bar for a drink What.

Seeing that a month has passed, she no longer counts her menstrual period nervously, but feels that she seems to eat more recently, as if she can't eat enough, and she wants to sleep at night, even between husband and wife. Things are not interesting.

At this time, she didn't know that the little bean sprout had sprouted in her stomach.

The weather was getting colder and colder, Rong Ningrui went to bed earlier and earlier, the hour hand had just pointed to the 8 position, and she had already started yawning.

After a few days of careful observation, Xia Mu probably had the bottom line in her heart, and immediately called the hospital to make an appointment for tomorrow's examination.

The next day was a fine day, the sun was shining brightly.

It was already dawn, and Rong Ningrui, who had become pregnant but didn't know it, was still lying in bed.

"Rui Rui, it's time to get up." Her husband gently whispered in her ear.

"Go away! I'm so sleepy..." Miss Rong was a willful master, and suddenly there was a piece of meat in her stomach, so you can imagine how unruly her temper is.

(End of this chapter)

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