Chapter 128

Naturally, Shu Xiaoyan knew where her mother's culprit was, so she immediately leaned forward and pulled her arm coquettishly: "Mom, let me leave the hospital, I want to eat your stewed pig's feet."

"I can prepare it and send it to you." Mother Shu still wanted to try to struggle.

"I can't eat anything in this ghostly place!" Shu Xiaoyan's mind was spinning fast, while she said, she felt uncomfortable, pretending to be nauseous.

Rong Shaojue, who was full of nervousness, didn't see any fraud, he hurried over to support her, and asked with concern: "What's the matter, is there something uncomfortable?"

"Husband, the smell here is so strange, shall we go home?" Shu Xiaoyan acted like a baby to her husband as if the other people present did not exist.

"You've only been awake for less than an hour..."

"I was scared by you. Now that you have come back safe and sound, why do you force me to be hospitalized?" Shu Xiaoyan has already made up her mind to leave the hospital, and she doesn't care about her image.

"Brother, I think my sister-in-law is in good spirits, so you can promise her, if you are really worried, you can let the doctor follow her." Ning Ke, who has received a lot of favors from her sister-in-law, obediently stepped forward to help her.

Rong Shaojue was still hesitating, but Shu Xiaoyan suddenly broke away from his hand and went into the bathroom, and then, there was a burst of retching that was hard to distinguish between real and fake.

"Xiaoqi, go through the discharge procedures." The little fool has firmly grasped his weakness, and Rong Shaojue calmly realized that from now on, he has basically lost the right to make decisions.

Shu Xiaoyan, who finally got her wish, immediately stopped 'retching', pretended to rinse her mouth and left the bathroom.

"Just say it's uncomfortable, don't hold back, you know?" Rong Shaojue has already noticed that she is pretending to be uncomfortable to put pressure on him. Even so, he still has the mentality of preferring to believe in something, not to believe in nothing, as long as she frowns , he will obediently be led by her nose.

"I know, I won't make fun of my body." Shu Xiaoyan deeply felt his nervousness and concern, and didn't dare to be too complacent, and sometimes she still had to give him some sweetness.

It was getting dark when the group left the hospital because they wanted to hear a doctor explain the precautions in the early stages of pregnancy. Ning Ke, who was nervous for a long time, was exhausted, so he greeted his eldest brother and sister-in-law and left first.

Shu Xiaoyan originally thought that Gu Yanzhe would leave with Ning Ke, but when she turned around, she found that he was still there. Judging by his expression, she seemed to have something to say.

"It's getting late, aren't you going back?" Shu Xiaoyan couldn't hide her words in her heart, if Gu Yanzhe really had something to say, she might as well ask her.

"Sister-in-law, do you want me to bring Rui Rui back..."

"Why?" Shu Xiaoyan excitedly interrupted Gu Yanzhe's cautious suggestion, and then gave Rong Shaojue a puzzled and astonished look, as if this sentence was meant for him.

Gu Yanzhe was worried and didn't know how to answer, Rui Rui, who had been carefully observing the development of the situation, suddenly said excitedly: "You don't want Rui Rui anymore?"

Shu Xiaoyan quickly squatted down, holding Rui Rui's tender face carefully: "It's nothing, how could Mommy not want you!"

"No, why did you send me to my second uncle's house?" It seems that Rui Rui's sensitivity is more serious than the adults imagined.

"Second Uncle just asked casually, haven't you been clamoring to spend the night at Second Uncle's house lately?" Luckily, Shaojue Rong reacted quickly enough to think of a reasonable explanation.

"That's different. Before my second uncle's family had Mu Mu and Xiao Lanlan as companions, Rui Rui wanted to play with them. Now that I have my own younger siblings, I want to play with them. Of course, I don't have to go Second uncle's home." Rui Rui retorted eloquently.

"Brother and sister are still very young, so I don't need you to accompany them." Rong Shaojue was dumbfounded by the child's miraculous thinking, but he still patiently explained to her, but his subtle explanation gave the sensitive Rui Rui a different feeling. Some understanding...

"Mommy, Dad doesn't want Rui Rui anymore." The smart Rui Rui knew very well that the decision-making power of their family was now up to Mommy, so she decisively rushed forward to act like a spoiled child.

"Don't pay attention to him, Mommy wants you." Shu Xiaoyan simply picked up Rui Rui and walked ahead with big strides.

"It seems that I don't need to stay anymore." Gu Yanzhe shrugged helplessly, greeted him casually, and went directly to the parking lot.

Gu Yanzhe also left, but there was an outsider who was not considered an outsider in front of him. Seeing her daughter holding Rui Rui and striding ahead, leaving her husband aside, Mother Shu hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her son-in-law. Jue, this child Yanyan is capricious, don't take it to heart."

"It's okay, she didn't do anything wrong, I was too nervous." Rong Shaojue smiled softly, his heart was relieved, there are so many pregnant women in this world, they still go out to work, and they still laugh and play with children , how could he drive Rui Rui away from her because of those inexplicable worries.

"Would you like me to go back with you, help persuade her, and cook her something delicious by the way." Mother Shu kindly suggested.

"It's okay, she was snarky in the first place, and now that she is pregnant, she will definitely be more picky." Rong Shaojue didn't refuse, he could coax the little fool into getting angry, but her mother-in-law had a better way of stalking her.

Rong Shaojue and his mother-in-law quickly caught up with Shu Xiaoyan who was holding Rui Rui and was having a temper, "Rui Rui, Mommy is tired, come here and let Dad hug her."

"I'm not tired." Shu Xiaoyan was still angry, her tone was very blunt.

However, her good daughter is very sensible and conscientious, and threw herself into her father's arms: "Dad, don't send Rui Rui to the second uncle's house, okay?"

"Okay, no." Rong Shaojue answered a little absent-mindedly, because his attention was on the sulking child's mother, "Honey, are you hungry, do you want to buy some dessert first?"

"No, the doctor said that eating too much sweets is not good for the baby." Shu Xiaoyan resolutely refused, but not because she was still angry with him, but because she was always thinking about the doctor's advice.

"Then is there anything you particularly want to eat?" Rong Shaojue still didn't give up, and asked cautiously as he approached him.

"No, I just want to go home and eat a plate of egg fried rice!" Shu Xiaoyan glared at him angrily, and was speechless at his excessive nervousness.

"Didn't you just say you want to eat stewed pig's feet, why did you change your mind?" Mother Shu finally got the chance to interrupt.

"It takes a long time to wait for stewed pig's knuckles, but fried rice with eggs is faster." Shu Xiaoyan answered as a matter of course.

"Does that mean you have to eat both?" Shu's mother was no less nervous than her son-in-law.

Shu Xiaoyan got angry, turned around and stopped in front of her mother and husband, with her hips akimbo angrily: "Can't you treat me like an ordinary person?"

(End of this chapter)

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