Chapter 719
Li Shang hugged Nangong Xueling into his arms, and smiled dotingly: "I love you too." This woman, the woman he loves deeply.

The moment he saw her rushing towards him, his heart was replaced by sweetness, and the feeling of happiness flowed quietly.

Hearing her say that she loved him, my heart became satisfied.

Nangong Xueling raised her head, her vivid and moist eyes were fixed on Li Shang: "Li Shang, I have something to tell you, don't interrupt."

"Okay." Li Shang smiled softly, although he didn't know what she was going to say, but he still respected her.

The people around were far away from the two of them, they couldn't hear what they said, and they didn't go to see them. They left this independent space for the two newcomers, and they gave them time to get along.

Nangong Xueling looked at Li Shang with fixed eyes, and said in a deep voice: "You know that I am not from this world, and I do not belong here. As for why I came here, I am also very strange. When I was in When I was shot a few times in modern times and fell into the sea, I already thought that I was definitely dead this time. It’s just that I didn’t expect that when I opened my eyes, what I saw was Yue Yexie and this strange world.”

"Everything here makes me feel strange, makes me hesitate, makes me feel helpless, makes me feel lonely, but I can't tell anyone, I have to pretend to be strong alone, this is the best way for me to protect myself way, so that no one can see through me, then no one will be able to hurt me."

"After coming to Tianchen, I met Lan Zihan, met you, and made friends with you, which made me feel the warmth of my friends, and also made me feel that I can have a little place to live in this world. Later, I learned about Lan Zihan I am a person in the same world as me, and my lonely and helpless heart is relieved. It turns out that I am not alone. It turns out that you have always been by my side, so I have nothing to be afraid of. "The corners of Nangong Xueling's lips curled up.

"When you confessed your heart to me, my heart was flustered and complicated, because I didn't understand my own heart, and I never looked at it seriously, so how could I understand it. When you The moment I fell off the cliff, I suddenly realized that you have already penetrated into my heart and occupied a very important position, which no one can replace or erase."

"I know that you have always been unable to see my heart clearly, who I like, and who my heart is filled with. So you keep your usual relationship with me unscrupulously every day, and continue to tease and play with me in life. It is the best way for us to get along. Maybe, once we get serious, our relationship will be changed."

"When you fell into the cliff and saw you again, you don't know how complicated my mood is. I fell from heaven to hell, and then from hell to heaven, so many times, it almost brought me to the brink of collapse. .”

Li Shang's mouth moved, but he didn't speak after all, and listened carefully to what Xue Ling said.

Today, she is very serious, there is no trace of joking or exaggeration on her face, she is more serious than ever.

You Nangong Xueling shook his head: "For Yue Yexie, I have never liked it. Maybe it is something that made you feel the illusion, so now it makes you worry about gains and losses. Even if we are together, you are always afraid of losing me, always She smiled on the surface, but in her heart she was silently worried and afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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