The Buddhist way of chasing wives of e-sports bosses

Chapter 351 Eyebrows are deep, like mountains and rivers

Chapter 351 Eyebrows are deep, like mountains and rivers (dog food special)

Shen Bai took another puff of the cigarette, then let out a little bit of smoke with his head down.

Turning his head to the left, he looked at Cheng Yiqing, who was a little dazed. The corners of his mouth were straightened, his brows were loosened, and the tenderness of the night was evident in his eyes.

Stepping on the fallen leaves on the ground, Cheng Yiqing finally came to him.

At this time, a breeze blew by, and the folds of the skirt moved slightly with the direction of the wind, and even the long black hair floated up.

The broken hair on the forehead was a little messy, Cheng Yiqing raised his hand to straighten it out, looked at Shen Bai with both eyes and asked softly, "Didn't you say to eat? Where is this?"

"This is Tin Mountain, a place I discovered when I climbed the mountain before. When I was not in a good mood, I would come here alone to sit and drink and enjoy the scenery. Later, I named this place Tin Mountain when I came a lot. Very drunk." Shen Bai put the cigarette between his fingers and put it down, looking at Cheng Yiqing who was in a trance because of the shade of the tree in front of him, he paused and looked up over her head to the distance, and returned to her in a hoarse voice. the second half of the sentence.

"That's it." Cheng Yiqing nodded thoughtfully, turned her head slightly and looked at the scene behind, leaned sideways, her eyes flickered, and she smiled lightly, "It's pretty pretty. If we knew each other earlier, I guess I I can also drink and watch the scenery with you here. Maybe I have practiced my drinking capacity at that time?"

After saying this, the last spark of the smoke between Shen Bai's fingers went out.

Throwing it on the ground, his white brows were wrinkled again, and his handsome brows looked at the shadow of the woman's profile a step away in front of him with a complex expression.

At this moment, her small nose looked very cute under the faint light.

While watching, Shen Bai took another small step forward.

At this time, Cheng Yiqing turned around completely and walked towards the outside, as if arousing some kind of memory.

Walking quickly and leaning against the railing, Cheng Yiqing let the breeze blow his hair, and couldn't help looking into the distance.

This wide field of vision really reminded her of some scenes of looking up at the sky together in the yard when she was a child.

The feeling of broad vision and ease is very similar to now.

Suddenly, Cheng Yiqing's heart moved slightly, she turned her head and looked back at him and smiled, half jokingly and half seriously looked at Shen Bai who was already close to her, and said softly, "You said that if I could meet you in the early years alright."

After finishing speaking, she hesitated to speak but lowered her eyes and quickly turned her head, holding the railing with her fingertips, and the coldness of the night pulled her back to her senses.

Shen Bai's pupils shrank slightly behind him, his eyelashes trembled, and his fingers placed sideways were a little stiff.Step forward, walk to her side, turn sideways and gaze condescendingly, without any deviation.

"Cheng Yiqing." Shen Bai's voice was deep, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, his hoarse voice was full of unspeakable pain.

Hearing the sound, he turned his head and raised his eyes to meet the deep white eyes.

It's that kind of affection again.

Cheng Yiqing's heart moved, and he blinked slightly to make sure that he read correctly.

"Cheng Yiqing." Shen Bai shouted again in a low voice.

"Huh?" Cheng Yiqing raised his head, pinned his hair behind his ear with his left hand, and held his left arm with his right hand, waiting for the man in front of him to pronounce a sentence.

Under the night, the two looked at each other under the starry sky, with a few rolls of fallen leaves drifting randomly beside them.

Shen Bai, who was full of emotion and had been unwilling to share the secret of his eyes with outsiders, completely exposed the emotions in his eyes at this moment.

That kind of deep affection and firm obsession is shocking and heart-wrenching.

The eyebrows and eyes are deep, as long as mountains and rivers.

The hopping rabbit in her heart started running wildly as if having fun.

 Everyone, remember to go to the welfare page to help this book rank. (Now fifth.)
(End of this chapter)

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