Demon change the world

Chapter 335 "Aolong Neijing", Linggen!

Chapter 335 "Aolong Neijing", Linggen!

Under the contemptuous gaze of Josephine Huska, Lin Aolong calmly explained the "Aolong Neijing" that he had made up.

Not to mention, Lin Aolong, who has already become a fourth-order powerhouse, really has the spirit of a great supernatural power.

Sitting there, everything is still changing, he is happy and calm, he is not stained with dirt, and he is not stained with vulgar appearance, like a fairy among gods.

"...This is a malicious imitation of Zhou Yun!"

The corners of Josephine Haska's eyes twitched, and the whole body was shrouded in thunder, and he couldn't hold back the fluctuating emotions in his heart.

"The spirit shares the blood, and the four images will meet in the courtyard. Take him as the reality, and point me away as yin."

"Return to dry and healthy body, go to collect medicine and seedlings. The male tiger roars in the mountains, and the female dragon sings in the sea..."

Josephine Huskar could understand every word Lin Aolong said—after all, he was also a man who exchanged Glory Points for 【Master Chinese】.

However, when these words were put together, he couldn't understand them at all!
Totally incomprehensible!

"What the hell are you talking about?"

The veins on Thunder Flash's forehead burst open, and he chewed and swallowed the rough mouth when it reached the edge of his mouth.

Because the three high-level dungeon NPCs right in front of Lin Aolong were fascinated by what they were listening to, looking like they were crazy.


Josephine Haska was silent.

Is it true that my IQ is in arrears and needs to be recharged?
The "Aolong Neijing" that Lin Aolong cobbled together was not too long, even if he tried his best to procrastinate, after ten minutes or so, he would finish the narration.

The chief scientist under the First Prince, Mo Luoluo, emitted a soft light.

The aristocrat Lao Hei and the eldest prince Pure Ran also shone.

The speed of communication between the three was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of sentences were exchanged.

Josephine Haska saw keywords such as "cultivation", "attempt", and "comprehension" through the simultaneous language translation device.

A moment later, Noble Hei got into the body converter.


The smoke and clouds are lingering, and the light and mist are transpiring.

After a while, a hunchbacked white-haired little old man came out of the converter.

This is old black.

He seemed very curious about this new perspective.

Breathe, feel the movement of air on your skin, even see the world with your naked eyes...

Everything is a novel experience.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, so he sat cross-legged on the ground with his heart turned upside down, muttering words.

What he was talking about was the so-called "Aolong Neijing".

Seeing this scene, Josephine Haska felt a little bit in her heart, and looked at Lin Aolong beside her.

Everyone is a member of the secret society of SYS, what kind of virtue is this guy, wouldn't he know?

Be it the Yanlong God or the Black Dragon Earth Immortal, the source of this person's power is simply the Suiren cells, and has nothing to do with cultivation at all!
Lin Aolong's blind comparison operation, if there is no way to get back the lie, I am afraid that the favorability of the original friendly camp will immediately drop to indifference or even hostility.

No highly intelligent being enjoys being played like a fool.


A miracle that Josephine Huskar and Lin Aolong did not expect happened!

The little old man with a stooped figure gradually straightened his back, and the age spots on his face seemed to have faded a lot, and his cloudy eyes also became clear.

Especially the white hair on his head, there are a few more black strands.

More than ten minutes later, Lao Hei, who had transformed into a human form, reluctantly changed back to his glorious human form after a series of tests with the assistance of Mo Luoluo.

The emotions of the First Prince, Chief Scientist, and Old Hei fluctuated too much, and there was too much content exchanged in an instant, Josephine Haska and Lin Aolong couldn't see anything at all.

The two just managed to capture some key words - "It has indeed become stronger", "Cultivation is true", "He has no secrets"...

Next, Mo Luoluo and First Prince Pure Ran also took the test separately.

The strengthening rate of the two is higher than that of Lao Hei.

Lin Aolong could probably feel that the ranking of the three people's cultivation talents should be Mo Luoluo's strongest, the first prince purely second, and the nobleman Lao Hei third.

Even so, it is exaggerated!

These people, through the Wuji cells, Lei Ze cells and Suiren cells, the speed of self-improvement is far inferior to these three Guangyao people...

"Could it be that people of mixed race are born with an advantage in cultivation?" Josephine Haska was at a loss.

Lin Aolong was startled, but the expression on his face was very indifferent.

"Very good, I am sure I read correctly."

He pointed at the three of them bluntly: "You all have spiritual roots and talents, and you can embark on the road of cultivating immortals!"

Spiritual root, talent, cultivation of immortals.

As soon as these three key words came out, the eldest prince responded immediately. Through the converter, he could feel that his tone was very excited: "Spiritual root? Is it the same as in "The Legend of Mortal Cultivation of Immortals"?"

"Am I a single spiritual root or a mutant spiritual root? No... no, this kind of early stage cultivation is very fast. After ascending, the five elements spiritual root is the best talent!"

"Sure enough... Haotian is the most fair existence, what you gain, you must lose..."

Hearing this, Lin Aolong shook his fingers: "What you said is the projection world of the parallel plane of the earth, and the laws there are completely inapplicable to us."

He said solemnly: "According to my preliminary calculations, Lao Hei's talent should be 0.5 MR, the eldest prince's 0.87 MR, and Mo Luoluo's talent should be 1.2 MR."

This is Lin Aolong's resentment after being hammered by someone in the fierce battle as the top ten in the first double-star qualifying competition.

All the numbers are just random nonsense from him.

Lin Aolong once heard some anecdotes from Yu Hongyi, and the digitalization of the spiritual root talent was fabricated with the help of these anecdotes.

Regardless of the process, the first contact meeting between the SYS secret society and the First Prince's family ended in the successful conclusion of an alliance agreement.

The conversation between the five people was recorded.

The fragment of Lin Aolong's narration of "Aolong's Internal Classic" was cut separately and posted on the official forums of Lianzhen World and Lord Planet OL.

Because Heilong Dixian had the top ten results in the first double-star qualifying competition, with its own topicality and popularity, this small audio file was quickly spread and became popular all over the world.


Yan Anqing watched everything happen silently.

The changes in Mo Luoluo, the aristocratic old black and the eldest prince are naturally inseparable from him.

"The seeds have been planted. I wanted to wait until it bloomed and bear fruit. It may take many years, but now..."

"With the participation of Jin Kela, Lin Aolong, it will take about... a few days to see the results."

The so-called magical secret books are just the products of Yan Anqing's casual creation.

The principle is also very simple.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. It is infinitely easier to do this level of small magic changes and open up the "road of cultivating immortals" than it was to deduce the extraordinary through thorns and thorns.

(End of this chapter)

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