Pseudo-quick wear: Emperor Zun, don't be arrogant

Chapter 587 One-month vacation time: Day 1

Chapter 587 One-month vacation time: Day 15.5

Generally speaking, when the news of the general's victory is reported back to the imperial capital, as the emperor, he will naturally start to prepare for his capable ministers to clean up the dust and reward the three armies when the soldiers come back. Let them feel that it is worthwhile to shed blood and sacrifice to defend their home and country, and secondly, it is to show an attitude of the emperor.

An attitude that will never treat meritorious ministers lightly.

Although I have never been in contact with the plane of the emperor before, Fu Li can understand the basic things just by thinking about it. The psychology of being an emperor is actually similar to that of a high-ranking person. The difference is that the emperor in ancient times was completely unrestrained , and the modern senior officials have people besides their heads, and the supervision of the people is also a constraint.

Fu Li called the maid and said a few things to reward the maid in charge. As a high-ranking person, those who are meritorious will be rewarded and those who have done wrong will be punished. This is a very safe code of conduct that will never go wrong.

Lin Bo waited until the maid who was going to announce the reward had left before speaking again: "How does His Majesty plan to deal with Rossi's matter?"

Fu Li shook her head.

"This matter is not easy to deal with. I have a few thoughts in my mind, but we have to wait until Rossi's army returns. After all, he has been away from the imperial capital for a long time, and his personality may have changed a lot."

Lin Bo nodded. He knew that what Fu Li didn't say was that knowing oneself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles, but this is not something that can be said on the bright side.

The empress can directly reject a person without leaving any room, and that person can only thank you and cannot raise any objections, but Rossi is different. Now his achievements are like a gold medal for avoiding death. Unless he rebels now, there is nothing legitimate. The reasons for Fu Li's rejection of his marriage proposal can be straightforward.

Besides, he was actually just begging for a marriage, and he didn't do anything else.

"It's unrealistic to bring General Zhenxi into the harem as the emperor's husband. If His Majesty really has no feelings for Rossi, I hope you don't make such a decision. Even if he wants to, His Majesty should think about the country and don't make such a decision." A decision that displeased the people."

Fu Li nodded.She actually thought of everything Lin Bo said, or it was because she thought of this level that she felt that Rossi's matter was so difficult.

What Rossi made is actually like a fishbone stuck in the throat, if you pull it out violently, it will hurt others and yourself, and take it out slowly, lest something else happen again.

"I'll think it through before making a decision. Do you have anything else to do today?" Although Fu Li always called Chief Longlinwei in private, and called him by name in person, but now that he's back in the palace, it's natural. You can't do whatever you want.

After all, there are still those censors in the imperial court, and the censor is the most untouchable existence of the emperors of all dynasties. Fu Li thought that she should pay more attention, otherwise, don't just stay on the empress for a month, just It's not good if the censor who provoked the empress is famous.

"I'm here to bid farewell to Your Majesty. I can't attend General Zhenxi's celebration banquet this time. A White Lotus Sect popped up out of thin air in the southwest boundary. I heard that the behavior is abnormal. There are also some secret activities recently. I have to personally Go check it out." When Lin Bo talked about this matter, there was no worry in his eyes.

Naturally, Fu Li didn't see it either: "Then you go early and come back early. If it's just a bunch of mobs, don't worry about it. Killing chickens and monkeys will be done properly."

Lin Bo smiled: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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