When salted fish enters the escape game

Chapter 175 The Path in the Forest

Chapter 175 The Path in the Forest
"No." Jiang Li said decisively.

Ji Xiaoyu was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but he heard Jiang Li add: "The school in the last dungeon can't compare with the topography and geomantic omen of this village at all."

Ji Xiaoyu: "!"

Woohoo, don't breathe too much when you speak.

She really feels scared.

Qin Du explained: "Although many schools are built on cemeteries, they are full of yin, but because there are many young people and full of energy, as long as they don't deliberately destroy them, the yin and yang will be in balance, and most of the time, they will live in peace. "

Qin Du paused, then continued: "But it's different here. This is a natural terrain, a natural and fierce place, no one can crack it, unless the mountains and forests are destroyed, and a road is created to get out. Otherwise, it will never be broken.”

To put it bluntly, it was a dead end.

There will be no room for reversal.

Fan Yuankai and Ji Xiaoyu: "..."

Such a dangerous place, if you speak in such a calm tone, it will give them the illusion that it is not scary at all.

It always feels like you are joking with us.

But their expressions and tone of voice were too calm, without a smile, and vaguely made people feel a chilling sense of horror.

It's complicated...

While speaking, the four of them had reached the end of the road, and there was a dense forest in front of them.

But this side is obviously a bit different from the outside.

From the intersection there is a small path that two people can barely pass, and it extends to the depths of the dense forest.

Because of the bad weather and the fact that the trees in the dense forest cover the sky, the view inside is not very good, and the range that can be seen is limited.

Jiang Li and Qin Du squatted down at the intersection.

"People should pass by here often."

They found some footprints on the road. Judging from the size of the footprints, they all came from adults.

The footprints are a little deep, and it should be the traces left by people who have walked here frequently all year round. The ground is as hard as a stone, and the traces will not disappear for a long time.

Qin Du looked at it carefully and said, "They are all old traces, and the latest traces should be from a month ago."

Jiang Li nodded and said, "There are no weeds on this road."

Except for this path, the two sides stretch out, and the vegetation is extremely lush.

Like the kind of place that is closed on a high mountain and no one has set foot in it for a hundred years.

Walk in, no one knows what you will encounter.

Qin Du asked Jiang Li: "It's almost lunch time, shall we go in and have a look?"

It's time for lunch...

Jiang Li only hesitated for a second and said, "I've come here, let's go in and have a look first, I don't want to go back and come back later."

At least not today.

Who made her, to a certain extent, also a senior lazy cancer patient.

Who would want to do it a second time if they can finish it once?
Are you full and too idle?

Qin Du and the others were silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's all right, let's move on."

The two got up, and Qin Du still took the lead.

Originally, Jiang Li wanted to move forward, but Qin Du was too tall, blocking her like a solid wall.

He also deliberately walked in the middle of the road.

The road was narrow, and two adults of average stature could barely pass by squeezing each other.

He occupied a path by himself.

Jiang Li couldn't squeeze through.

Unless she stepped across the lush vegetation next to her.

But she is unwilling.

Because cleanliness is serious.

(End of this chapter)

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