451 Chapter 1 I'm so sad ([-])

Huo Shuixian looked at the needles of different thicknesses arranged in a row and was already scared to death, but even if she was afraid at this time, she could only bear it, because otherwise she might really die...

He almost killed himself.

The more Huo Shuixian thought about it, the more ridiculous and sad she became, and she also decided that this time Ji Shaowei would have a better life, so she gritted her teeth and endured it!
Acupuncture does not hurt very much, because the pricks are on the acupuncture points.

Gradually, Huo Shuixian's breathing stabilized, and the tight fists were slowly loosened. The sweat on his forehead no longer protruded like water. Needle, obviously the more comfortable she became...

Finally, Li Zhuzhu's needle was finished, and he was relieved.

"Lie down for a while and rest. I'll take the needle in 10 minutes, and then I'll take you to the hospital. You won't be out of the hospital on the way. After going to the hospital, check it out carefully." Li Zhuzhu wiped the sweat from her forehead, got up and tidied herself up s things.

Lin Die and Ji Wan had no doubts about Li Zhuzhu, because they had witnessed the time she saved Mrs. Tai, and later helped Mrs. Tai feel her pulse. Although she was young, they gradually began to trust her as they trusted Ji Xiaoqing.

But the second wife and Ji Xiaonan next to her were completely shocked.

Ji Xiaonan bit her lower lip hard. Although she didn't want to believe it, she had to admit what she saw with her eyes, that is, Li Zhuzhu was really capable... The last time was not a coincidence, it was hers. ability.

But so what?It's just some Chinese medicine skills, Ji Xiaonan didn't think it was a great ability, so she swallowed her breath and didn't take it seriously.

The second wife doesn't think so anymore. She never thought it important for Li Zhuzhu to check her pulse every day. Since Ji Xiaoqing knows how to see a doctor, it's only natural that she knows how to see a doctor. She doesn't see it every day What a skill, but at this moment she saw with her own eyes a person who was obviously in pain, and now the needle in the chest didn't hurt anymore.

This Li Zhuzhu is really a capable girl!
The second wife immediately looked at Li Zhuzhu's eyes and really liked it.

"Don't go..." Seeing her packing up, Huo Shuixian sighed softly even though he was struggling.

Li Zhuzhu was a little worried about Li Xiaobai, wondering if Ji Zifei hugged Ah Chang?Shouldn't you be crying now?
But she also understood the relationship between doctors and patients, even though she knew that Huo Shuixian didn't really want her to stay, but because she had just relieved most of her pain.

Or Ji Wan understood Li Zhuzhu's uneasiness at this moment, she asked Li Zhuzhu in a low voice, "What's wrong? Are you still in the room?"

"I asked Zifei to take care of my uncle. Grandma, can you help me look at it?"

Ji Wan immediately responded, "Okay, I'll show you. You are here...be patient and watch your second aunt."

Li Zhuzhu corrected herself in her heart, it should be the second sister-in-law.

But she still nodded on her face, then sat down again, and reached out her hand to feel Huo Shuixian's pulse again.

"You really have some skills!"

Huo Shuixian calmed down a lot, because the pain was less, so her mind gradually cleared up. Seeing the gnashing of teeth that she hated before, sitting by the bed and seeing her doctor, I really can't explain the feeling in my heart strange.

(End of this chapter)

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