Mr. Nie's daily marriage

Chapter 789 New President Pei Xiao

Chapter 789 New President Pei Xiao
Besides, based on past experience, Qiao Ning was indeed no match for her.

It's just because of Lu Hongzhan's love for her that he can win again and again.

Doting on this kind of thing can't last for a long time, once it declines, it's the best time for An Lin to take advantage of it.

In a few seconds, An Lin had already figured out many things in her mind.

She exhaled slowly, with a calm smile on her face, "I have something to say to Mr. Lu."

Ten minutes later, An Lin put down the pencil and handed the sketched portrait to Lu Hongzhan.

The paper is a portrait of a small courtyard in ruins. The wall is covered with spider webs, and there are no visible buildings around. It seems that there is only her small courtyard, but because of the high wall, An Lin may not be able to see it. .

"At that time, I went out for a walk every night after finishing my dinner. At that time, it was around eight o'clock. Every time at that time, there would be faint piano sounds from the north, playing "Canon", which sounded very high-level. High, it should be played by an adult."

"In other words, there are other residents around the place where you are hiding."

An Lin hesitated, "I'm not sure if it was Pei Xiao's person, anyway, I could hear that voice every night, not far away, but because I was pregnant and someone was watching me, I didn't hear it at that time." Climb the wall to check."

Hearing this, Lu Hongzhan pondered for a while, then put away the drawing paper, with a faint smile on his lips, "Let's watch the news for a while."

After saying that, Qiao Ning turned on the TV in response. In the gentle and calm female voice, An Lin heard the words "New President Pei Xiao", and turned her head to look at the TV screen.

The TV showed the results of the general election more than ten minutes ago. After the committee announced the vote rate, the camera captured Pei Xiao's vigorous smile. He didn't look like a man in his 50s, but more like a young man with high spirits.

At this time, the uncomfortable feeling in her heart suddenly became much more intense, but she still couldn't explain why.

"As the president of a country, there must be no deviation in the way you act, otherwise, you will be easily impeached."

Lu Hongzhan's leisurely voice sounded, instantly suppressing An Lin's strange feeling.

She knew that he was reminding her that after Pei Xiao won the election, he would find an opportunity to get rid of her hidden danger. If she didn't take the initiative to attack, she would just sit and wait for death.

Her eyes were a little firmer, and she looked at Lu Hongzhan with a little eagerness, "My son's life and mine are entrusted to you, Mr. Lu."

Lu Hongzhan nodded slightly, showing a distant politeness.

She suddenly realized that Qiao Ning was still at the side, and she came back to her senses, looking for her bag in a panic, "In this case, I won't bother you."

"No, you stay here until the matter is resolved, and I will let someone arrange it for you at the company."

Qiao Ning also said, "Yes, for safety reasons, it's better for you to stay with us."

An Lin was hesitating when Lu Hongzhan suddenly made a request, "I've always been more cautious in doing things. In order to prevent you from defecting halfway, I can only cut off your contact with the outside world during this period. However, I will not force you. Now you still have A chance to repent."

The two looked at her fixedly.

An Lin nodded after thinking for a few seconds, and handed the phone to Lu Hongzhan, "I trust Mr. Lu."

The news of Pei Xiao's victory in the election became a hot topic all over the world. Domestic supporters began to celebrate in various ways, and the talk in the streets and alleys was all about the victory.

Pei Xiao himself was entangled in various political activities and became a busy person, focusing all his attention on matters after winning the election.

(End of this chapter)

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