Mr. Nie's daily marriage

Chapter 776 Pei Xiao Has Already Suspected You

Chapter 776 Pei Xiao Has Already Suspected You

"No! The child was born to me, you can't hinder me from getting in touch with him, I beg you, let me meet him!" An Lin burst into tears.

"An Lin, you should know what happens to those who don't listen."

Hearing this, An Lin's face was suffocated, and the words choked in her throat.

"The child follows me, why are you worried? I will give him the best, and your mother will only bring him unnecessary trouble. "

"But no one knows that you have a child, how are you going to announce his existence?!"

Pei Xiao smiled again, "You don't have to worry about these, go back and shoot your scenes well, I will never make things difficult for obedient people."

As soon as he finished speaking, a beeping sound came directly from the phone.

An Lin stood weakly holding the window frame, looked at the island in the distance, and burst into tears. She was not Pei Xiao's opponent at all. If she really wanted to resist, she would definitely be killed by Pei Xiao before she even took the first step. If she was killed, the final explanation to the outside world must be accidental death, so she didn't dare to think a little bit wrongly.

She didn't love Pei Xiao. In the early years, Pei Xiao was just a backer for her to quickly gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, but she didn't expect that there was an accident and she became pregnant.

When Pei Xiao found out, he didn't ask her to kill him, and arranged for her to give birth to the child secretly.

Mother and child are connected, even if she has no feelings for Pei Xiao, she can't erase her love for this child from the bottom of her heart.

She sat down on the bed, stared blankly at the outside, suddenly lost her mind.

Desperate, she had no idea that she was being eavesdropped.

In another room at this time, a man was sitting at the computer desk, editing everything he saw and heard into a report and sending it to Lu Hongzhan.

C country Kyoto.

After their lunch break at the hotel, Nie Jiangye planned to continue driving around. They didn't go to the hospital at noon because the soup didn't burn their skin. Therefore, they suspected that the bowl of soup at noon was not an accident.

In the car, Mu Zhi recalled the scene at that time.

"I was sitting well and didn't move around, and the waiters who can work there are usually strictly trained. Most importantly, the soup is warm."

Nie Jiangye stared ahead with serious eyes, "Pei Xiao has already begun to suspect you."

Mu Zhi twisted his face, "Do you doubt that I am not Xiao Leng, or do you doubt my gender?"

"The former is less likely. In his heart, no one could escape the explosion that year, and your makeup skills are so good that I can't even recognize you just by looking at the surface, so he may just suspect that you are not a man. After all, He won't believe that I really like a man."

Listening to Nie Jiangye's words, Mu Zhi let go of his uneasy heart a little bit, but it was uneasy after all.

"We can't delay the matter of Sui Sui. I will deal with it immediately when I go back." Nie Jiangye said.

"Do you have a solution?"

Nie Jiangye lowered his breath and looked far away, "At this point, we can only take risks."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Hongzhan called suddenly, telling them to go back to his house immediately.

The car turned around and went to Lu's house, the car
When Qiao Ning opened the door for them, Lu Hongzhan was connecting with his subordinates who were tracking people in Dubai.

After closing the door, Lu Hongzhan first showed the report to the two of them, and then faced the person in the computer.

The man walked around with his mobile phone, and finally turned his back to the window, and the camera naturally recorded the scene outside the window.

【See you tomorrow】

(End of this chapter)

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