Chapter 540

Liang Muzhi kept making trouble in the car. No matter how she made trouble, Nie Jiangye would hold her in his arms and imprison her on his lap. The handsome face with deep edges and corners was full of emotions and anger. of worry.

He didn't talk back to her all the way. He knew that she was emotional and couldn't listen to anything.

He didn't dare to hug her too tightly, but in just a few days, she had lost a lot of weight. A few days ago, she still had some flesh in his arms, but now she was only skinny.

He was afraid that if he tried hard, he would crush her.

After a long time, she seemed to have no strength to struggle, and she gradually calmed down in his arms.

Then he lowered his head and kissed her on the face, "Hey, I won't want you, you are my only wife, stop thinking about it, okay?"

Anyone who heard the low and soft voice would act, but the woman in his arms didn't respond at all.

He thought she was tired from crying and fell asleep, but after he let go of her to check, he found that she had a high fever.

Throughout the night, Liang Muzhi's high fever did not subside, she kept talking nonsense and was haunted by nightmares.

Nie Jiangye's anger was unprecedented, and the doctors who came to see him were trembling, not daring to relax in the slightest.

Now, even Yuan Qin who made up her mind to ask Liang Muzhi to get out of Nie's house dared not say the words to let them divorce in front of Nie Jiangye.

That's right, she still insisted on a divorce, the only way to save the face of their Nie family.

Although Nie Jiangye said that day that those photos were staged, who can say for sure what the real situation is?It is impossible for a normal man to be a gentleman when facing a woman who has taken off his trousers. Even if there is no live ammunition on the ground, he may have molested a few times. How can this be tolerated?
Already the next morning, another bad news came from the ward.

Liang Muzhi was originally pregnant for about a month, but after a high fever, her body was so badly injured that she had a miscarriage.

Miscarriage was easy in the first three months of pregnancy, and Mu Zhi was in a bad mood. He didn't sleep or eat for several days and nights, and he relied on the infusion to keep his breath. How could the weak thing in his stomach have such tenacious ability to survive.

When the news reached Qiao Ning's ears, she was filming on the set.

In fact, ever since she offended Lu Hongzhan in the hospital that day and made him verbally humiliate, because she was in a bad mood, she didn't bother Mu Zhi who was traveling.

And she didn't live with Xu Jinxi and the others, and the Nie family blocked the news, so she didn't know what happened to Mu Zhi.

When she received a call from Xu Jinxi saying that Mu Zhi had a miscarriage, she was in a daze.

She didn't even hear the assistant director asking her to prepare.

She hurried out to take a taxi, and she didn't change the criminal police costume on her body.

In the hospital, the smell of disinfectant filled the nose.

The latest news is that Liang Muzhi's fever has subsided, but his body is weak and needs to be recuperated.

She was lying quietly on the hospital bed, and Nie Jiangye was sitting beside her and guarding her. Apart from being a little tired, that cold handsome face didn't seem to be in any very painful mood.

But anyone who knows him knows that he is enduring.

He is the head of the family and the backer of her and the children. If even he is weak, the family will also be weak.

Qiao Ning arrived in a hurry, saw them from the small window at the door, and subconsciously wanted to push the door open to see Mu Zhi.

The next moment, her hand was suddenly grabbed and pulled out.

His head bumped into a wall of flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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