Mr. Nie's daily marriage

Chapter 525 How Can You Steal Someone's Boyfriend?

Chapter 525 How Can You Steal Someone's Boyfriend?
Qiao Ning couldn't go to the hospital to see her mother in the past few days because of her foot injury, so she had to chat with her to find out about her condition.

According to the doctor's instructions, he has to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time, and he can only be discharged after confirming that the condition will not recur.

On the phone, her mother kept reminding her that Lu Hongzhan should be a good person and get along well with him.

I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Lu Hongzhan poured into her.

When Mu Zhi and Jin Xi came to see her last time, she deliberately adjusted herself to the best condition so that Mu Zhi would not worry about her.

In fact, she lived in a very embarrassing way in this villa.

When Lu Hongzhan was not around during the day, the auntie nanny treated her like Lu Hongzhan's lover, and made her a lot of tonic soup, saying it would be helpful for serving men at night.

Of course she didn't drink it, and kept looking forward to her feet getting better soon.

And when Lu Hongzhan came back at night, he would often smell of alcohol. Although he was not drunk, he took this opportunity to sleep on her bed until dawn.

Her foot was injured and she couldn't walk, and she was so awkwardly stiff all night, no matter how she lay down.

After a few nights like this, she will also be tired, from being on guard at the beginning until three or four in the morning, and now she can't hold back and falls asleep at midnight.

When she woke up today, she was frightened by the sleeping position in which she embraced Lu Hongzhan.

Fortunately, he was very busy, and he would go out at 08:30, so she didn't have to communicate with him too much.

She could feel that her foot injury was more than half healed.

She tried to walk on the ground, but there was still a little pain, but she could walk a few steps if she endured it.

As soon as she walked to the door, she heard the voice of the nurse and the nanny talking outside.

The nanny sounded very happy, "Young Master Lu is really kind to Ms. Qiao. He has given you considerate orders for three meals a day. When you come back late at night, you are afraid of waking Ms. Qiao, so you deliberately lowered the sound of opening the door. A woman will be satisfied if she meets a man who loves her so much in her life, and you should hurry up and find one while you are young."

The little nurse's voice was a little arrogant, "Aunt Mei, what do you know? Don't you read the news? This Young Master Lu has a lot of background, and there are a lot of gossip news. He owns the largest entertainment company in the industry. Every once in a while, the woman around him changes, he is very gentle, but this gentleness is not exclusive to any woman."

"There is also news that he has raised a little girl who has just grown up in Nan's family this year. He has been raising her since she was 13 years old. He can't dote on her very well. The news said that she is the real wife. Now Young Master Lu is playing with these things. It's just waiting for Miss Nan's family to grow up to meet her physical needs."

Aunt Mei found it too unbelievable, "Is it? The news is sometimes unbelievable. You'd better stop talking nonsense, and be careful that Miss Qiao will feel sad when she hears it."

"What I'm talking about is the truth. What are you afraid of? I have a friend who works as a small assistant for a big star. She said that Lu Shao had a relationship with their big star, but they broke up after playing for a month. When they were together, they were also envious. Shame other people, only envy mandarin ducks and not immortals, are they gone now? I'm just wondering, before, Young Master Lu only fell in love with well-known and sexy celebrities, why is this so ordinary this time?"

Suddenly, her voice became excited, "Hey Aunt Mei, do you think Young Master Lu will take a fancy to me with my looks?"

Aunt Mei slapped her, "Don't talk nonsense! How can you steal someone's boyfriend? This kind of thing is the worst thing to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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