Blind young love wife is addicted

Chapter 561 The Speechless Father and Son

Chapter 561 The Speechless Father and Son (4)
With that said, the car that had already driven into Shengshu had already stopped.He let go of the steering wheel, unbuckled his seat belt and looked at her.

Song Yanjin closed his eyes abruptly, thinking that he would die if he wanted to die, wasn't it just a sentence?She didn't have the courage to say a blunt sentence loudly, leaning against Gu Linshen's ear, and softly repeated what he said last night.

Such seductive words were gently spit out from Song Yanjin's mouth, Gu Linshen's strong Adam's apple moved up and down twice, before Song Yanjin's red lips left his ear, Gu Linshen raised his hand to hug her waist, and his thin lips were printed her red lips.

Gu Moxian held Ah Yuan in her arms and watched TV in the living room. During the process, she looked at the clock many times, and some blamed her: "It's so late, why haven't these two come back?"

Just as he was talking, the door of the living room opened.

"Mom." Seeing Gu Moxian, Song Yanjin greeted Gu Moxian apologetically.

Gu Moxian came back first, but she did not leave 10 minutes early.

"Why is it so late? When I came back, things were already busy?" Gu Moxian was worried that the two of them had encountered other matters in the church.

"..." Song Yanjin opened his mouth, unable to answer.

Gu Linshen put the car keys on the table, and answered Gu Moxian simply and calmly: "Traffic jam."

Gu Moxian believed in such a reason.Without further questioning, he put down Ah Yuan and stood up: "Then let's eat, I haven't eaten all day today, are you starving?"

"No, Ah Yuan eats all day long, and there is no one who does not eat." Ah Yuan thought that Gu Moxian was talking to him, and quickly denied it.

"Grandma said mom and dad." Gu Moxian looked at A Yuan, her voice softened a lot.

Ah Yuan nodded half-understood, like a little mouse, hurried them into the kitchen, and stood on the bench to wash his hands.Then he came down immediately and sat at the table with his own small bowl.

"Hasn't A Yuan eaten yet?" Song Yanjin sat down, looking at A Yuan who was waiting for the meal, feeling a little distressed.In fact, there is no need to deliberately wait for them. If you are hungry, you should let the child eat first, and you cannot make him hungry.

But Song Yanjin was obviously wrong, Ah Yuan shook his head, and answered Song Yanjin solemnly: "That's right, both Ah Yuan and grandma have eaten."

"Then what are you doing sitting here?" Gu Linshen glanced at A Yuan, thinking that A Yuan interrupted the meal.

Ah Yuan supported the table and stood on the chair, filled the rice with a spoon in his fleshy little hand and put it into his own bowl, then scooped the soup into the rice bowl with a small spoon, and then quickly put the rice in the bowl with the small spoon Poked until the vegetable juice and rice were completely soaked, took a spoonful and tasted it, then nodded in satisfaction, and brought the spoon to Song Yanjin's lips: "Oh, good mommy, open your mouth to eat ..."

"Pfft..." Because of Ah Yuan's appearance, Gu Linshen almost choked on a sip of water.

Gu Linshen still maintained his composure, looked up at A Yuan who imitated him perfectly, and laughed: "Mrs. Gu No. [-]."

I have to admit that Ah Yuan's acting ability is really too powerful.Such a little doll imitated Song Yanjin's usual appearance of feeding him.

Song Yanjin was not as happy as Gu Linshen, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, he took Ah Yuan's small spoon, and said softly: "Good boy, Mommy can do it by herself."

"No." Ah Yuan resolutely refused Song Yanjin's request, saying it as a matter of course: "Mommy will feed Ah Yuan after eating, and now Ah Yuan has to feed Mommy after eating."

In the eyes of children, what adults can do seems to be very novel, and they all want to try.

Gu Linshen was eating by himself, with a smile spreading from the corners of his lips to the corners of his eyes, and said politely: "Since Ah Yuan wants to feed, Mrs. Gu doesn't need to do anything, isn't it good."

Ah Yuan blinked his eyes wide, realizing that his mommy didn't seem to want to be fed, but his daddy was more eager.He turned around holding the small bowl: "Mommy won't eat, then I'll feed Daddy."

"..." Gu Linshen was still smiling just now, but it faded away in an instant.

Gu Moxian had already finished her meal, and now she leaned against the door and looked at the family of three in the kitchen. Hearing A Yuan's childish words, Gu Moxian and Song Yanjin laughed at the same time.

"Mr. Gu, you're welcome." Song Yanjin pushed A Yuan's small bowl towards Gu Linshen.

Gu Linshen raised his eyebrows, but he didn't find it difficult, and bent down to eat the rice from Ah Yuan's spoon.

"Daddy, good boy~" Ah Yuan praised with an adult appearance, and even raised his hand to touch Gu Linshen's head, but his daddy was too tall, so he couldn't touch it, so he could only touch his hand.

A Yuan put a spoon into Gu Linshen's mouth, it was extremely clean.

"Mommy, you want it too!" Ah Yuan had a 'good thing' and never forgot his mommy, holding a spoon and looking at Song Yanjin.

Song Yanjin could only reluctantly open his mouth to eat what Ah Yuan fed, but when Song Yanjin usually fed Ah Yuan, in order to teach Ah Yuan to save food, as long as Ah Yuan was not clean, he would scrape the corners of his mouth with a spoon Then send it to Ah Yuan's mouth.

Today, Ah Yuan did this to Song Yanjin, even though Song Yanjin had nothing on the corner of his mouth.

At that time, Song Yanjin wanted to cry but had no tears.Educating children is indeed a good example.

After a meal, Song Yanjin was very tired as if she had gone to the gym.

"So tired." Ah Yuan looked at his small bowl with satisfaction, shook his arm, and complained about being tired.

"I'm tired too." Song Yanjin added after following A Yuan's words like a friend.

A Yuan looked at Song Yanjin seriously, and retorted: "Ah Yuan feeds Mummy, Mummy doesn't even need to touch her hands, how can she be tired?"


Song Yanjin listened to the terms and conditions that A Yuan said, and felt that they were so reasonable and had nothing to say.

"A Yuan, do you want to go to the amusement park?" Gu Linshen suddenly looked at A Yuan and asked.

Ah Yuan hadn't been to an amusement park yet, so he tilted his head and asked Gu Linshen: "What is an amusement park?"

Song Yanjin stood in front of the sink washing his hands, tilted his head and explained to A Yuan: "It's a place with a lot of toys."

This explanation is a bit inappropriate, but it's about the same.

"Then A Yuan wants to go, will Daddy take A Yuan there?" A Yuan climbed from another chair onto Gu Linshen's lap and asked with an expectant little face.

Song Yanjin didn't quite understand why Gu Linshen suddenly wanted to say this, and asked him, "Could it be that Young Master Gu has time to take Ah Yuan out to play tomorrow?"

Hu Yiping had just left Fenglin, and there was bound to be some internal adjustments in Fenglin, so Gu Linshen probably didn't have time.

A Yuan was still looking at Gu Linshen expectantly, Gu Linshen pinched his little nose, with a smile on his lips: "A Yuan wants to go? Sorry, Daddy can't take you there."

"..." Song Yanjin was speechless for a while, then he asked Ah Yuan what he was doing.

(End of this chapter)

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