my infinity warship

375 Battle of New York

375 Battle of New York
Today is a day of nightmares for the people of New York City.

At the beginning, three floating warships appeared in New York City at the same time and bombed indiscriminately. Later, a large hole was opened in the sky, and countless Chitauri troops swarmed in and burned the entire city.

The Chitauri were on a rampage in one-man patrol boats.These patrol boats are somewhat like the three-wheeled motorcycles of the past, but this patrol boat can fly in the air and is equipped with powerful particle cannons.

The Chitauri rushed into New York with these patrol boats, killing everyone they saw, and frantically destroying everything around them.Like a group of hungry wolves, they rushed into the flock of sheep, waving their sharp claws vigorously, making more kills.

But soon they were surprised to find that there were lions among these flocks!That a herd of lions actually hide among the weak sheep is nothing short of breathtaking.

These lions in sheep's clothing are extremely ferocious, and when dealing with these hungry wolves, they are simply chopping melons and chopping vegetables, beating the shit out of these Chitauri.

One of the blond men was the most arrogant. This guy was a self-propelled magnetic storm tower in the shape of a human being. With one stroke of his hammer, the sky was filled with thunder and lightning.

A mass of lightning gathered on his hammer, and from his hammer, a chain lightning blast killed hundreds of Chitauri infantry.

And the other superheroes did not show weakness. Iron Man Tony used the miniature missiles carried by his iron suit to beat down the patrol boats flying in the air one by one.

As for the Hulk, it is even more barbaric. This guy is like Tarzan of the Apes. He used his body as a shell, and used brute force to dismantle the patrol boats into scrap iron!
The captain and Natasha were on the ground helping those trapped masses to evacuate quickly.

At this time, Loki, who was sitting in the Empire State Building, saw that the gang of Avengers were still stubbornly resisting, and said with some displeasure in his heart: "Hmph, stupid guys, no matter how powerful you are, you will not be defeated by the Chitauri legion. In front of you, the mantis is overwhelmed. Let you earthlings who sit in a well and watch the sky see what real power is!"

As Loki's words fell, several black shadows appeared near the portal. These huge and ugly things were the Chitauri's biological carrier battleships, a huge dragon-shaped monster produced using biotechnology.

These biological warships were all more than 50 meters long, with thick armor on the outside, and carried a large number of Chitauri infantry, so they rushed in aggressively.

As soon as these dragon-shaped warships entered the field, the entire battlefield situation changed immediately, and the superheroes had to give priority to dealing with these behemoths.These monsters randomly wandered around New York City, knocking down several tall buildings, causing countless deaths!
"Damn it, you must block these monsters!" The captain shouted with red eyes when he saw these dragon-shaped battleships rampant in New York City.

Hearing the captain's order, all the superheroes immediately turned their targets to these dragon battleships.

But that's easier said than done.These dragon-shaped battleships are amazing in size, heavily armored, and they also carry a large number of Chitauri infantry on board!Even if a group of superheroes pounced on it and turned into a demolition office, it would take a few minutes to kill one.

And in just a few minutes, more and more dragon-shaped warships rushed out of the space gate.

At this time, even the most optimistic Nick Fury has a gloomy complexion.It's not that the Avengers are not powerful, but that there are too many enemies.Nick Fury completely ignored a problem, this is war, not a contest between individuals.In the eyes of the other party, your individual strength is strong, and you can't withstand the impact of a legion.

At this time, if the space door cannot be closed in time, then the earth may really fall.

Just when Nick Fury was hesitating, a military F22 fighter plane suddenly appeared on the radar screen, and then the person in charge of the military sent a communication.

"Nick Fury, your Avengers have let us down. It is impossible to stop these alien invaders with their power. Just now, His Excellency the President has given an order to use nuclear bombs to destroy the entire New York, including that space gate."

Hearing this voice, Nick Fury immediately shouted loudly: "Are you crazy? There are still millions of people in New York who have not evacuated, and our superheroes are still fighting there. I absolutely disagree with the use of nuclear bombs now!"

"It's not easy for you anymore, Nick Fury, His Excellency the President has just ordered you to be fired as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.! You will be prosecuted for treason, and we will meet in a military court!"

After speaking, the communication was immediately interrupted, without even giving Nick Fury any time to think about it.

"These bastard politicians!" Seeing that these guys completely ignored the casualties of millions of civilians here, and even wanted to destroy those superheroes together, Nick Fury was extremely angry!
I saw that he immediately turned on the full-channel broadcast, and shouted at everyone: "Anyone who can hear this communication, evacuate New York immediately. The US government has decided to launch a nuclear bomb to destroy New York City and these alien invaders. You Only 10 minutes to escape New York!"

After finishing the call, Nick Fury looked helplessly at New York City in the distance. He could only hope that those superheroes could perform miracles and save themselves from danger.

The first person to receive this wide-area communication was Iron Man Tony. When he knew that the US government was going to launch a nuclear bomb to destroy the entire New York, he would scold his mother.

"These rogue politicians actually want to launch a nuclear bomb. My Stark Tower is still in New York. Are they crazy?"

In the team channel, Tony hurriedly informed everyone about this.

The other superheroes were shocked when they heard the news. The U.S. government actually wanted to launch a nuclear bomb. Isn't this going to let millions of people in New York and themselves and aliens be buried together?

This kind of stabbing in the back is simply chilling.

But just when everyone was disheartened, a crisp voice sounded in the team channel.

"Tony, that building is no longer the Stark Building. It is the branch base of our Star Martial Alliance in North America. It is now called the KGB headquarters building. But your American government is really bold. They know that the concubine is entrusted to guard this place, but actually Still trying to destroy my martial arts king's stuff, this is courting death!"

Hearing the murderous propaganda of this delicate girl, everyone couldn't help but feel a little cold. The other party used nuclear weapons. By then, not only the KGB building will be destroyed, but the whole of New York will be wiped out.They don't want anyone's permission at all, because after the nuclear bomb goes off, all the voices of protest will disappear under the mushroom cloud.

Seeing that the heroes seem to be a little disapproving of his propaganda, the martial arts king snorted coldly and said to himself: "If it were me before, I would naturally have no choice but to take these alien legions and nuclear weapons. After all, although I am a martial artist , but I still have some understanding of some technological weapons in the world. But now I have the confidence to fight against the supreme power of human beings. Although that bad guy always teases me, he also let me see the way of martial arts The future direction. Let you Western barbarians take a look at the power of Eastern martial arts!"

(End of this chapter)

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