my infinity warship

Chapter 326 Apocalypse Plays Battle

Chapter 326 Apocalypse Plays Battle
After feeling this huge threat, Yun Qi almost roared to issue an emergency evacuation order.At the same time, immediately take Iona and other Red Police commanders to transfer immediately!He could feel that these bomber pilots had lost their sense of self, and they were now like puppets, flying the bomber to prepare for a suicide attack!

These bombers are loaded with a huge number of energy bombs. If these energy bombs are detonated at the same time, the power will be terrifying and unimaginable!

After receiving Yunqi's order, a large number of Wuyun anti-aircraft vehicles raised their 20mm anti-aircraft cannons and frantically attacked these bombers that were about to crash.

Unfortunately, under the control of these puppet fighters, these bombers completely disregarded the fierce anti-aircraft firepower, and went straight to the position of the Red Police Corps!
Suddenly several bombers disintegrated in the air and turned into a huge flame.That is the result of the dark cloud air defense vehicle!
It's a pity that more bombers broke through the attack of the dark cloud air defense vehicle and crashed into the ground abruptly!

In an instant, a huge blue light shot up into the sky, and these energy bombs that were detonated at the same time produced a huge power unimaginable by ordinary people through a chain reaction.

In almost a short period of time, these blue rays of light invaded the range of several kilometers around, cutting off the formation of the entire Red Police Corps!
At least tens of thousands of Red Police fighters were instantly wiped out by this blue light.And the vehicles that were destroyed are even more uncountable!
At least eight or more bombers successfully fell to the ground, and these bombers blew up to create eight huge sinkholes on this flat land!
Hundreds of thousands of Red Police soldiers were brutally affected, and countless casualties were lost.

This is why Yun Qi ordered the Red Police Corps to disperse in advance, otherwise the consequences would be even more dire!
And when Yun Qi and other Red Police senior commanders counted the casualties of this wave of attacks in the temporary headquarters, everyone was so angry that their eyes were bloodshot.

Hundreds of thousands of heroic Red Police fighters sacrificed needlessly under this kind of suicide attack. This is simply a naked massacre!

"An eye for an eye, blood for blood. We want revenge! Order the missile launcher to prepare for a cover strike on the enemy's position. I want these Hydra legions to try what is called divine punishment!" Yun Qi ordered through gritted teeth.

Obviously the Red Police Corps had an absolute advantage, but under the suicide attack of the Hydra Corps, the situation suddenly reversed!

In order to get back the disadvantage, Yun Qi immediately ordered the missile launch vehicle to start an indiscriminate attack on the Hydra Legion!

Under Yun Qi's order, hundreds of short-range missiles began to rain down on the Hydra troops!

And those Hydra fighters on the battlefield have already lost their minds under the hint of the Red Skull's mind.

At this time, they were like movable puppets, charging towards the Red Police Corps regardless of casualties.

Both sides are desperately attacking each other!

The brutal battle lasted for a full five hours. At this time, not only the Red Police Corps, but even the Hydra Corps, who were not afraid of death, were showing signs of fatigue.

The effect of the Red Skull's psychic suggestion is gradually fading, and the fighting will of these Hydra fighters begins to decline.

At this time, Yun Qi stared at the troops of both sides on the screen and said respectively: "Iona, have you confirmed the location of the Red Skull?"

"Found it, Captain! The UAV has determined the location of the enemy's commander-in-chief through continuous reconnaissance."

Iona replied!

"Okay, although the process is a bit tortuous, our overall strategic layout is still there, and now is the time to finally close the net! Send out our ultimate land army! Let the apocalypse shock the world!"

"I order that the Apocalypse Corps will set off immediately and sweep the enemy's general headquarters. The Red Police Corps will follow in the footsteps of the apocalypse and completely defeat the Hydra's legion!"

Following Yun Qi's final order, a group of tanks hidden under the camouflage curtain finally set off their camouflage net, thinking that the world has shown a ferocious face!

These huge steel monsters with a body size of about 120 tons, a body size of more than ten meters, and a height of more than three meters exude a terrifying aura.

Two 128-caliber "Dragon" cannons with a diameter of more than 52mm, four anti-mines that can automatically replace the tracks, and a powerful Tesla reactor.This is the Apocalypse Tank!

This terrifying steel behemoth is also equipped with a "harpoon" type electromagnetic drag fork, which can drag the enemy's vehicle in front of itself through the powerful harpoon device configured at the front, and then use the armor smasher of the apocalypse to completely destroy the enemy. Crush and turn these fragments into liquid armor to fill in the damage.Combined with its own 16 layers of reinforced steel armor, this behemoth is virtually indestructible!
This is the most powerful land equipment of the Red Police Soviet Legion, the invincible steel torrent!

And now there are as many as a hundred of these terrifying giant beasts, they line up neatly together, and the low roar of the motor means that they are ready to attack!

Under the command of the leader of the Apocalypse Legion, the killer chain specially left by Yun Qi finally revealed its ferocious face!
Propelled by the surging power, these huge steel behemoths let out a terrifying roar and began to accelerate.

When nearly a hundred Apocalypse tanks formed a triangular assault formation, they were like the most ferocious beasts, biting through the defensive line of the Hydra Legion fiercely.

Whether it is the energy gun of Hydra soldiers or those large-caliber energy shells, they can only leave one after another inconspicuous holes on the outer armor of Apocalypse.Then it was quickly repaired by these monsters with amazing repair power.

They are like a group of meat shields with amazing blood volume, rampaging through the entire Hydra camp, unstoppable!
And then the Red Police Corps followed in the footsteps of Tianqi, and ruthlessly tore open the hole in Hydra's position!

Seeing this terrifying torrent of steel that suddenly appeared, completely ignoring its own attack and forcibly attacking its own headquarters, the Red Skull was depressed.

He didn't understand why a local warlord in the Soviet Union would have such advanced weapons, it was simply unreasonable.

Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

When the arrogant Red Skull insisted on going head-to-head with Yun Qi's Red Police Corps, this fiasco was doomed!

The angry Red Skull even wanted to put on a set of Hydra soldiers' armor and fight hand-to-hand with these apocalypse tanks.

Fortunately, his loyal lieutenants stopped him.

Even if Red Skull is a super soldier, it is impossible to wrestle with hundreds of Apocalypse tanks. The opponent only needs one shell to severely wound Red Skull.

No matter how powerful a single body is, it is insignificant on the battlefield.

And Red Skull could only watch helplessly as his headquarters was severely crushed by these savage apocalypse, and he had no choice but to flee.

And as the general headquarters was moved, the command of the entire Hydra Legion immediately became chaotic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Red Police Corps launched a full-scale attack.

The chaotic Hydra Legion could only be isolated and surrounded by the Red Police Legion.The battle has progressed here, and the outcome has been divided!

(End of this chapter)

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