my infinity warship

Chapter 306 Great Changes In Germany

Chapter 306 Great Changes In Germany
The morning in September looks a bit bleak, after all, autumn has come!
In Europe, the weather will turn cold rapidly at this time, and people have to put on thicker coats to resist the coming severe cold!

But at this time, a secret troop is heading to Berlin on a train dedicated to the military!Each of these members is taciturn, and their eyes reveal a breath of death.

At the same time, more secret teams were scattered to various military towns in Germany one after another. Under Red Skull's suggestion, these powerful fighters of his will become elite fighter teams in each military region.Specially responsible for special combat strikes against the Allies!
Although the current situation in Germany is not optimistic, the Mustache Head of State is still full of confidence in defeating the Allied Forces. He even held a military parade so that the citizens don't have to worry!
At the ceremony, Hydra's secret force will appear as a super warrior phalanx!

Think about it, every soldier has two to three times the physical strength of ordinary people. Once a group of such fighters gathers together, the mere allied forces will not be an enemy at all.

To put it bluntly, at this time, Mustache has already regarded Hydra's secret army as a life-saving straw, and even ordered the military factory to step up the production of this enhanced potion.

Under the madness of the mustache, some possible shortcomings of this potion were directly ignored. For these guys who have already had red eyes in battle, as long as the fighters can become stronger.As for the bloodthirsty problem, it is not a defect at all.

Even in the eyes of many military officers, these soldiers who have been injected with drugs and become taciturn become stronger because they are no longer afraid of pain and death!

Due to the huge losses on the front line, a large number of newly reorganized troops were forced to use this enhanced potion.

Under the two-line oppression of the Allies and the Soviet Union, the Germans are at the end of their rope!They need to rapidly increase the combat power of the army to win this war.

Not only the enhanced potions, but even many experimental weapons, the Germans are desperately producing. They need a stronger force to resist the pressure of the Soviet Union and the Allies.

Soon, the military parade began!

On the grand military parade ground, Mustache excitedly pulled the Red Skull to watch the military parade together!
A large number of new equipment passed the parade platform, including the newly developed V3 missile, Tiger 3 super heavy tank, butterfly aircraft and other incredible black technology weapons.

What attracted the attention of the masses the most was the secret legion of Hydra. These unusually strong fighters walked across the parade ground in almost the same posture.Their eyes are dull, their expressions are cold, they are like a group of robots, giving people a chilling feeling!
And they held a huge thing like a flamethrower in their hands, and they carried a box with an astonishing weight on their backs.

Every time they took a step, they would leave shallow indentations on the hard concrete floor, as if those who walked past were not human beings.But a group of humanoid tanks!
I saw the Red Skull proudly introducing to the mustache: "My great head of state, these are just the super fighters you have been expecting, each of them is of pure Germanic blood! Their physical strength is more than three times that of ordinary people, and they can be torn apart by hand." Brown bears, even ordinary pistol bullets cannot cause fatal injuries to them!"

Hearing Red Skull's introduction, Mustache's eyes lit up immediately, although his experts had already introduced him to the power of this strengthening potion earlier.But seeing with his own eyes that these soldiers were able to step on the concrete floor, this made the mustache almost climax with excitement!
"Great! This is what I want! Red Skull, you did a great job! I want to reward you well!"

"Well, what reward do you want? I am a very generous person, and I will never be stingy with my subordinates who have made merit!"

Hearing Mustache's promise, Red Skull grinned and said, "Great Head of State, if what I want is your head, how would you react?"


Hearing Red Skull's horrifying words at first, Mustache took a step back instinctively!
It's a pity that Mustache is just a mortal, and even his physical fitness is not as good as a strong soldier. In front of the Red Skull who has been strengthened to the limit of a mortal, he has no power to resist at all!

I saw that the Red Skull raised his mustache as soon as he stretched out his hand!
"Oh! Are you crazy? Let me down, guards! Guards! Catch this traitor!" Mustache, who was caught by the red skull's big hand, felt scared for the first time!

He finally realized that what he raised was not a fierce and loyal dog, but an irrational beast!

Hearing Mustache's shout, a large number of guards rushed over!

It's a pity that before they got close to the Red Skull, a group of soldiers wearing the costumes of Hydra's secret force broke into the door!


These loyal guards saw the group of rebels trying to block their way, and immediately raised their pistols and started shooting!
Ding Ding Ding!
That was the sound of bullets hitting the steel plate.

These astonishing Hydra warriors were all covered with a thick layer of steel plates. Relying on their amazing physical strength, this set of iron plates weighing more than [-] kilograms made them almost immune to the damage of light weapons!

Seeing that these Hydra warriors are almost invulnerable, these guards are completely dumbfounded!
"Ants, die!" These crazy Hydra fighters raised their strange guns mercilessly, aimed at these guards and started shooting!
Swish thin!
I saw one after another blue light waves shot out suddenly, and then produced a terrifying effect!

These light waves completely ignored the surrounding buildings, and everything in the shooting path was swallowed up by this blue energy ball.

Not even scum left!

With just one salvo, nearly fifty elite guards disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Mustache's hair exploded all over his body!
"What kind of weapon is this, what do you want? Red Skull!"

Feeling the threat of death, the bearded head of state struggled desperately.It's a pity that his struggle is not worth mentioning in front of the Red Skull.

I saw the cruel Hydra leader with a wicked smile and said: "Great head of state, from now on, your era is over! Now Germany will be ruled by Hydra. And I, Red Skull, will be the real king of the world !"

Seeing Red Skull's eyes full of crazy desire, Mustache finally felt scared.

He could clearly feel that the person in front of him was a lunatic, a complete lunatic.His purpose is only to put the whole world in flames of war, all he expects is the destruction of the world!
It's a pity that the mustache head can no longer correct his mistakes.

There was only a thud, as if gently crushing an egg, the Red Skull crushed the mustache head's head.

At the same time, the Hydra guards in various military regions also took the opportunity to attack and controlled the main generals of the German army.

In just one week, the whole of Germany changed its owner!
The ****** was replaced and replaced by a blood-red banner, the symbol of Hydra!

After taking control of the main regime in Germany, the Red Skull unscrupulously let a large number of German soldiers take enhanced potions, turning these legions into their loyal puppets one by one, and then began to mass-produce new equipment for Hydra, turning each Hydra Snake soldiers are armed as terrifying battlefield killers!
He will rely on this powerful Hydra army to wash the whole world with blood!Plant the banner of Hydra in every corner of the world.

However, before that, he needs to invite someone first.

A man he is very interested in!

 Everyone remember to vote!
(End of this chapter)

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