Chapter 328
"A'nan, what do you think?" Ning Chujin cautiously raised her eyes and looked at Zhan Nanxiao.

Judging from the current situation, this should be the best choice.

Zhan Nanxiao looked at her with a sullen face, "Are you begging me for him?"

"..." Uh, well, she admitted that at this moment she regretted that she kept pushing Anan away from her before. Anan, who used to be very talkative, has become so difficult to communicate now, how difficult it is to communicate.

"A'nan, actually, I'm worried about you." Ning Chujin blinked her beautiful eyes, and directly wrapped her arms around Zhan Nanxiao's arms, "Think about it, your equipment must be very valuable. If Qian Sen really took it for nothing, wouldn't it be a heavy loss."

"..." This lie is a bit pleasing to the ear.

Zhan Nanxiao reached out and pulled a chair and sat down, rubbing her into his arms, and looked at Huo Beimian leisurely, "Show me the evidence of your benefactor."

Otherwise, he has no reason to help this man who dared to ask his wife to protect him.

The corner of Huo Beimian's mouth twitched, "The benefactor still needs to prove? I'll go, if it's your wife to prove it?"

After eating handful after handful of this fucking poisonous dog food, will it still let the single dog linger on?
"Yes, yes, I certify, I certify, these are some documents from the past that my grandfather left me, and this bracelet is a keepsake, my grandfather said, I must hand over this bracelet to you, this is your Huo family The heirloom of…”

Ning Chujin took out a stack of documents from her bag like a few treasures, and put a shiny green bracelet into Huo Beimian's hand in person.

Huo Beimian froze for a moment, and instinctively grabbed the bracelet that Ning Chujin handed over.

Well, her fingers accidentally touched Ning Chujin's palm.

Zhan Nanxiao's face immediately stinks.

The air in the entire space became a few degrees colder for no reason, and the coercive atmosphere made people feel a little breathless.

Ning Chujin tugged at the collar, revealing her charming collarbone.

Huo Beimian couldn't help but glance at the beautiful lines.

With Zhan Nanxiao as the point, the air-conditioning pressure around him dropped a little bit, and Huo Beimian, a strong and big man, couldn't help shivering.

Huo Beimian wiped his nose with his hand, "Now, Mr. Zhan believes that I am your woman's benefactor? Happy cooperation!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to Zhan Nanxiao in a big way.

An attitude that a benefactor must be confessed.

Ning Chujin hurriedly reached out and hooked Zhan Nanxiao's neck, "A'nan..." The coquettish voice made people feel goosebumps all over their bodies.

Huo Beimian said he didn't see it, and turned his head.

I don't know how long it took before Zhan Nanxiao uttered in a cold voice, "I will ask Yela to come out tonight for the plan. Whether we can keep up with our plan depends on his luck."

Her tone was full of contempt, which made Huo Beimian very upset.

Immediately jumped up.

However, before he could speak, Zhan Nanxiao had already hugged Ning Chujin, who was like a koala bear, hanging on his body.

"Mist grass!" I couldn't help but swear.

"Brothers, let's go!" Huo Beimian led his people out of the abandoned factory building.

The next day.

It was just dawn.

Huo Beimian was woken up by something.

He stretched out his hands to pat a little irritably, when suddenly there was a dog barking, which made him roll off the bed in fright.

As soon as Huo Beimian sat up with a grunt, he saw Ning Chujin stroking the head of a golden-haired dog, and smiled at him, "I heard that you never get up until twelve o'clock at noon, so you can only ask it for help."

As soon as the words fell, the dog suddenly jumped up and bit Huo Beimian's pajama pants...

The red fat man's scream came from outside the door, "Boss, it's over, Qian Sen's people have surrounded the whole village."

(End of this chapter)

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