Seriously ill, handsome man, I covered it

Chapter 311 The Little Handsome Guy Who Was Blackened On The Set

Chapter 311 The Little Handsome Guy Who Was Blackened On The Set
The set of Martian Scavengers.

Lan Zhiyuan's assistant soon sent him a gratifying news.

A capital injection of [-] million yuan has already accounted for [-] million yuan.

The other party has drawn up the contract, and the remaining [-] million will be credited in four installments, so let him go and do it.

Trying to create his own style in the film, the most important thing is that the casting must be strictly in accordance with his previous standards. If there is any sloppy, resulting in an undue loss in the film, the loss will be borne by Lan Zhiyuan.

Lan Zhiyuan hated such things as going against his conscience and quoting actors who didn't suit him.

Now that the funds are abundant, I no longer have to act according to the face of others. I can make the films I want to make in an upright manner, and choose the qualified actors I want to use. Of course, I wish for it.

Soon, the audition scene was divided into groups according to his prior request.

And Zhao Yurou was still divided into a group with Lin Gongyi and Li Ke according to the initial request.

They three clearly gave Lin Gongyi as the male number two Brother Dong, Li Ke as the male number two Qiao Yue, and Zhao Yurou as the female number one Tian Xin.

Because it is a sci-fi film, it involves the supernatural part.

Brother Dong is blind, but in fact his supernatural powers come from the eyes. Once awakened, he will have clairvoyant vision.

The male number one, Qiao Yue, is a cripple. His powers naturally lie in his legs. Once awakened, his legs can be alienated, that is, become huge. The strength of his legs is enough to destroy a town.

The heroine Tian Xin is a beauty with a broken arm. Her awakening comes from her hands. Once awakened, she will have tentacles like Avalokitesvara.

The background of the story is that three disabled people who grew up together were abandoned by their own people and wandered to Mars.

On Mars, they have no skills and can only survive by picking up waste.

Growing up together, coupled with the same tragic experience, made their relationship extraordinarily deep.

However, as they grew older, the emotions between them also began to change quietly.

The two men both fell in love with the heroine Tian Xin.

However, Tian Xin had already secretly promised Qiao Yue.

But he didn't tell Brother Dong clearly, because on Mars, a planet with scarce resources, they must stay together if they want to survive.

Among the three of them, Brother Dong is the smartest and the one who makes the most money.

If he is excluded, Tian Xin is afraid that she and Qiao Yue will lose too much material.

Therefore, Tian Xin has always shown his love to Dong Ge with an unclear attitude.

As long as Brother Dong gives everything, Tian Xin will gladly accept it.

They auditioned for a segment.

The clip is that Brother Dong's eyes have awakened, and with the advantage of clairvoyance, he found a job as a sniper.

The income is so high that the three of them have never seen it in their lives.

Brother Dong was very excited, carrying a sniper rifle, and happily ran to tell them the good news.

But at the door of the house, he found Qiao Yue and Tian Xin embracing each other, dreaming of a bright future.

And in that future, he does not exist at all.

Dong Ge blackened.

When Lin Gong got the script, his face was dark.

How could such a scene resemble what actually happened between him and Zhao Yurou back then?
Zhao Yurou read the script as if nothing had happened, and sneered while reading, "Is this brother Dong an idiot? Can't you tell that Tian Xin doesn't like him? Why don't you post it up, calling it love her willing After giving everything for her, didn't she turn black in the end?"

(End of this chapter)

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