Chapter 450

Su Xiaoyao didn't want to go at first, but... Qiao Yuan, how should I put it...

Anyway, Su Xiaoyao agreed to go by accident. She knew that An Mingze would definitely not agree. An Mingze must remember the kidnapping last time, and it is impossible for him to have any trust in Qiao Yuan.

After Su Xiaoyao took a taxi to the box that Qiao Yuan mentioned, she saw that Qiao Yuan was already sitting there.

"What to eat?" Qiao Yuan signaled Su Xiaoyao to sit down, and pushed the menu in front of Su Xiaoyao.

"No, I just came here after eating." Su Xiaoyao replied.

Qiao Yuan's raised hand stopped in mid-air in such an embarrassing manner!

"An Mingze didn't know you were coming, did he?" Qiao Yuan asked.

Su Xiaoyao played with the cup in front of her, with a faint smile on her lips.

"This is my business, just tell me what's your business."

"In your heart, what kind of person am I?" Qiao Yuan's voice was very low, with complex emotions showing on his face, he didn't know what it meant.

Su Xiaoyao smiled... What kind of person?

Qiao Yuan had already asked her this question several times, but he still asked her again.

Su Xiaoyao's answer will always be the same: "Sunshine, handsome, gentle, ruthless, and bloodthirsty!"

Qiao Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, ruthless and bloodthirsty!

This is the impression he left on Su Xiaoyao!

"So, this means you hate me!" Qiao Yuan's tone was affirmative rather than questioning.
"Hate, how can you not hate, you hurt my favorite brother like that, and now he is still lying in the hospital and can't walk independently, how can you not hate."

"You have your biological parents by your side, even if you quarrel occasionally, so what? Brother Luo Yu grew up alone, never met his father, never received the love of his mother, and struggled on the edge of life and death until now."

"I don't understand, what's wrong with him? Why are you so dazzled by hatred? No, do you have hatred? Brother Luo Yu never appeared in your family from the beginning to the end, and never disturbed your life. But, why do you keep holding grudges!"

Su Xiaoyao's tone was very dignified, Qiao Yuan even felt the huge ups and downs in her heart, but he also thought about what Su Xiaoyao said, he didn't understand why he would do this, even though he was almost 20, more than 20 years, father and mother still have no feelings!
What a sad family!

"I didn't tell Mingze the reason why I came here. It's not that I don't hate you. Of course, there is no such word as hate. I just hope you can see it."

"Well, it's ridiculous, I actually sat here and told you to let you look away, I might be too self-righteous, I'm sorry." Su Xiaoyao said suddenly.

She said such a thing by accident, even she herself didn't understand why she came here today.

"No, there is no difference between Luo Yu and I. Both have never received the love of father and mother, but his mother has received the reminder of my father's life. Isn't he still happy?" Qiao Yuan laughed at himself. In fact, at the beginning , Qiao Yuan really didn’t understand anything, but ever since he found out that the reason for his parents’ quarrel was because of someone who had long since ceased to exist... Moreover, when he also learned that the woman had a son... Qiao Yuan In my heart... the hatred spontaneously arises!
Su Xiaoyao only felt that Qiao Yuan was pitiful. Although Luo Yu had no parents since he was a child, he still lived a good life, at least he had a good attitude, and there was the president's wife who silently took care of him behind him. Well, how should I put it, really Speaking of which, Qiao Yuan is indeed quite sad, and his mind is distorted!
(End of this chapter)

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