My school grass is not good at all

Chapter 370 Your World Is Too Clean

Chapter 370 Your World Is Too Clean
"But in fact, he has always known you, and he also knows that I not only know your identity, but also have a very close relationship with you."

"But brother Luo Yu didn't say anything, just pretended he didn't know anything, Ze, you don't know how good brother Luo Yu is to me, I didn't want to deceive him, but at that time, I was also afraid that you would have conflicts , I had no choice but to lie to him..."

"But, I really don't want to lie to him. In order not to hurt me, he was hit by a car and his ribs were broken..."

"I..." Su Xiaoyao burst into tears as she spoke. No one knew how deep the relationship between her and Luo Yu was. Luo Yu was so kind to her that she showed it countless times. Get yourself killed!

Su Xiaoyao has always called An Mingze by his name directly, at most, Ming Ze, but just now... she called "Ze", just this one word made An Mingze's whole heart soften.

Looking at the sad girl crying beside him, An Mingze's heart ached, but she was crying so sad because of Luo Yu...

That's right, if it was because of him, An Mingze would definitely want to kill him, how could he make Su Xiaoyao so sad.

"Good boy, it's not that serious. These things have nothing to do with you, they are between us." An Mingze hugged Su Xiaoyao into his arms distressedly, and patted her on the back lightly. Weeping non-stop, sobbing non-stop.

"I didn't lie to you, because I thought it would involve gangsters, and there would be more fights and killings. It's not suitable for you. I just want you to accompany me carefree." An Mingze rested his chin on the Su On the head of the little demon, said softly.

That's right, he likes this girl so much, how could he do things that are not good to her and make her unhappy.

That meeting, An Mingze will never forget it in his heart, but Su Xiaoyao has completely forgotten it, no, maybe it can be said that Su Xiaoyao has never known about it.

"Little fairy." Seeing that Su Xiaoyao hadn't spoken for a long time, An Mingze called out in a low voice.

"En." Su Xiaoyao replied.

"Do you still remember, outside Gu Yu's house that day, you said, you don't want to participate in my world, because your world is too clean."

"My world is too messy, you don't come in, so I want to walk into your clean world. Now, is it considered to be in?" An Mingze kept his chin on Su Xiaoyao's head, his voice was distant !

Su Xiaoyao was slightly taken aback, and then she remembered that she had indeed said this. At that time, she only felt that An Mingze's identity, she was unwilling to participate in it, because there would be too many unknowns.

But before she knew it, she still walked in, and fell in, so deep!
"En." Su Xiaoyao still only answered with one word, and nodded.

An Mingze hugged Su Xiaoyao tightly like a child who got candy.

"Thank you, thank you for letting me into your world, thank you for allowing me to love you."

Su Xiaoyao didn't know what it was like in her heart. She never thought that An Mingze would say these words. In her eyes, An Mingze had always been unrestrained, arrogant and self-respecting. How could he be such a Heart-warming person?
Su Xiaoyao felt that she was very lucky to meet this side of An Mingze.

"I'm sorry, I was a little excited just now, because brother Luo Yu treated me really well, and I didn't want to deceive any of you."

(End of this chapter)

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