Chapter 351
"Wulin Biography" started with an unfavorable rating of 5.551%, setting new highs repeatedly. In just three days, the ratings of "Wulin Biography" broke through the threshold of 6%. Go against the sky.

"Meteor Garden" became popular because it borrowed the momentum of "Slam Dunk", and "Wulin Biography" became popular because it borrowed the momentum of "Meteor Garden". Of course, if the story itself has no selling point and the plot is not attractive, then It is useless to borrow the influence of the king of heaven and Lao Tzu. After all, the audience is not a fool who follows others, they have their own appreciation ability. Is "Wulin Biography" good to watch?They have their own decisions in their hearts!

"Wulin Biography" has only aired three episodes, and the ratings have broken through the 6% mark. Although this brilliant result is within the expectations of the peers, it still blinds the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes of the peers!
Your sister, this result is too awesome, right?We must know that the ratings of 1% is a watershed, but "Wulin Biography" is good. It has achieved a ratings of 5.551% that countless TV dramas have to look up to but cannot surpass.

What a grass mud horse!Isn't this clearly bullying?For a big production like "The Hero of the Han Dynasty", which cost 5 million yuan, the average ratings are only 3%, and the ratings of the finale can barely break through 5%. This young handsome studio is too unreasonable. Yes, "Meteor Garden" is like this, "Wulin Biography" is still like this, really bullying people!

If it weren't for Apple TV's prime time, which only broadcasts one episode of TV series every day, the TV series in the same period would really not be able to survive. Even so, many people hate Lin Tianbao so much, how do you say it?It seems to be "cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents!"

Therefore, the online reviews of "Wulin Biography" are not one-sided. Many well-known figures criticized "Wulin Biography" as a bad drama.

"It's hard to make things together! In a few years, let's see how many people can still remember "Wulin Biography"?" Xu Kaifei, a famous Chinese director.

Xu Kaifei has always been unhappy with Lin Tianbao because the large-scale historical drama "A Generation of Heroes of the Han Dynasty" directed by Xu Kaifei was rejected by the small-production sitcom "Love Apartment". How can director Xu Da swallow this breath?

Regardless of "Meteor Garden" or "Wulin Biography", Xu Kaifei regards them as rubbish, but the ratings of these two rubbish slapped him across the face. Dare I ask why Director Xu didn't go crazy with envy?

Thinking of him, Xu Kaifei, who has been in the directing industry for more than 20 years, except that in the early years when the Internet was underdeveloped, his TV dramas often broke through the 10% barrier. In recent years, it is difficult for his TV dramas to break through the 5% barrier. Of course, this is not He regressed, but technology advanced.

In other words, 5% ratings is a hurdle. For a big director like Xu Kaifei who is so conceited, only a single episode of a TV series he directed can barely touch the 5% threshold. Why did the obvious brats (Li Shengli and Lu Yuan) surpass him?

What's more, "Meteor Garden" and "Wulin Biography" are out-and-out bad dramas in his eyes, with no nutritional value at all, and they are collectively referred to as "garbage works".

In fact, before Xu Kaifei commented on "Wulin Biography", he once bombarded "Love Apartment" as a crooked way. A TV series (that is, a commercial TV series) that only pleases the audience is by no means a good work. Maybe today "Love Apartment" will be very good. Fire, but tomorrow will be forgotten by people.

"Meteor Garden" became a big hit, Xu Kaifei didn't directly reprimand "Meteor Garden" by name, but just posted a post on Weibo, "The world is getting worse, commercial TV dramas are in power", insinuating that "Wulin Biography" is not a martial arts drama, but a costume drama with four different characters Let Xu Kaifei explode completely, what dares to break the record for the highest ratings of all TV dramas in the past ten years?

Yes, Xu Kaifei looked down on "Wulin Biography" from the bottom of his heart. He was just unhappy that "Wulin Biography" had achieved such a high ratings.

So what if Xu Kaifei is a famous director in China?Is Lin Jiajun a vegetarian?Are martial arts fans all over the country vegetarian?Aren't TV shows made to entertain the audience?The audience just pay the bill, what's wrong with Xu Kaifei?

The audience of "Wulin Biography" covers three age groups: middle-aged and young people. Most elderly people say they can't understand the too modern "Wulin Biography", but it doesn't matter, teenagers and middle-aged people can understand it.

"Wulin Biography" has so many audiences, each of them spit and drowned Xu Kaifei every minute, so Director Xu's Weibo is very lively, and he is "patronized" every day.

"The ratings don't mean everything. Although "Wulin Biography" is very popular, it doesn't mean it is an excellent work. Like "Meteor Garden", it is an unrefined fast food TV series. I believe it will disappear in a few years. Time is long." Zhang Qianqiu, a well-known director in China.

"Family in Love and Love" directed by Zhang Qianqiu played the family card and took the long-term route. However, he encountered "Meteor Garden" and "Wulin Biography" successively, which also led to the ratings of "Blood Love and Love" breaking 1%. "One Family" is falling every day, and the result is no surprise that it fell by 1%. Rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, and Zhang Qianqiu will predict when he is anxious. , how drop?
Not so badly, "Family Love" was boycotted by Lin Jiajun and fans of the two dramas.

"Nowadays people make TV dramas look like hodgepodge for the sake of attracting people's attention, and they still have gold medal screenwriters? I'm so sorry." Shen Boqiao, a famous screenwriter second to none in China.

This is a typical sour grape who can’t eat grapes. With the advent of the big IP era, the position of screenwriters is getting more and more awkward. There are very few screenwriters who can achieve great results. Shen Boqiao is one of them, so he is very uncomfortable with the constant Lin Tianbao, who is going smoothly, especially "Meteor Garden" and "Wulin Biography" have become popular one after another, and have already challenged his bottom line.

Shen Boqiao was also the one who was spat on the most among the three, because he was dealing with people rather than dramas.

In addition to the above three, several martial arts masters jumped out to accuse Lin Tianbao of not understanding martial arts and making fun of martial arts.

Regarding this, Lin Tianbao smiled, if he changed to martial arts, then these few people could wash their hands and retire.

No matter how these celebrities criticize "Wulin Biography", the popularity of "Wulin Biography" is unstoppable anyway. The ratings on the first day of broadcasting were 5.551%, and the ratings increased instead of decreasing on the second day, reaching 5.829%. It is even more awesome, directly breaking through to 6%!

Maybe 6% of the audience rating was nothing 20 years ago, and there were TV dramas with 50% audience rating at that time, but today, the 6% audience rating is absolutely golden!

Now, not only the local TV stations are repeatedly suppressed by Apple TV, but even Shenzhou TV is no exception. This also makes Shenzhou TV, the boss of the TV station, feel ashamed. "Legend of the New White Snake" is being filmed!
Not only Shenzhou TV, but other local TV stations also became ruthless. They also took aim at "Legend of the New White Snake" and made up their minds to win "Legend of the New White Snake" no matter what!

Yes, "Legend of the New White Snake" became popular before it aired, and the price of a single episode was the highest in history!

In the end, "Legend of the New White Snake" was awarded the first-round exclusive broadcasting rights by China TV at a sky-high price of 1200 million yuan per episode!

Pay attention, it's only the first round of exclusive rights, this invisible slap also slapped Xu Kaifei and others' faces in pain, your sister, is it necessary to raise the price like this?Even if the ratings of "Legend of the New White Snake" are not satisfactory, Young Marshal's studio has already made a lot of money.

However, the real slap in the face has just begun. Compared with "Meteor Garden" and "Wulin Biography", "Legend of the New White Snake", which is still being filmed, is the real highlight of the studio!

 Thank you very much for the 100 rewards from Wozki Schodet, 2 monthly tickets for the rain and shock, 33 monthly tickets for Dream Builder 2, and 1 monthly ticket for June Yuwei, Tianlai Qingquan, and Don’t Be So Perseverant.

(End of this chapter)

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