Chapter 372 is mine

Xu Xiangsi put her hand on her lower abdomen.

The more I think about it, the more uncertain I feel.

If the child's father is one of those four, then the child has a criminal father, how can she allow such a product to appear?

Who is it?

Thinking that Huo Jinhan was still lying in the ICU and needed her so much right now, how could he dare to think if there was one?

As for this kid...

Anyway, the month is still young, so it is basically invisible.

After Huo Jinhan woke up, she would think about the surgery.

After making up my mind, I went to the ICU.

A family member was using a microwave oven to heat food, and the fishy smell wafted over. Xu Xiangsi felt sick, covered her mouth and ran to the sink to vomit.

But nothing came out.

He obviously wanted to vomit, but that nauseating feeling lingered for some reason.

Forcibly suppressing the uncomfortable feeling, he picked up a handful of water and rinsed his mouth, hoping to feel better, but unexpectedly...

The nausea came back again.

Still can't spit out anything.

"Girl, I think you have it, right?" Seeing her vomit like this, the aunt who was heating rice next to her hurriedly handed her a tissue.

Xu Xiangsi thanked her and took a tissue to wipe her mouth, "Auntie, what are you talking about?"

"What is there?"

The child in her womb cannot be kept.

In any case, she doesn't want others to know of its existence.

Even with her best friend Qin Fangxiao, she didn't reveal a word, she just didn't want the news of her being raped to spread.

So, here at Auntie, she pretends to be confused

Seeing how confused she was, the aunt couldn't help shaking her head, "Silly girl, if you have it, it means you're pregnant! I think you're just pregnant, right?"

"Then you have to be careful, the first three months are the most delicate, don't do strenuous exercise, or you will have a miscarriage..."

There are people from the Shen family all around here. She was afraid that others would know, so she hurriedly said: "Auntie, you really made a mistake. I have an upset stomach, and I ruined my stomach after eating."

The aunt didn't say anything else, she glanced at her, and went away.

On the contrary, it was the bodyguard of the Shen family who secretly wrote down the scene and reported it to Shen Moyan.


After receiving the call from the bodyguard, Shen Moyan immediately couldn't sit still.

He wants this woman!

Even with the most despicable and shameless means.


How did she get pregnant with someone else's child?
Whose child is that?
Is it from Mu Qingcheng?

He investigated Xu Xiangsi's private life and found that her private life was clean and tight, and she didn't go around seducing men like others said.

On the contrary, Xu Xiangsi's life is very simple and clean, there are no other men around her except Mu Qingcheng.

Of course, after Huo Jinhan appeared beside her, she had less contact with Mu Qingcheng.

Shen Moyan immediately called Mu Qingcheng.

"Mu Qingcheng, Xu Xiangsi is pregnant, is the child yours?"

Xu Xiangsi is pregnant? !
Mu Qingcheng's jaw almost dropped in shock.

When was she pregnant?

How did he know nothing about it?

He hasn't touched her until now!

Who is the child?
Thinking of Shen Moyan's recent divestment of Qingcheng Company and the devastating blow, Mu Qingcheng bit the bullet and lied.

"Yes! The child is mine!"

This answer made Shen Moyan narrow his eyes.

"Next, do you still need me to teach you?"

Mu Qingcheng immediately understood: "Thank you Mr. Shen, I will behave well next time!"

"I'm going to find Xu Xiangsi!"

After hanging up the phone, Shen Moyan narrowed his eyes.

If this child really belonged to Mu Qingcheng, in order to get Xu Xiangsi, he would let this child die in Mu Qingcheng's hands!

The recommendation votes you voted are getting less and less, Lanshou Shiitake, the change will start tomorrow, if there are fewer recommendation votes, the change will be cut off, sad
(End of this chapter)

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