Chapter 306 Pointless Things


Huo Jinhan probably really drank too much, as soon as he entered the room, he rushed to the bathroom and threw up.

Xu Xiangsi was left standing alone in a daze.

Why is he doing these pointless things?
Taking her to see the stars, treating Xu Wenwen like that, even paid for her mother's medical expenses.


He used her birthday as his password again.


Originally, Xu Xiangsi planned to send him into the house and leave.

After hearing the sound of him vomiting, he froze there for a while.

He was so uncomfortable, helping her again and again, how could she just leave like this?

At least make him a cup of tea to make him feel better...

She knew that at this point in time, and at Huo Jinhan's house again, something might happen that she didn't want to happen.


Somehow, in order to find out about his combination lock, she put on her slippers and walked into his house.


Huo Jinhan's home is decorated in a very simple and low-key manner.

Everything is mainly black and white, and there is a man's elegance and coolness everywhere.

The difference from the last time she came was that there was an extra pair of pink ladies slippers at home.

It's fluffy, with all feet covered, and has two ears. When it walks, it looks like a little rabbit running around.

Standing in the kitchen, Xu Xiangsi looked at the kettle that was boiling water, and all she could think of was the scene when Huo Jinhan pressed the combination lock number just now.

His hands were slender and fair, with well-defined joints, very seductive. He pressed on the combination lock once and for all, but firmly pressed on her heart.

Huo Jinhan, Huo Jinhan, why do you use my birthday as your password?

The question was on her lips several times, almost blurting it out, but…

She held back.

In fact, she clearly knew the answer, and also knew that Huo Jinhan would tell her as long as she asked.

But she still hesitated.

How will she get along with Huo Jinhan after piercing that layer of window paper?

It's better to pretend that you don't know anything.


it is tomorrow!

She went to Mu Qingcheng to break off the engagement. If he didn't agree, she would post it on Weibo herself!

Then Gu Dian Shuijun forwarded it.


After Huo Jinhan vomited, he felt much better. After rinsing his mouth, he went back to the living room. When he saw that the light was on in the kitchen, his eyes narrowed slightly.

She actually...

did not go!
At that moment, the man's heart became so light that it almost flew up.

He walked towards the kitchen step by step, the closer he got, the slower the steps.

Many beautiful things, the closer they are, the less they dare to move forward when they are about to touch them.


Xu Xiangsi was standing under the ceiling lamp in the kitchen, boiling water for him. In front of her was a transparent glass cup filled with some green tea.

She is as quiet as the cup.

He was obviously quiet, but his heart was tense.

It was like seeing my childhood self again.

No matter how late he came back, his mother would wait for him in the kitchen, and when he came back from school, he would stroke his head with a gentle smile and bring him a bowl of hot soup.

As time passed, Huo Jinhan stared at that figure in a daze.


After the water was boiled, the sound of the power switch off came, breaking the certain tranquility, and he came back to his senses.

He walked into the kitchen without hesitation and stood directly behind her.

In fact, at this time, he especially wanted to hug her and kiss her earlobe and neck.


For some unknown reason, he flinched again, slowly retracting his outstretched hand, and finally it fell powerlessly beside his trousers.

(End of this chapter)

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