I'm flirting with tyrants

Chapter 998: Battle of Three People

Chapter 998 The Battle of the Three

Chapter 1008:
"If you don't want to die, take out your weapon and fight!"


All the lower gods who were at close range were knocked back by three points by the aura.

"Master Bai Zhen, this Ziluan dragon belongs to the ancient dragon clan, and its strength is tyrannical. In my opinion, we should not confront her head-on." A flustered Bai Xiangzheng transformed his own Horcrux. Zhen said.

"It's just that there is nothing to be afraid of being a hybrid dragon. Even if it is not extinct, it has gone through tens of millions of years of reincarnation. I am afraid that its strength is not as good as before. Besides, she dared to openly challenge this god. Could it be that this god is just Does it look like this?!" After sizing it up, Bai Zhen found that although Xiao Qingxuan had exploded with a strong aura, he was not to be feared in terms of physique and soul power.

As for the Demon God, it is naturally the same.

A sky-blue bow and arrow appeared in Bai Zhen's hand. Holding the bow and arrow, she half-closed her eyes and looked at Xiao Qingxuan and Di Chuyi, with the corners of her lips slightly raised.

"Since you want to die so much, this god will help you."

Bai Zhen jumped forward from the spot, drew the bow and arrows, and released three sky-blue arrows, and the arrows shone exquisitely and sharply over Ting Xuecheng.

While the common people were cheering underneath, those killed Mei seemed to be summoned by something, and their split limbs reunited again.

"Ahhh...the monster is alive again!"

"Help me..."

The chaotic shouts spread in the center of Listening Snow City. Countless people wanted to escape from those resurrected charms, but they found that they could not escape at all, and these resurrected charms would not attack them at all. , more surged from the ground to the sky, rushing towards the place surrounded by the gods.

Even those thousand-year-old charms who were killed by Xiao Qingxuan also gathered together.

Thousands of charms surrounded the gods, and then attacked the gods.

"What the hell." The gods didn't know what happened for a while, but... from Mei's demonic energy, they finally knew who summoned such a group of guys.

Naturally, it was Di Chuyi, the number one demon god who was fighting against God Bai Zhen.

This is a battle that should not be underestimated. The ancient dragons and the demon gods, even if their strength is not as good as before, so what. The ancient dragons have the strongest combat power of their family, and the demon gods have the ability to resurrect the dead and become very powerful. In addition, although the demon god's skills are not as powerful as before, he has gone through hundreds of battles, and he is the only person who has fought against the throne many times.

The gods were hesitating whether to report the incident, but if they did, and the news of His Royal Highness's disappearance reached his ears, they would also be doomed!
While they were debating whether to report or not, the three of them had already started a fierce struggle, because the common enemy was God Bai Zhen, Xiao Qingxuan and Di Chuyi reached a brief consensus to deal with God Bai Zhen together.

"Mother!" Ah Nian was protected in the barrier, it's not that he couldn't get out, he just didn't want his mother to distract him, so he had to stay in the barrier well.

Although he thought so, the gods didn't think so.

"Your Highness, the little god will save you now."

There are always a few lackeys who insist on currying favor with the enemy.

"No need, get the hell out of here!"

But the gods surrounding him didn't pay any attention to Anian's words, as if he was still angry with Bai Zhen Shangshen.

"Your Highness, God Bai Zhen really loves you very much, and she doesn't want you to get hurt here."

(End of this chapter)

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