Chapter 567 Newlywed Congratulations ([-])

The little guy climbed up knowingly, sat beside him, you look at me, I look at you.

Danqing asked Aunt Chen to bring out many toys, made the two children look at each other in the living room, and told Aunt Chen to watch the children while running to the kitchen to prepare food.

Although Shaozhe proposed to hire another servant to help with cooking and cleaning.

But she rejected it straight away, and she likes to cook a hearty meal for her family by doing it herself.

When she came out with the stewed eggs, the two little guys actually met head to head, communicating in full swing, babbling, talking about something, all smiling and looking very happy.

Sure enough, it's a child and needs a playmate. The baby is used to being alone, and someone will play with him. Of course, he is overjoyed. He presents his favorite toy to Xiao Fei like a treasure, and invites him to play with him.

Xiao Fei became more courageous, and the two had a great time playing.

She breathed a sigh of relief, "Eat."

When Xiao Haohann heard that there was something to eat, his eyes lit up immediately, and he ran over with his mouth open, waiting for the food to be fed.

Suddenly remembering that there was another little friend, he quickly turned around and waved at him.

"Please eat."

Xiao Fei hesitated for a moment, looked at this, looked at that, dawdled for a long time, and walked over cautiously.

Danqing sighed secretly in her heart, becoming more and more confused about Han Yunqing's intentions.

Seemingly affectionate and ruthless, people's hearts are too hard to guess.

Send the child, why not bring a familiar nanny?
Suddenly throwing the child into an unfamiliar environment, without any familiar people by his side, it is strange not to be afraid.

What on earth is he trying to do?

This is his own son, not a toy.

She is very patient with the children, with a smile on her face, feeding them bite by spoonful.

It may be that the food is too delicious, or it may be that her smile is too kind and warm. After a while, Xiao Fei's expression becomes natural, and he sticks to her side and refuses to leave.

Danqing observed him for a long time, and he didn't look like Qi Yingying, except for his chin, he looked like Han Yunqing, especially his pair of big eyes, the standard version of the Han family.

In other words, it is quite similar to Han Shaozhe, and also similar to his son, with the common features of the Han family.

The two little guys sat in front of her in a row, very cute, and they felt like twins.

She looked friendly and treated Xiao Fei even more gently.

Seeing Xiao Haohann, he was a little jealous, and Lao Gao had a small mouth.

But under Danqing's persuasion, he soon became happy again and had a great time playing.

Danqing and Aunt Chen took care of the two children. After working for a long time, they were exhausted.

Taking care of children is the hardest job in the world.

Help the children take a good bath, hold them to bed, snuggle up to her side by side, and listen to her softly tell fairy tales.

As soon as Shaozhe came home, he changed his shoes and went to the children's room. As he expected, the lighting in the room was soft, and the woman's smile was even gentler.

The beloved woman held a doll in one hand, her gentleness was in a mess, her voice was like a clear spring in the mountains, and she was as comfortable as a breeze.

Xiao Haohann's eyes were sleepy, but he refused to fall asleep, and acted softly, "Mommy, tell me one more."

I like listening to Mommy telling bedtime fairy tales the most.

Xiao Fei also twisted her small body, "Sister-in-law, I want to listen too."

The sister-in-law who came out is very kind, with a warm smile and a kind of mother's taste.

It's completely different from the nanny who has been taking care of him.

(End of this chapter)

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