Chapter 556 Divorce and Marriage ([-])

When Danqing got out of the car, he looked around, hey, where is this?It looked solemn and serious.

Hey, there are still people queuing.

queue?And it's in pairs, a man and a woman...

A flash of light flashed in my mind, but I couldn't believe it.

How can it be?

The staff had been waiting on the side for a long time. Seeing them coming, they greeted them, made gestures, and walked ahead.

Shaozhe didn't say anything, but with a smile on his lips, he hugged her and followed her.

Her body was trembling, her feet seemed to be stepping on clouds, she was limp, she was out of control, her heart was up and down, and her mind was in a mess.

Is this the legendary Civil Affairs Bureau?
The little guy was very at ease, his eyes rolled around, his lips were red and his teeth were white, his cute appearance attracted many people to stop and watch.

After walking for a few minutes, they were ushered into a room, which was a VIP room specially opened for them.

Danqing's expression was dull, as if in a dream, he couldn't react, his head was buzzing.

Seeing the mouth of the staff member on the opposite side moving, but not knowing what he was talking about, his heart and soul seemed to be taken away, and he was at a loss.

She obediently listened to Shaozhe's words, filled out the form, took pictures, signed, and finally the red book was delivered to her, with congratulations in her ears, but she was still not in the mood at all.

The staff looked curiously at this pair of legendary characters, handsome and beautiful, and a cute baby, a perfect family of three, but why does the woman have such an expression?
Suspicion glanced at Young Master Han secretly, isn't he happy?

No way!
Shaozhe couldn't help but pinch her, this silly girl must have been frightened by him.

"Wake up, don't be in a daze, everyone will think that I forcibly married a peasant girl."

Cut, her face hurts so much, she frowned and twisted her face.

"Brother, am I dreaming?"

Shaozhe laughed loudly, and raised his hand in front of her, "I'm dreaming, come, take a bite."

She really took a bite foolishly, feeling the pain, her little face wrinkled into a ball.

"It hurts, it hurts, why are you holding my hand?"

This big villain played tricks on her again.

The baby thought it was fun, and giggled, the laughter was extremely crisp.

Shaozhe was full of joy, unable to hide his joy.

"It's more realistic that way."

Danqing looked at him, then at the smiling baby, and finally had a sense of reality.

She... married?

And it was married under the witness of his son?
She became a gorgeous married woman?
Wow, it feels so weird.

Shaozhe looked at the little woman who was clearly thinking wildly, and laughed.

"Come on, let's celebrate."

His smile was particularly bright, and his laughter was particularly brisk, full of the joy of having his wish come true.

She was led away, walked out of the gate, couldn't help but stop, and looked back a few times.

Finally saw the sign, it really is the Civil Affairs Bureau!

"Shaozhe, are we really married? Are we really married? Am I really not dreaming?"

For some reason, she suddenly became worried about gains and losses, afraid that this was a dream, a beautiful dream that made people reluctant to wake up.

Without hope, there is no disappointment.

All along, she didn't dare to have a glimmer of hope, and she got used to this kind of life without a name and a role, so she didn't have any disappointment.

But now... the unexpected surprise made her so excited that she didn't know why.

Shaozhe felt so distressed, it was all his fault.

"Silly girl, it's true. I've worked hard for you these years. It's because I didn't do well enough to make you suffer so much. I will never do it again, I swear."

(End of this chapter)

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