Chapter 460 DNA Paternity Test (7)

"What did you say? That kid is..."

He had doubts for a long time, but he never wanted to and couldn't ask for proof, he only thought that the child was adopted by Danqing.

It's just that some things will always be exposed, and paper cannot contain fire.

When Shaozhe talked about the little bun, there was a slight smile on his face, he loved and doted on him, "Yes, it is my child, my own, Danqing was born for me, I like it very much."

Han Yunqing saw the joy of being a father for the first time, and felt mixed feelings. He couldn't tell what it was like, but he couldn't like it.

His grandson turned into a son, and the adopted child became his own grandson. No matter how strong and calm he was, he couldn't digest it for a while.

"You don't need to emphasize it so much. I'm not as ruthless as you. No matter how ruthless you are, I won't take my anger out on a child."

Oh, what's the matter?
Shaozhe's mind is very small, he can remember some things clearly, and he will never forget them, "That's not what you said a few days ago."

At that time, they kept saying that they wanted the lives of their mother and son, and used it as a bargaining chip for threats.

Just as he was about to say a few more words, seeing his ugly face, he quieted down and changed the subject.

"No, that's the best. If their mother and child hurt a hair, then..."

His voice paused, and his tone became more serious, "No one should think about it."

Han Yunqing's face changed suddenly, "Are you threatening me?"

It's getting more and more excessive, but the sad thing is that no matter how angry or angry he is, it can't affect the amnesiac guy in front of him.

The irresponsible bastard thing is obviously his own flesh and blood, but he doesn't look like him at all.

No ambition, no ambition, just thinking about love and love all day long, protecting that girl.

Shaozhe changed his mind, and didn't intend to oppose him.

"Take it as a request. As a father-in-law who robbed his daughter-in-law, you..."

The corner of Han Yunqing's mouth twitched, and he almost vomited blood, "You bastard, you tricked me, how dare you say that about me? Don't think I have to be you."

Shaozhe smiled lightly, with a calm expression, "You can say whatever you want, I have no objection, but Mr. Han, after you have your youngest son, you are full of confidence."

He said Mr. Han, full of sarcasm, and made Han Yunqing angry, "Han Shaozhe, do you owe a beating?"

God knows he doesn't want a younger son at all, what a great grandson.

The grandson who was originally held in the palm of his hand has become a son, and he doesn't know what attitude to use to face that child, let alone what to say in the future?
This kind of life experience is already embarrassing enough, and it will be even more troublesome in the future. Hey, this matter is enough for him to have a headache.

Shaozhe can think about it, with the old man's ability, he can easily find a good excuse, and he can cheat the world.

The child is still young and his face has not grown, so there are plenty of ways.

"Cultivate that child well. After 20 years, he will be able to support the Han family. You have to persevere and hold on for another 20 years."

Damn, there's nothing wrong with him at all, Han Yunqing couldn't help knocking on it again.

"In your dreams."

He managed to cultivate an excellent heir, and it was impossible to let him run away.

Another 20 years?He doesn't have such good physical strength!

Shaozhe looked at his unpredictable face inexplicably, a little speechless.

"I don't remember anything. Go back and hold my son. Now that I have a son, I have everything to do. Don't come to me for other things."

After walking two steps, I suddenly remembered something, "By the way, my son is very healthy, do you have anything to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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