Chapter 149 Winter Seed
The rain stopped, and all the things that were delayed should be carried out, not to mention there are new plans, so naturally we can't neglect them.

People were sent over one after another, and resettled in batches.

After finishing the autumn harvest, Mingyu began to work on winter planting. What to plant, of course, is wheat and corn.

Last year, Mingyu did not plant winter wheat, but planted alfalfa to raise the land, but now there is a new plan, since the acquisition of land in the north will definitely require a lot of seeds.

This year was plagued by drought and flood, and there were no seeds in the whole country. Naturally, he needed to save his own seeds, so Mingyu thought of planting winter wheat.

This year, in order to grow winter wheat, the fields were drained of water early, and the fish were also caught early, and all of them were dried into dried fish, waiting to be transported to the north next year for the people there to eat. Work for yourself, how can you not make people feel full.

As soon as the rice is harvested, people immediately plow the ground, pull out all the straw roots in the ground, and put them in a pile.After turning the land, fertilize the land, and use the rake claws to loosen the land again after fertilization.

In fact, planting wheat is much easier than rice. There is no need to grow seedlings. The selected wheat seeds are mixed with medicinal powder evenly, which can prevent and control some diseases that occur during the growth of wheat, and then sow the seeds.

Everyone was brought in front of a field, and Mingyu demonstrated for them, explaining while planting seeds.Some of these people will be sent to the north at that time, so Mingyu's explanation is more careful, even the children are present, and some literate old farmers even took notes.

Mingyu used rake claws to draw out a small ditch about four or five centimeters deep on the ground, then drew a straight line about four or five centimeters away, and then drew a second line about fifteen to eighteen centimeters apart. Putting down the rake claws, he held a bag of wheat seeds hanging on his waist, took out the wheat seeds from it with one hand, and put them in the ditch.

"Everyone, look carefully. At that time, three people will form a group and cooperate with each other. One person will be responsible for digging the ditch, one will sow the seeds, and the other will cover the soil. The wheat seeds are pulled away, and the land that has been planted must not be stepped on, otherwise it will affect the emergence of seedlings, well, the rest will be handed over to you."

After seeing how to plant, everyone divided into groups one by one, and then went to the field to start farming, and the children were all taken by Mingyu to harvest corn.

Regardless of the fact that the corn harvesters are all a group of children, they are not slow. They pull both hands at the same time. They are small, and it is much more convenient to shuttle in the field than adults. Scratches, hands and feet were wrapped tightly with clothes to prevent scratches from corn leaves.

The drying yard is in charge of some women, these are the daughters-in-law or old mothers of men who have gone to the ground. When they are sent here, everyone only knows that the master here can feed them. Originally, this disaster made them think They can't survive anymore, but now they have the opportunity to survive, and they can still be together as a family. Naturally, they will be loyal to Mingyu with all their hearts.

In fact, they don't know where this is. When they came here, they walked on mountain roads, and they were all blindfolded, but the family was together, so no one was panicked. In my business, I have not been abused by others. One by one, even if you tell him to leave, he will not leave.

(End of this chapter)

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