Chapter 130
After a year of busy work, old man Murong and Cang Jiye sent two letters during this period, the last one said they would be back in three months, just in time for Mingyu's 10th birthday, which would be 11 years old.

The life in the village has been greatly improved due to the cultivation of chili peppers. Now all countries, from the royal relatives to the common people, basically agree with the existence of chili peppers, but the price of chili peppers is still very expensive for ordinary people.

As soon as chili became popular, the county magistrate came to the village where Mingyu lived, saying that he wanted to turn this remote county town into a chili garden. A reward is given.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is for political achievements.Basically all the land in the village was sold to Hongyunlou, and Mingyu had told the families long ago that we ordinary people cannot hold on to this thing, as long as we earn more than others and we have experience, we can Don't be afraid to learn from others.

So when the county magistrate came, everyone pushed the village chief out to express everyone's wishes.

Seeing that the villagers were easy to talk to and their requests were not too much, the county magistrate agreed to them all.However, there are not many villagers in the village. Except for women and children, the rest are recruited as instructors in various villages.

Regardless of the remote counties, there are quite a few villages under his jurisdiction, but because of the remoteness, the jurisdiction is larger, and because there is no oil and water, most people are reluctant to come here to take office.

Because each family has planted their own land for a year, it is not as troublesome as it was at the beginning. The work of fertilizing, weeding and picking can be easily done by the women and children in the family, and they can also earn income by teaching others to grow peppers.

Now no one in the village has a small amount of money, and the houses of every family have been pushed and built into tile-roofed houses to open large courtyards. The girls from other villages tried their best to marry in, and the girls in the village were begging from each family at that time, and they all looked forward to their father-in-law. The mother-in-law can give advice to herself so that she can make a fortune.

In fact, the people in the village admire Mingyu's family the most, but they don't want to show up, otherwise many benefits will not go to the villagers. Even if Mingyu's family didn't do anything, and then brought back a lot of things, no one would talk too much.

The grain Mingyu harvested this year not only filled the caves in the mountains, but also dug two huge cellars for storage.

Originally, Mingyu planned to sell it, even if he couldn't just sell too much at once, he could split it up several times, but a letter sent by Cang Jiye stopped the idea of ​​selling food.

Regarding rice planting, the people in the village also modified the rice planting and fertilized the rice planting according to Mingyu's inadvertent words, and the yield has also increased a lot, but it will not make people feel too much.

Because peppers are planted according to Mingyu's instructions, and Mingyu usually talks about some superficial principles of planting, so people don't think it's surprising that the rice production has increased. They just think that they didn't take good care of the rice before.Mingyu didn't teach everyone about raising seedlings, after all, the current method of planting has been passed down from the older generation.

There is a lot of food, and people in the village want to sell it, Mingyu will dissuade them, saying that now that the family has enough money, why sell food, how good it is to save, if there is any natural or man-made disaster, it is not a guarantee, but it will Aroused the villagers' interest in food storage.

(End of this chapter)

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