Chapter 241

Li Kai held his forehead helplessly, Yuan Jie was hopeless.In his previous life, he and he were in conflict. Yuan Jie was extreme, and he was also extreme. They seized his conceited characteristics and set up a situation. In the end, they all died together. The one who suffered was his mother and grandfather who were alive.Now that he is doing it all over again, he must not repeat this ending again, and now that he has Liang Muyun, how dare he make her worry about him.

Mr. Yuan's face flushed with anger, his blood pressure rose, and after scolding you, you couldn't speak anymore and gasped for breath. Yuan Yi hurriedly gave him his breath, and then called the nanny to get the medicine.Eve obediently went to pour a glass of water, Yuan Yi took the medicine and fed it to the old man, it took a long time for the old man to calm down and breathe.Li Kai stepped forward to inquire about the situation, and after confirming that there was no need to go to the hospital, he sat back on the sofa in relief.

From the beginning to the end, Yuan Jie was smiling and watching a group of people busy. His family affection for everyone in the Yuan family disappeared after the incident 25 years ago. How could his Asen be desperate, how could he abandon him and go alone.

Thinking of Tan Yisen, Yuan Jie's expression became even more gloomy. His A Sen, the one who gave him warmth, just left.He spent more than 20 years taking revenge, saw their unhappy lives in the process, and enjoyed the pleasure that their miserable lives brought him. Since they deprived him of happiness, he made them unhappy too.

He didn't let Chen Yuhan die directly, but drove her crazy step by step. Her madness made it hard for the whole Tan family, and made the pedantic old man of the Tan family mad.There is also a pair of adulterers Tan Yilin and Luo Zhenzhen, one has the same face as his Asen, and the other is designed to have a relationship with him, but unexpectedly she is pregnant with his child.That year, he only forced Luo Zhenzhen away and scolded Tan Yilin, making him live in guilt all his life and dare not go to Luo Zhenzhen.

Thinking about the things he has done these years, his mood has improved a lot. Not only the Tan family, but his father and his sister are now feeling guilty, guilty of preventing him from interacting with his A Sen, guilty of ignoring him, guilty of not Show him love.

Yuan Jie turned his head to look at Li Kai, his cold eyes made Li Kai frown, he couldn't figure out what his uncle was thinking.dominate?revenge?Why choose him? He was just a baby more than 20 years ago. If it weren't for the investigation later, he would not know anything, but it happened that Yuan Jie chose him to dominate his life. It is really abnormal to the extreme.

After Mr. Yuan recovered, he looked at Yuan Jie helplessly and sadly, "It's enough to blame you and me for what happened at the beginning. I was the one who stopped you from interacting with the boss of the Tan family. I was the one who was ruthless to you. You bet on your sister." What annoyance."

Yuan Jie snorted coldly, his face was stern, and his eyes were as cold as ice, "Yeah, it's your fault. If I didn't have a father like you, maybe I wouldn't be like this. But is she worthy to be my sister? She would ignore his brother begging her, and only think about the man who betrayed her."

Yuan Yi felt a little guilty when she heard the words, she was more surprised, she didn't expect her brother to think of her like this, yes, she didn't care about her brother for Li Kai's father, and abandoned her brother for love, so why didn't he blame her for love? .After all, they are all selfish, Yuan Jie blames her, so Yuan Jie is right to think so?That's right, she was heartbroken because of Li Kai's father's betrayal, she was at a loss for holding Li Kai, and Yuan Jie was sad because of Tan Yisen.He didn't have time to prevent Tan Yisen from committing suicide, so he blamed them for all this, which is ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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