Chapter 617
Under the careful care of Xingyun Liushui and Lan Bier, Yan Ruogu's injury has recovered very well, and the bone injury on her leg has also healed a lot.Today, with the support of Lan Bier, he limped to the back mountain.The two came to a boulder, Yan Ruogu stretched out his hand and gently stroked the stone wall, sighing softly: "Things are different..."

Lan Bier looked at Yan Ruogu's expression curiously and said: "Brother Yan, you seem to have a lot of affection for everything here."

Yan Ruogu turned her head and nodded, "Bi'er, do you know where this place is?"

Lan Bier hesitated and said: "Brother Yan, is this the place where you were silently enlightened?"

Yan Ruogu smiled and said: "It's this place. I was seriously injured in the battle with Ichiro Liusheng. I spent half a year recuperating in Wudang. The scene suddenly felt like yesterday, but I still vividly remember it..."

Lan Bier said: "There seems to be a master in the dark, brother Yan, you started to set foot in the martial arts from Wudang, and now you have ended this once-in-a-century catastrophe in Wudang, just like reincarnation, and you have returned to the original point... "

Yan Ruogu smiled and said: "Hehe...Maybe." He asked: "By the way, how is Linger these days? I haven't seen her come to see me for a long time."

Lan Bier said with a worried face: "Bai Shaotang is really harmful. He died, but he still caused sister Linger to cry all day long. She kept herself locked in the house and refused to come out to see everyone. How can I persuade you?" It's useless...except for Senior Li sending her some food every day to see her, even I haven't seen her for a long time."

Yan Ruogu sighed: "Alas... Ling'er grew up in the mountains since she was a child, and has never experienced the love of children, but she fell in love with Bai Shaotang... What Bai Shaotang did Linger was caught in a dilemma. I believe that when she stabbed that sword at Bai Shaotang that day, the pain in her heart was no less than the pain in Bai Shaotang's body... At the critical moment, Linger can take the overall situation into consideration. Heavy, one can imagine how much courage she needs to make this dilemma..."

Lan Bier nodded and said: "Brother Yan, why don't we go and see Sister Linger, she will always think wildly when she is alone, and we can accompany her to talk, or maybe we can explain her a little bit."

Yan Ruogu said: "Bi'er, what you said makes sense, let's go, let's go find her." Talking about playing, Yan Ruogu dragged Lan Bier to limping to find Shui Ling. .

When Lan Bier and Yan Ruogu came to the door of Shui Ling's room, they happened to meet Li Qingliu walking out of the room with a sad face, Yan Ruogu hurriedly asked: "Senior, what's wrong with Linger?"

Li Qingliu said blankly: "Gone... Ling'er left without leaving a word..."

Yan Ruogu and Lan Bi'er rushed in, and saw that the room was neat and tidy, and there was no sign that someone had lived there.Suddenly Yan Ruogu noticed from the corner of his eye, a corner of a piece of paper protruding from the foot of the table caught Yan Ruogu's attention.

"Bi'er, come on, show me that paper."

Lan Bier squatted down, lifted the cloth hanging from the foot of the table, and took out the paper, only to see two lines of verse written in delicate handwriting on the paper:
The flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water are empty of hatred, often accompanied by the green light to save the king's soul. . . . . .

As soon as Yan Ruogu read these two poems, Li Qingliu sighed: "Silly boy, how can Bai Shaotang's sins be easily resolved..." After speaking, Li Qingliu shook his head and walked out of Yan Ruogu's room with a sigh. line of sight. .

(End of this chapter)

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