Peerless Xuantian Record

Chapter 340 Miura Departs

Chapter 340 Miura Departs
Hasegawa looked at Bai Shaotang who was laughing wildly, and asked curiously, "When did Miura-kun make you so happy?"

Bai Shaotang handed the note in his hand to Hasegawa, and said, "Look for yourself, this is God helping me."

Hasegawa took the note and looked at it, and suddenly there was a look of joy on his face, he said excitedly: "It's great, the captain of the Gintama has made such a miracle. Once Yan's father and son die, there is no hope for the martial arts in the Central Plains. Those two old things are now in their dying years, as long as there are ghosts around, they will not be afraid."

Bai Shaotang said with a smile: "Mr. Hasegawa, I think you can start to act on what you said just now. Now is the best opportunity. Once Yan's father and son die, everyone's attention will only be on the coast. Jiang Hu, I will go to Wan Jianzong to get rid of Xiao Jin now."

Hasegawa said: "Will Miura-kun be too hasty?"

Bai Shaotang smiled slightly, and said: "Don't worry, everything has been prepared, I've been waiting for this opportunity."

Hasegawa said happily: "Miura-kun, I will leave everything to you."


"Hehe, since that's the case, I'll take my leave first Miura-kun. I'm here to wish you success. I hope that when I see you next time, there will be no such person as Xiao Jin in Wan Jianzong." Hasegawa said with a smile.

Bai Shaotang got up and bowed deeply to Hasegawa, then said confidently: "Don't worry, Xiao Jin will die."

Bai Shaotang sent Hasegawa to the outside of the village, and watched him go all the time. His eyes revealed a terrifying look until he could no longer see anyone. It's you guys..."

After Bai Shaotang handed over the matter in the village to his servants, he galloped towards Wan Jianzong alone on a fast horse. . . .

At the same time, there are three other people who are galloping towards the same goal. Who are those three people?It was Ding Lang, Lin Tianba and Jiang Biqing.

Ever since Ding Lang learned that Wan Jianzong was out of danger from Lin Tianba's inquiry, he was relieved, and he was not in a hurry to rush back to Wan Jianzong. He recuperated in the hut.After staying here for another month or two, Ding Lang's broken ribs gradually joined together, and he became much more energetic. After all, he is young and his body is strong. Apart from not being able to do heavy work, he can also do some light work. Seeing his recovery, Lin Tianba decided to accompany him back to Wan Jianzong first, and told Xiao Jin about Bai Shaotang and Jin Buhuan, so they cleaned up a bit and went to the market to buy three horses. Although Lin Tianba looked like a big and three rough, he deliberately disguised Ding Lang in order to reduce unnecessary troubles, and also to avoid the eyes and ears of Fusang warriors. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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