Chapter 242
At this time, the distance between the two sides was only a few steps away. Lan Bier saw that the other party was also starting to shoot at her side with hidden weapons, and now they had no cover, and the loss of personnel was gradually increasing. They fight close combat."

Lan Bier ordered everyone to throw the bows and arrows aside and draw out their swords to meet them.Suzuki Jiro saw that the other party was giving orders to a young woman, and he had suffered such a big loss at her hands, he couldn't help being furious, pulled out the Japanese sword at his waist and said loudly: "Baga...Fight with them."

Personnel from both sides rushed together like two tides, Suzuki Jiro was the first to attack Lan Bier.Lan Bier smiled and said: "Good job." She and Shui Ling both went up to greet him, and they joined forces to besiege Suzuki Jiro.

Lan Bier's yin silk is flying back and forth like a spirit snake out of its hole, making people dazzled. Wherever her ribbon passes, Fusang warriors will fall to the ground, extremely fierce.And Shui Ling used Wanshui Jue at the beach like a fish in water. With the help of the surrounding sea water, Shui Ling continuously shot fist-sized water bombs from his hands, and went straight to Suzuki Jiro.Every time Jiro Suzuki dodges, a samurai will fall behind him.Suzuki became more and more frightened as he battled. She didn't expect that the two seemingly graceful girls in front of her had such advanced martial arts. This really surprised him, but he didn't feel timid because of it. On the contrary, he, who was bloodthirsty by nature, began to feel a little excitement , a trace of pleasure, it has been a long time since I played so heartily.His eyes gradually turned red, and a sinister smile gradually appeared on his face, and finally turned into a big laugh. The laughter was so manic that Lan Bier and Shui Ling felt their scalps go numb for a while.

Shui Ling thought to himself: Do all Fusang warriors like to laugh like this?The same is true for Junichi Nakagawa before. It seems that this Fuso warrior is indeed passed down in one continuous line.

At this time, Suzuki's movements became faster and faster. Every time he slashed, there were three strands of saber energy. It seemed that there was only one slash, but Suzuki had already swung three knives at that moment, which showed that his speed was astonishing.

Lan Bier used Tianyin Dance to protect herself and Shui Ling tightly in the center, fearing that she would be hurt by Suzuki's domineering sword energy, while Shui Ling would attack Suzuki with water bombs from the gap in the sky from time to time.

However, Suzuki Jiro didn't seem to care about Shuiling's water bombs. The water bombs bounced off him and hit Wudang disciples instead. This made Shuiling puzzled. Could it be that his clothes could bounce back his own attacks? ?His own attack not only failed to hurt the opponent, but also hurt his own people. This is indeed not easy for Suzuki. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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