Chapter 81
I walked to the edge of the lawn and saw that Jiang Zhi divided the whole lawn into several large areas with wooden fences, each area had some animals, and the area closest to the water hole on the far end was the activity area of ​​ducks and geese. Jiang Zhi surrounded half of the puddle in their activity area, so that they could go into the water from time to time.

I threw the leftover apple core into the puddle, and saw a few ducks swim over quickly, pecking at the apple core with their flat beaks, and wiped out the apple core in a while.I think these ducks are quite knowledgeable, knowing that this apple is delicious.

Then we entered the living area of ​​chickens, ducks and geese, and started the work that we had to do every day, picking up eggs.I took a basket and picked out the henhouses one by one, and the basket was full in a short while.I looked at these eggs and decided to make tea eggs as soon as I went out.

Jiang Zhi also finished picking duck eggs and goose eggs.I took out a few goose eggs from his basket, and told Jiang Zhi that I would ask Mother Jiang to make goose eggs with minced meat the next morning.

We went to see other animals.The animals in other areas are all very strong. Even the two small stupid dogs have changed many batches over the years. Now there are about 20 fat and strong dogs and more than 10 puppies on the grass.I was sad about raising a dog. I didn't dare to look at those cute puppies, so I left the grass quickly.

The planting and breeding of the space has basically stabilized, so I don’t need to worry about it, Jiang Zhi alone is enough, I think very irresponsibly.

In front of the puddle, I saw the cool grass that I found when I went to the mountains for the first time more than a year ago.In the past few decades in the space, it has grown from a single plant to a field around the pool, and we all forget about it.Taking advantage of the free time, I went to the study with Jiang Zhi, trying to find out what is the use of this cool grass.

We found an introduction to cool grass in an alchemy book.It should be regarded as a low-level spiritual herb in the cultivation world.It can be refined together with several other spirit herbs to make a detoxification pill.Although it does not have any floral fragrance, it can emit a colorless and odorless smell that bugs can smell, and bugs hate this smell very much, so this plant has the effect of repelling insects.

I wonder why there are spiritual herbs from the cultivation world in a world like ours without a trace of spiritual energy?

"How do you think this kind of spiritual grass can grow in our world? Doesn't it only grow when it is nourished by spiritual energy? How can there be streams in the mountains?" I was very puzzled.

"There should be something we haven't found there. When we have a chance, let's go to the mountain again." Jiang Zhi also felt strange. If he wanted to find the answer, he had to go into the mountain again.

"But it should be very useful to us." After I saw that it had the effect of repelling insects, I knew how to use it.Jiang Zhi looked at me with questioning eyes, and I said what I thought.

"When the snow melts, we will go back to Tashan Village. We will plant it in our yard this summer, so that there will be no mosquitoes and flies at home in summer."

I've made up my mind, I'm going to plant more of this kind of spiritual grass in the space, and when there are poisonous mosquitoes in summer, I'll transplant it around the house. This is a natural insect repellent without any chemicals.

Jiang Zhi has no objection to my idea.

When we were about to leave the space, Jiang Zhi took out the things I asked him to put in the ring to eat at night and put them on the ground.When I saw it, ho, what a big pile, I didn't expect that all the pieces added up so much.

Jiang Zhi said: "Are you sure there are so many things, our family can finish one dinner?"

"It's okay. If there are too many to make, I'll give some to Grandma Li, and then some to my mother." I thought about it, and I still have some strong backing.Looking at these things on the ground, if you are not afraid, you must not waste them.

That night, all three of our families had a sumptuous dinner, but the smell of the food wafted through the corridor, which attracted some people to look at my house frequently, making a mistake.

In such an environment where it is snowing heavily outside and the house is as warm as spring, I nestle on the warm sofa with a cup of fragrant coffee in my hand, watching the three children happily playing next to me, and listening to my own mother in the room. The sound of chatting with her mother-in-law, thinking of Jiang Zhiwei's strong and strong body, made my heart feel more comfortable.

"Weiwei, take a break, you've been working all morning." Mama Qu came to my house today to chat with Mama Jiang, and when she left the bedroom, she saw that Weiwei was still working.

"It's okay, Aunt Qu, I'm not tired, just a little more and I'll be done." Weiwei said softly to Mother Qu.

Yes, I am the stepmother of Cinderella in the legend, directing Cinderella to work non-stop.

I saw that Weiwei had nothing to do when she came in the morning, so I took out a large piece of mutton and asked Weiwei to skewer it into kebabs.Weiwei has been cutting and marinating meat since she finished her meal in the morning, and she hasn't finished skewering it until it's time for lunch.

Mother Qu saw that I was sitting comfortably on the sofa, so she let Weiwei work alone, so she came up and slapped me.

"Is there anyone like you? Weiwei has been working all morning without taking a break, and you didn't say to help her." Qu Ma thought that I was too lazy and incompetent as the host, and would abuse the guests.

"Oh, Mom, it's not that I didn't help her, it's that she kicked me out just after a few strings, really, ask Weiwei if you don't believe me." I was wronged, I really wanted to help, but Weiwei thought I was getting more and more helpful, so she drove me away.

Qu's mother looked at Weiwei suspiciously, but Weiwei didn't explain, she just pointed with her chin to a few strings of skewered mutton skewers next to her.After Qu Ma saw it, she slapped her again, "If you have any use, you will waste things."

After Jiang Ma saw it, she went to the kitchen to wash her hands, and she and Weiwei skewered meat together.

I saw that Jiang Ma, Qu Ma and Weiwei skewered meat very fast, and the quality of the meat skewers was also guaranteed. They were all neat and well-proportioned, fat and thin, and what I skewered was the sky and the earth.

I leaned over obsequiously, and flattered my mother-in-law, "Mom, why do you say your hands are so skillful, this meat is obedient in your hands, and it will be where it is, you didn't look at my skewer Sometimes, the meat always rolls, and the pliers always pierce my hand."

My mother-in-law smiled at the corner of her mouth when I praised her, but said in her mouth: "You just don't know how to cook, you can do it if you practice more."

Qu Ma was more straightforward, and gave me a sentence: "Jiang Zhi is used to it."

Jiang Zhi happened to come to the living room at this time, and when he heard what the two mothers said, he defended himself: "Mom, you really wronged me, I'm really not used to Xiaoyi, did you see that her hands are clumsier than her feet?" Cutting a vegetable is like chopping off your fingers, eating a stewed rice can break your teeth, taking out steamed buns can be used as a weapon,..."

"Shut up!" I listened to Jiang Zhi answering my call in front of everyone, jumped up from the sofa in anger, jumped up and shouted at Jiang Zhi.

The others laughed out loud after hearing this.

With the help of the two mothers, a pot of mutton was skewered into meat skewers and frozen for later eating.

I kept Qu's mother and specially asked Jiang Zhi to make some delicious food to reward these hard-working working people who were squeezed by me.

I also asked An An to go home and ask Grandma Li to eat together, but when An An came back, she said that Grandma Li was busy at home, so she would not come up to eat.

I don't force it, I just set aside some of the dishes before eating, and just ask An An to send them back after the meal.

After eating, in order to show my performance, I quickly asked to go to the kitchen to wash the dishes.Jiang Zhi also came to the kitchen with me, and when I was about to do it, he grabbed the bowl in my hand and said, "The water is too cold, don't do it, just wait by the side to wipe the bowl."

Hehe, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I've grown a whole body of patience, and some people don't want me to work.

We work together as a husband and wife, we are not tired from work, and we finish the task in a short time. After returning to the living room, we put the meals we had prepared in bamboo baskets and asked the children to deliver them to Grandma Li.

I sat down on the sofa to rest, and asked Qu Ma: "Mom, has anyone in our family taken advantage recently?"

Qu Mama was eating raisins, looked at my boneless sitting posture on the sofa with my legs wide open and lying on the backrest, and scolded: "Sit well, I don't look like I'm sitting. Look at Weiwei, you just Can't study?"

Looking at Weiwei's sitting posture with her legs slightly together and her back straight, I also nodded in my heart, she is indeed very ladylike.But this is not the sitting posture at home, it seems that Weiwei still needs to be educated again.

I squinted slightly to look at her. Why is the corner of her mouth upturned? Is this a joke at me?Did I entertain everyone?

In order not to make a fool of myself, I hastened to act like a baby with Qu's mother.

"Mom, am I not at home? Who is acting so fake at home? I am being the most authentic me." When I was lying, I aimed my eyes in the direction of Weiwei, looking at her. The corners of Wei's mouth curled up even more.

Mother Qu slapped my thigh again, "How can I be my truest self even if I'm so lazy? That means I didn't educate you well." I know why Weiwei laughed, I'm just an idiot.

"Oh, Mom, take it easy, I'm your own daughter, let's not discuss this, let's focus on the key points."

Seeing me rubbing my thighs all the time, Mother Qu felt a little distressed, so she let me go and said, "Your dad and I are not as greedy as you are, even if we eat delicious food, it's a bird's-eye, and no one will find out. A few neighbors came to ask for some charcoal, so we'll see who will give it, and only give it once."

Alas, it seems that the search for this topic has also failed.

Just as I was about to change the subject again, I heard Xuanxuan's screams from the corridor. The voice was full of shock. Jiang Zhi, Weiwei, and I all changed expressions. Jiang Zhi quickly opened the door and asked a ran upstairs.Weiwei and I also hurried out.

While I was running, I was still thinking that Jiang Zhi and I just felt that the residents in this building were all old neighbors. We ran around downstairs, and we didn't think there was any danger. What happened today?
(End of this chapter)

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