happy apocalypse

Chapter 69 Food Delivery

Chapter 69 Food Delivery
The next day, we carried out our original plan and went to see Ran Ran, Han Han, and Weiwei, and Sister Qu and Second Sister Qu by the way.

We studied the route at home. We first went to Ran Ran’s house, then went to Han Han’s house, then went to the second sister’s house, the eldest sister’s house, and finally to Weiwei’s house, which happened to be a circle.

The route is set, but the means of transportation is another problem.

The snow is howling, and it is definitely impossible to drive. The car is too heavy, and before it can drive away, it will be stuck in the snow and cannot move.

We thought about it for a long time, and began to imagine that we would find a door panel as a sled and pull it away like in the novel, but we don’t have a humane and strong cultivation dog. We can’t let Jiang Zhi pull me away, that’s mine. Dear husband, even if he has that ability, I would not be willing, so this method is not easy to pass.

Afterwards, Jiang Zhi rummaged through the entire ring, and finally found a tricycle that was usable, but the body was a bit small, and it could seat two people side by side, or at most four thin adults.

A bare car is not enough, and it needs to be slightly modified to be used in snowy weather.

Jiang Zhi welded a frame with angle iron to cover the entire tricycle.The shelves are covered with transparent plastic sheets to block the wind, and a layer of reflective paper is pasted on the transparent plastic sheet on the lower part of the rear car body, so that you can’t see what’s inside when you’re far away. Can see the situation outside.

Jiang Zhi was in charge of riding in the front, and I built a warm nest for myself with a quilt in the back of the car, sat in it, and put a burning charcoal stove next to my legs, because the tricycle was covered with iron The shelf is not big, so the charcoal stove keeps the iron shelf very warm.

It was still snowing in the sky, and the snow on the road was already very thick. After Jiang Zhi and I got on the car, the three wheels were deeply sunk in the snow. Jiang Zhi tried to push the pedals of the tricycle, The wheels just spin in place.

I took a picture of the light body amulet prepared in advance on the car body, the car body rose up, Jiang Zhi pushed hard, and the tricycle rushed out of the snow.The snow outside fell quickly and quickly, and it kept falling on the plastic sheet on the roof of the shed. The north wind also howled and hit us. I was afraid that the plastic sheet was not strong enough to last for a long time, so I took pictures of the car again. Zhang Jian body symbol.

Jiang Zhi rode his bicycle on the white snow. The weather was so bad that we were the only ones driving on the street, so Jiang Zhi rode his tricycle fast without any scruples.After the tricycle passed by, there were only three traces of the wheels on the snow, which were soon covered by falling snow.

We first arrived at Ran Ran's house.

Ran Ran’s house still has heating. Although the temperature is not as high as 20 degrees every year, the temperature at home can reach about 10 degrees now. Wearing a down jacket at home is not cold, and the electricity, natural gas and running water are not stopped.

I'm curious, is it only in our community that the gas has stopped?
Ran Ran saw my doubts and said, "You don't even look at what neighborhood my family lives in."

What kind of community, isn't it better quality, more facilities, more security, and higher prices?Seeing that I haven't reacted yet, Ran Ran rolled her eyes at me.

"Most of us live here are government officials. Of course, the conditions are better than those of your community. A while ago, the heating in our place exploded once, but it was repaired that day. The reason why the power was not cut off was because There were always power outages in summer for several years, and after that, solar energy was installed in the building area, although the electricity cannot drive the air conditioner, but the lights can still be used.”

I'm so envious, "If I knew the conditions here are so good, I would have moved my home here a year ago."

"Don't dream, you can't buy this house." Ran Ran giggled amused by my envious tone.

Ran Ran has no in-laws, and since she married Wang Xiaopeng, she has lived with Ran Ran's parents.Ran Ran's father is a government official. Although the official position is not big, he has real power, so he knew that something was wrong when it first snowed, and then used his relationship to prepare a lot of supplies.

"Okay, don't be like an old hag." I just can't stand how she looks, tch, I have such sufficient supplies, I can't live a good life no matter where I am.

Ran Ran is doing pretty well these days, they have no shortage of food and clothing for the past two months, and some things I gave them before, their small life is still very nourishing.

"The Chinese New Year will be in less than a month, and Jiang Zhi and I will come out to see how you are doing. Seeing that you are doing well, I am relieved. Here, take it." I said the words of reassurance earnestly. , and gave Ran Ran 5 peace symbols.

"What's the matter, when did you become a Taoist priest?" Ran Ran said to me jokingly, playing with the amulet.

"If you don't want it, just pay me back. If others want it, I won't give it back." Do you think it's easy for me?On a snowy day, Baba delivered it to someone, but they still dislike it.

"Don't think about it, what is given to me is mine." Ran Ran dodged my bluff and stretched out my hand.

"Remember to wear it with you." I instructed.

The safety talisman was drawn by me in the space. After folding it, I put it in a small paper bag and hang it around my neck. I haven’t tested whether it works well. Let them wear it in the hope that the safety talisman can really keep them safe. , even if there is only a little effect.

Due to time constraints, I didn't stay at Ran Ran's house for a long time. When I left, I left her a sack of charcoal, some fresh vegetables, and half a piece of pork, and left without worry.

The second stop was Han Han's house. When we arrived at Han Han's house, Han Han's family was very surprised to see us. Her son Hao Hao even asked me if Han Han came and why I didn't come.Han Han said that since the heavy snowfall, the school and kindergarten were closed, Haohao stayed at home by himself, and he didn't have any children to play with, so he was very lonely.

As soon as I heard this, I still had the energy to think about playing, so I shouldn't be too bad.Han Han and the others live by themselves, and their parents-in-law are at the elder brother's house. When it first snowed, they snapped up a lot of food with us, so there is no problem in life for the time being.

As for the environment, the community where Han Han lives is not as good as the community where Ran Ran lives. Like our family, everything that can be stopped has stopped. These days, Han Han's family relies on the charcoal I give them for heating.

Han Han also quietly said to me: "The potion you gave is very effective. Many of our neighbors are suffering from cold and sickness. Our Haohao has nothing to do this year."

Haohao has been in poor health since he was a child. He has a cold and fever, and he can always be found. So this time Haohao is so healthy that it surprises the people around him.

"It's fine if you know it yourself, but don't talk nonsense, I will share everything with everyone, there is nothing extra. If you say it, you will cause trouble for yourself." I am very afraid of Han Han's Virgin Mary It's a crime again, so it's best to be vaccinated in advance.

We left her 3 peace charms, a sack of charcoal, some vegetables and half a fan of pork, and added a bag of rice.Han Han was very excited to see the fresh vegetables, saying that he hadn't eaten them for more than a month.

We left her house with Han Han's wave and went straight to the next stop.

The third stop is Second Sister’s house. I didn’t want to come, but Qu’s mother knew the purpose of our trip this time, so she persuaded me earnestly to come and see Second Sister Qu. No matter how old Wang’s family is, Second Sister Qu It's still Lao Qu's family, and it's still my second sister.I was persuaded by my mother that although his old Wang family didn't have a good thing, the second sister is still my own second sister.

When he was downstairs at the second sister's house, Jiang Zhi said that he would not go up. He said, "You go up to see the second sister, and I can't stop it. But who am I going to see? I don't know Wang Xu anymore, and I don't know who I am." I intend to communicate with their family members."

In fact, I quite agree with Jiang Zhi's statement, their family has done such wicked things, it's good if we don't bother them, and even give them something, that's cheap.

When I went upstairs with some things, I thought, I'm a fucking idiot. According to my mother-in-law, their family can't even speak human words, so what else can they do.We have all been bullied by the old Wang family, and now we are still carrying things, so angry in our hearts, why do I have such an unworthy second sister?Why didn't the second sister open her eyes and pick and choose?
Hey, no matter how reluctant I am, I still have to come this time.

Reluctantly, I knocked on the door of the second sister's house. I guessed the door opened by the second sister. As long as their family is lazy, the job of opening the door must be the second sister's.

I opened the door and looked into the living room. The second sister's parents-in-law and Wang's second aunt and daughter were all sitting on the sofa to enjoy the fire.

I know from the phone that the second sister's parents-in-law moved to their house after the snow fell, but I see that the second aunt Wang and her daughter are also there, which is very strange. Didn't it mean that Li Yujiao got a big money after she came out of prison?Why are you still staying in such a small place as the second sister's house? The second sister didn't say anything on the phone before.

I didn't intend to go in at all, this time I came to see Second Sister Qu and Wang Qian, so I talked to Second Sister at the door for a while.

I asked Second Sister Qu my question.

Second Sister Qu gloated and said, "What else could be going on? It's just that when a catastrophe strikes a mandarin duck and a couple in water, they fly separately. I really thought that I would become a golden phoenix by inserting a few feathers. Isn't that true?" Did she and her mother come back in a mess a while ago? But I also wonder how they can run back safely when the snow is howling, this is really a disaster for thousands of years."

I also said coolly at the side: "Yes, this is after harming others. They can't bear it and run away, and they are harming you again."

Second Sister also thought of it, as long as Father Wang is around, Second Aunt Wang will be a burden they cannot shake off.

When we left, I deliberately said loudly to Second Sister Qu: "Second Sister, let me tell you, all the things I brought are for you and my niece, how pitiful are those rotten people .The faces of these people are really big. Didn’t they look down on you before, why are they coming to eat and drink your food again now.”

I didn't just say this to my second aunt and daughter, but also to my second sister's parents-in-law.When I called Qu's family back then, I threatened Qu's dad to divorce Wang Xu with some words. At this time, my family has nothing left, so I am ashamed to come to my second sister's house to be an uncle.

After hearing what I said, the second sister nodded my head with her hand and said in a low voice, "Okay, go back quickly, you don't know me yet, they don't want to take advantage of me."

"Come on, you're just a paper tiger. As soon as Wang Xu said a few nice words, you agreed to everything. Let me tell you, you must put your own safety first in everything. Otherwise, if something happens to you, we are the only ones to take care of you." If you feel bad, it will hurt your girl."

"Why are you talking about this?" The second sister was a little annoyed by what I said.

As soon as I saw that she had listened to it, I took out the peace talisman and other talismans that I had prepared earlier, and said in a low voice, "You keep this one, it's all drawn by me recently, and I also experimented, and the effect is the same as in the novel." .I have already written the functions. You can tell what it is for at a glance. Sissi's. I would like to remind you once again that if you live with so many people, you must protect your secrets and protect yourself."

"Understood, it's just you who are long-winded." Second Sister Qu still has a strong ability to accept new things, and she didn't show too much surprise when she saw me take out the talismans used by Taoist priests.

I watched Second Sister Qu put everything into the ring, and set off with Jiang Zhi again.

(End of this chapter)

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