Chapter 46
Today is November 2014, 11, and we are at home in D City.

I am practicing drawing symbols on the desk in the study room in the space.There are a lot of white papers scattered on the table.I held a writing brush, dipped it in ink, and performed the Concentric Art, transporting the aura in my body to the tip of the brush.Then with one stroke, I drew a light-weight talisman.Looking at the talisman I just drew, I sighed, but it didn't work again.My rune drawing is very standard, but it can't be used, the pattern in the rune has no aura to work.

This is the problem I have with drawing symbols now. Now I just draw cats and tigers, but I can't find a way to integrate aura into the drawn patterns.The talisman finished in this way is just a painting without any mana.

I looked at the scattered papers on the desk and sighed.It seems that I have no talent for drawing characters!
After tidying up, I threw all the waste paper into the trash can.There are not many white papers on the table.

"Old Jiang, there is no paper." I opened my neck and shouted outside.

If I didn't know this, I would have thought I ran out of toilet paper.

After a while, Jiang Zhi entered the study with a neat dozen of cut papers.Seeing my face, I knew that I didn't succeed in painting again, so I put the paper in my hand on the table, and stepped forward to hug me.

"You're tired, come and sit down and have a rest." We squeezed into the chairs and sat down, "Don't stay in the study all the time, you have to practice sometimes!" Jiang Zhi disagreed with my way of learning very much .

"Do you think I'm not suitable for learning to draw symbols? Why can't I draw any one after practicing for so long?" I was very distressed and depressed.I just kept my head down and studied by myself, and I didn't have anyone to ask for advice.

"Who said, how good are you at drawing? It's said in the book that not everyone can draw such complicated and cumbersome runes. Look at you, when you draw a rune, you can draw it with one stroke. It's smoother than the master. Master Du. And each painting is very good, exactly the same as the painting in the book." Jiang Zhi was afraid that I would be discouraged, so he tried his best to comfort me.I know that in Jiang Zhi's heart, I really think that my paintings are the best, and I can feel Jiang Zhi's thoughts.

"What's the use of that? No matter how good the painting is, it's useless paper." I said discouragedly.

"You, you are just too eager to advance. Are you anxious to see that my paper cutting is getting better and better." Jiang Zhi teased me.

"Yes, I'm afraid you'll think I'm stupid and useless, so you'll dump me." I cooperated with Jiang Zhi, imitating the tone in the sketch.

I have been practicing with white paper since I started practicing drawing symbols.Jiang Zhi was in charge of cutting the A4 paper into 4 parts on average.At the beginning, I used a knife to cut, but his force was uneven, and the cut paper had rough edges and different sizes.I beat him up, and Jiang Zhi began to work hard to practice his sword skills.After practicing for several months, plus several years in the space, Jiang Zhi cut the paper evenly and neatly like a paper cutter, and also practiced a unique skill, throwing the white paper into the air, brushing I cut the white paper into 4 identical parts with two knives. This is the inspiration I received from the Hong Kong gambling king, which made me worship.

Jiang Zhi has mastered his knife skills just because he cut the paper for me.

Afterwards, our kung fu practiced to the fourth level, and we could use spiritual energy. Jiang Zhi tried to make spiritual energy into an invisible knife, and began to use spiritual energy to cut paper. At the beginning, the spiritual energy was released too little, and there was no Too good at using the aura, the aura knife can't cut paper, so Jiang Zhi exercises the aura again and again, emptying his body and filling it up.The process was hard, but the result was beautiful.

Now Jiang Zhi can already master the usage of the Reiki Knife very well, and he can kill people invisible like a martial arts master.

"Okay, don't practice, your talisman has been drawn very well, now the main thing is to find the feeling and the method. You can't just use your hands and don't use your mind." Jiang Zhi pulled me up from the chair. "Let's go home and cook dinner now."

We came out of the space, and the house was still silent.

"Hanhan, why haven't they come back yet?" It's November now, and November in Northeast China is already very cold under normal circumstances, so you should wear sweaters and wool pants.But the weather outside is still very hot now, and I still wear half sleeves at home.When I got out of the space, I looked for the remote control of the air conditioner.

"Didn't my parents just pay their wages? They will come back when the wages are all spent." Jiang Zhi walked into the kitchen, looked through the refrigerator, and studied today's dishes.

"Our parents are really in fashion, they have become moonlight clans." In the past year, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother have been like this. As soon as they get their pension, they will immediately go out shopping with Hanhan, and spend all the money at any time. , the task is completed.

"It's not Hanhan. I checked my collection yesterday and found that Shaqima was almost gone, so I took my grandparents to buy it today." Jiang Zhi took out a big carp, "Shall we eat boiled fish today?"

My son doesn't go to kindergarten anymore during this time, and he follows Jiang's father and Jiang's mother every day.

"Okay, just eat boiled fish with more peppers and vegetables." I walked into the kitchen and sat on a chair with Jiang Zhi.

Jiang Zhi started cutting cucumbers and carrots on the cutting board.His current knife skills are really good. After a long meal, the sliced ​​cucumbers and carrots seem to be printed out of a mold.

I quickly reached out to steal cucumber slices and threw them into my mouth to chew while Jiang Zhi was chopping vegetables.He couldn't bear it and drove me away.

"You call Hanhan's grandparents and ask them to come over for dinner, so don't start a fight when the old couple are at home."

"Okay, got it." I went to the sofa and called Qu's parents and Qu's mother, asking them to come over for dinner.

As soon as I put down the phone, the door opened.Hanhan rushed in, saw me and shouted: "Mom, I'm back."

I saw the three people who came in with six bags of things in their hands. I hurriedly stood up from the sofa and took the things from Mother Jiang.

"Mom, you guys bought so many things again." My tone was joyful.

"That's a lot, you didn't look at the people in the supermarket, they couldn't push or squeeze, we bought quite a few, and those people were eager to swipe into their hands like they didn't want money. "Mother Jiang is still dissatisfied with the amount of trophies she has won.

Everyone is frightened by the summer drought. This summer, most parts of our country have been affected by drought to varying degrees. City D has also been greatly affected, water and electricity cut off, supermarkets are short of goods, and the goods sold in the few supermarkets that are open are also extremely expensive. A bottle of 500ml mineral water can be sold for 10 yuan. Must buy in limited quantities.

Most people were either short of water or food this summer, and indeed suffered some torture.So, until now, the temperature has dropped and the supermarkets have replenished the goods, so there is no reason not to buy them.

"Mom, I've helped carry things too. I'm very strong." Hanhan hasn't put down the two big plastic bags in his hand until now, just wanting to show off his strength to me.

"Son, you are awesome. You can help grandma carry such a heavy thing at a young age." What I have always adopted for my children is appreciation education.

My son goes into the space to practice with us every night. After more than a year of practice, Hanhan has grown a lot taller and stronger.

"Of course." Han Han readily accepted my compliment, "But Mom, when are we going back to that home in the mountains?"

"What's the matter son, we have only been back from there for more than a month, and you want to go back." We spent the summer in Tashan Village, and in September, when the school started, we brought Liang Chen and Wang Qian back to the village. to D City.

"Well, it's not good here, I want to go to the mountains to play." Han Han doesn't like City D, he has no friends to play with here, his brothers and sisters have all gone to school at home, other children have also gone to kindergarten, he is very lonely.

"Then when grandpa comes to eat, you can ask grandpa when you will return to the mountains." I don't know when I will be able to leave, so I pushed this question to Dad Qu.

(End of this chapter)

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