Leisure time of raising children

Chapter 385 Ripening Experiment

Chapter 385 Ripening Experiment
Looking at the saponins in her hand, an idea suddenly flashed in Lin Wanjiao's mind.

And after this idea flashed in my mind.

The more Lin Wanjiao thought about it, the more she felt that this method was feasible, so she really wanted to test her idea, wishing she could do it right away.

Anyway, it doesn't cost money to try it, and nothing particularly strange will happen if you try it.

Lin Wanjiao carefully selected a few saponins that looked better from the handful of saponins in her hand.

She stretched out her white and tender fingers, and carefully took out the seeds inside.

Just in case, Lin Wanjiao specially sowed a few more seeds.

The reason why she had to take a few more seeds was, of course, that in case of failure, she could still have a subject for the next experiment.

After all, I am too lazy to peel it off.

So she took several saponins seeds in a row.

After all, she is not a professional, and not every seed can be taken very completely.

Lin Wanjiao then carefully stuffed the seeds into the soil.

Lin Wanjiao looked at the place where the little seed was covered with soil.

Thinking about whether to pour a little water on it.

Turning her head, she saw that the tub responsible for holding the water was filled with the clothes she had just washed.

Lin Wanjiao was silent for a while, and stretched out her hands.

I put my hand into the stream, picked up some water with both hands, and carefully handed it to the saponins.

Next, it's time to witness the miracle.

Lin Wanjiao took a deep breath.

Stretch out your right hand, gently put your hand to the distance from the seeds, and stop at about ten centimeters away.

Then slowly closed her eyes, she worked hard to calm down her mood, after successfully making her heart calm.

Only then did Lin Wanjiao use the supernatural powers in her body.

A faint green light lit up in Lin Wanjiao's hands, and then became brighter and brighter.

What was just a small group of green rays of light now directly turned into a green light that was not too big, but not too small.

After gathering her abilities, Lin Wanjiao's complexion slowly began to turn pale.

At this moment, she clearly felt that the power in her body was slowly dissipating, but there were still a lot of remaining abilities.

This proves that, obviously, she can keep going if she works hard enough.

He pressed down the emerald green light in his hand again, and slowly aimed the small green light ball at the saponins seed.

Not long after,

Lin Wanjiao saw with her own eyes that the large cloud of emerald green light that was still in her hand just now was quickly absorbed by the saponin seed.

Then the seeds of this saponin also quickly broke through the soil and germinated.

This speed is extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, the small saponin seeds have absorbed all the green light in Lin Wanjiao's hand.

After all the emerald green light has been sucked by the seeds.

This originally small seed has grown almost to where Lin Wanjiao's waist is.

Although Lin Wanjiao's face was still pale, she felt that she couldn't lift any strength from her body.

But it is undeniable that Lin Wanjiao must be very happy at the moment.

Lin Wanjiao's heart is satisfied just by growing this small seed to such a large size.

I remember the last time she spawned grass in the space, it only reached her knees.

Now urging the plants again, these plants have been able to grow to her waist.

(End of this chapter)

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