Leisure time of raising children

Chapter 376 Sweet tofu nao or salty tofu nao?

Chapter 376 Sweet tofu nao or salty tofu nao?

As Lin Wanjiao walked, she gradually lost hearing Wang Xiulan's voice as she got far away.

But with Lin Wanjiao's ear strength, she could still hear Wang Xiulan's muttering in a daze.

Although she said that she had come so far, Wang Xiulan was still talking about it.

But Lin Wanjiao didn't feel bored, instead she felt warm.

After all, the feeling of being remembered all the time is really good.

Going around along the way.

Lin Wanjiao looked left and right.

Looking aimlessly at various types of stalls around me,
"Selling wontons, fresh meat wontons, freshly wrapped and cooked. Freshness guaranteed!"

"We sell noodles. We have beef noodles, duck blood noodles, and chicken soup noodles. We buy the chicken soup, beef, and duck blood today. Make sure the noodles are fresh and delicious!"

"Fried rice, fried and sold now."

"Tofu nao, smooth and tender tofu nao!"

Lin Wanjiao was walking aimlessly when suddenly something stuck in his ear.

Lin Wanjiao was so excited, she looked left and right and saw a tofu nao seller.

She has wanted to eat tofu brain for a long time.

But I don't know why, I have come here, it has been so long in ancient times.

This was the first time he saw someone selling tofu nao.

Although she was also the big president in modern times, she rarely went out.

But she still vaguely remembered that tofu nao was still very common in modern times.

According to common sense, there were not many people selling tofu brains in ancient times.

But for some reason, except for the tofu nao bought by this old lady on this street, there is no one in the rest of the street.

"Grandma, give me four wounded tofu brains to take away."

Lin Wanjiao didn't bother to think about these things, so she stepped forward and paid for the four tofu brains she wanted first.

After handing over the money to grandma, Lin Wanjiao didn't forget to poke her head to see this pot of bean curd.

Lin Wanjiao looked at the tofu nao, and as expected, it should be salty.

Lin Wanjiao looked at this tofu brain, and her mind couldn't help but fell into memories.

She could remember that many people in the south and north seemed to be arguing a lot about whether it was better to eat salty tofu nao or sweet tofu nao.

Sometimes sweet tofu nao wins, sometimes salty tofu nao wins.

In the end, most people come to the conclusion that,
The two kinds of tofu nao are basically two kinds of things. These two kinds of tofu nao have their own advantages and disadvantages, so they are judged as a tie.

It's like some people like sweet food and some people like salty food.

As for Lin Wanjiao, who was born in the north in modern times, her taste tends to be salty tofu nao.

When mentioning the north and south, Lin Wanjiao suddenly realized that after traveling to ancient times, she seemed to be still in the north.

"Little girl, do you want pickles?" The old lady's voice interrupted Lin Wanjiao's mind wandering.

"Yes, grandma, can you please put more. There are more people." Lin Wanjiao searched for her pair of beautiful big eyes and looked at the old grandma with a pitiful look.

Immediately, the old grandma softened her heart, and agreed very readily.

Pick up the kind of big bowl it holds tofu brains in.

Then one spoonful or two spoonfuls...the old grandma dug out almost half a bowl of pickles, and then stopped under Lin Wanjiao's persuasion.

And the current tofu nao is much more affordable than the modern one in a small bowl.


(End of this chapter)

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