Chapter 255 Delayed Development Peak
Jiang Sesu checked the test paper twice before and after, and found no gaps. Then she lightened her hand, and the math teacher took the answer sheet away, and took away the rest of her calculation paper by the way.

Jiang Sesu was stunned, the bell rang after class, and the students in the back row got up and went forward to collect the test papers one by one.

The classroom was buzzing.

Xia Ning turned around, frowned, trying to turn over her calculation paper.

"Thurse, have you figured out the last big problem?"

"Her calculation paper was taken away by the teacher, look at mine." Guo Qiming handed over his own, with an unconcealable satisfaction on his face.

Wang Keqi rushed over to take a look, also frowning.

"This question is too new, I got stuck for a long time and I didn't have an idea; I just came up with a clue, and I didn't have enough time! Hey, Xiao Ming, did you draw the auxiliary line correctly?"

Xia Ning also leaned over to take a look, apparently agreeing with Wang Keqi.Her answer was far from Guo Qiming's.

"Thurse, do you see this right?"

Jiang Sesu didn't answer, and wanted to go out and do some exercise.

After returning to school, she was locked up in the classroom doing questions all day long, and the amount of exercise dropped sharply. She really couldn't sit still!
I think back then when I practiced dance without black and white, I was sweating profusely and danced for at least [-] hours a day!But now?Just run around the playground twice in the morning!

No, after sitting back for two months, she has grown meat!Must get out and move!

"Ask Hai Qingping, he must have done the right thing." Jiang Sesel shook the pot and strode away.

10 minutes between classes, two or three points were taken up by the teacher dragging the class, and there is not much time left!Must race against time!
Jiang Sesur ran down the stairs in one breath, stretched his legs and stretched his arms, and moved his whole body efficiently for a short time.

This is an improved version of the warm-up exercise that she thought up by herself. It is more intense than the company's trainees, and it is specially designed for her own physical condition.

After the 5-minute warm-up exercise, she felt a little fever all over her body, so she used abdominal breathing to inhale fresh air for a long time, and then exhaled as hard as she could.

At the age of 16, she doesn't worry about her own metabolism, and she is refreshed when she moves casually, and the effect is immediate.

The only thing that bothered her a little was that her somewhat delayed development seemed to be reaching its peak.

Jiang Sesu endured the faint tingling pain in her chest, and changed her mind, remembering that her aunt would be visiting almost next Wednesday.

Her grandparents raised her very carefully. She soaked in medicinal baths when she was a child, and she made up for the foundation she lost when she was a baby. Over the years, she is full of energy and rarely gets sick.

Ever since she had menarche at the age of 13, my aunt has been very regular and has never suffered from dysmenorrhea.

In recent years, she has grown up without any flesh, and with a childish face, she looks a little younger than her actual age, which is very pleasing.

Even though child stars have emerged in large numbers these years, she has always firmly occupied the title of "National Girl".

Of course, the operation of the company is not lacking in this. The water army hosted by the six sons, oh no, it is the public relations department, which also contributed a lot.

And the biggest hero is running less.

"Let's Run Boy" has been running for nine seasons so far, the tenth season will be in October, and it will be half an anniversary.

The running hosts have changed one after another, and many of them have even changed careers, but Jiang Sesur, a veteran, has always been strong and has become the most arrogant nail in the running, which has accumulated a lot of popularity for her.

A ten-year variety show can be regarded as a long life. It was once so popular that everyone knew it;

Later, local stations followed suit and distributed a lot of broth. In addition, other types of programs sprung up like bamboo shoots after the spring rain, and a hundred flowers blossomed.

Don't ignore the feelings of Chinese audiences.

The emotions that have come together through so many years of ups and downs cannot be easily erased.

It can be said that as long as China TV does not risk its life, even if the routine is not new, with the support of this group of hardcore audiences, the ratings will not be bad.

Jiang Sesur's status as the founder of the dynasty is even more precious.

This year just coincided with the [-]th anniversary of the program, the program team called early to inquire about cooperation intentions.

Of course Jiang Sesur would not refuse, and signed the contract early.

Having said that, if Jiang Sesu hadn't been active in the circle all these years and made outstanding achievements, CTS was rich and powerful, and there was no need to continue to praise her.

Times are different.

While Huaxia's economy has developed rapidly in the past few years, the cultural and entertainment aspects are changing with each passing day.

The rate at which newcomers are replaced in the circle is astounding, and there are very few cases where they become famous overnight, but there are a lot of cases where there is no news for no reason, and there are a lot of them every year.

Take the anniversary celebration of the running boy five years ago as an example. At that time, Ouyang Li and other guests were invited to "go home" to have a look; now it is basically impossible.

Not to mention Ouyang Li, Yuan Heping and other social celebrities, even the other four veterans at the beginning of the program, if they wanted to run less, the program team might not be willing to buy it without pressure from their family backgrounds.

Speaking of the four young masters of the imperial capital back then, Jiang Sesur was slightly dazed.

Needless to say, Jun Haoran, Jin Leshan, Feng Liancheng, and Ming Zhan are all good young men at 26 now. They have been in the army for many years, but there is no news.

If Jiang Sesur planned this short run, she would definitely want to invite them back.

Anniversary, nostalgia is the theme.

As for the previous quarrels, it has been many years, so it is meaningless to always remember them.

It's a pity that she is only a resident guest now, and has no right to speak, so she can only think in her heart.

And this is just her wishful thinking, otherwise, after so many years, the other three families would not have completely ignored them.

The attitude is too obvious.

She is not a person who is not ignorant, so it is better not to offend the river.

She doesn't lack love, so the enthusiasm of so many fans can't bear it, it's rare!
It's just that she also had a plan to quit the circle early in the morning.

In recent years, some bad trends have quietly grown and spread, destroying people's positive impression of actors and singers, and all kinds of gossip about stars and idols are often on the lips.

Actresses are hard to mix, they are viewed with colored glasses by the public, and even male stars are unavoidable.

Jiang Sesur didn't want to get into the muddy water.

Without Nan's protection, even though she looks immature and innocent, she can't avoid some ups and downs, which is strange.

The timing of the third year of high school is very suitable, and after she let go of her heart, her endocrine gradually returns to normal, like a spring that has been suppressed and rebounds suddenly, inevitably producing the unique obesity phenomenon of adolescence;
Jiang Sesur felt that it was time for her to bid farewell to the circle temporarily.

She doesn't discriminate against fat people.It's just a job requirement. It's better to look thinner on camera, which is more in line with China's mainstream aesthetics.

This is especially true for singing and dancing girl groups. The diet is strictly controlled, and body weight management is the top priority, otherwise they will lose fans.

Fans like the new and dislike the old, especially now that entertainment is developed and new types of idols are emerging one after another. If you want to succeed, you must work hard and keep working hard!
Jiang Sesu is not afraid of working hard.

No matter how hard it is for the girl group, how hard is it to move bricks on the construction site?
She just has a clear life plan and has always been rational and sober.

Regardless of whether she can lose weight in the future, Jiang Sesu, who has a mature body, will gradually lose her halo as a national girl and her tolerance for minors. Negative comments will gradually outnumber positive love and encouragement, and those romantic gossips that make a lot of trouble will also cling to her.

After being hacked for a long time, three people become tigers, and it takes only a few minutes for people to collapse.

Jiang Sesur didn't want to make herself uncomfortable.Who is willing to criticize someone who can be admired by thousands of people?
She is not in a hurry to earn emotional points to feed the dog.

In the final analysis, those who can give up easily are just because they don't really love it.

(End of this chapter)

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