Chapter 152
The father and daughter played with flower guns for a while, and the correspondent Xiao Qi came to inform Nanjing Yang to go to the meeting.

Jiang Sese went around the training ground freely, moved his hands and feet, and had a small competition with the soldiers. He lost three rounds and won two rounds. He signed an IOU and asked them to go to the Aijia Group to receive it. The prizes were left in the warm farewell of the soldiers.

She had come here to communicate with the military department, and had no intention of participating in their action plan.

The goal was achieved, and Jiang Sesur didn't delay much, and went straight back to the house.

"What's the matter with you, dog?"

As soon as the bedroom door was closed, Jiang Sesu lay flat and calmly communicated with the weird dog.

Gouzi was hiccupping, and the contact was intermittent.

"Upgrade, the energy is unstable."

Jiang Sesur had already guessed, but he didn't panic.

"What do you need me to do?"

A burst of gibberish.

Plus the electric current rushes around.

Jiang Sesu felt numb all over her body, beeping the whole zoo in her heart.

"Goofy, are you still leaking electricity?"

Is this a change of style?It's not the magic weapon of the Xianxia version, but it's a high-tech stream?

But with such a tall and advanced technology, why is there still leakage?Bad review!

Fortunately, the current was not large, and apart from feeling tingling and numbness, as well as clear pain, Jiang Sesu was not too dangerous.

In a word, it is bearable.

Jiang Sesu was too polite.She has been a human being for two lives, and her ability to endure pain should be ranked first among human beings.

And the current of the dog's running around was not as light as she thought.

Two hours later, Jiang Sesu got up and got out of bed expressionlessly, opened the window to let off the smell, and then took his clothes to take a bath.

When she passed by the mirror, she glanced at it out of the corner of her eye, and almost didn't recognize the dark kiwi spirit in the mirror.

That's right, her shape at the moment is very similar to that of a kiwi, and she has a feeling of desolation and desolation as if the little mountain demon failed to cross the tribulation.

Jiang Sesur silently turned on the water, letting the hot water wash away the dirt on her body.

Sewage was flowing under my feet, and Aunt Wang was knocking on the door outside.

"Thurse, is the sewer blocked? Come out, I'll find someone to drain the water."

Jiang Sese took a long breath, and saw himself washing his white shoulders, so he dared to relax.

Aunt Wang was too polite, even if the sewer is blocked, it may not be so smelly.

"It's okay, Aunt Wang, I have a little stomachache, and it will be fine in a while."

"Tummy trouble? Is it serious? Have you taken your medicine? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Aunt Wang has worked in Nan's house all her life, and she also watched Jiang Sesur grow up, treating her as her own granddaughter. When she heard that she was uncomfortable, she hurriedly asked about it, and didn't care about the unpleasant smell at all.

"Take the medicine, don't worry, Aunt Wang, it will be fine in a while. You should stay away."

Jiangse felt tired.

This is so self-defeating that no one is there, the dog is unreliable.

Aunt Wang told her again worriedly, telling her not to be careless, if she felt bad, she had to say it, and went to the hospital to see a doctor early.

Not long after, Bai Wanqing also came over, interrogating from the door, interspersed with Fa Cai's feeble and shrill meowing, and scratching the door panel with two paws, as if worried that she would fall into the toilet.

It's really a good cat who is loyal to its master, more reliable than a dog.

After tossing for 10 minutes, the disgusting impurities on Jiang Sesur's body surface were almost washed away. She quickly opened a crack in the door, and smiled awkwardly at the people who were worried about standing guard outside, proving that she was still alive.

"It smells bad all over. I'll take a shower and change clothes. It's all right, don't worry."

Having a stomachache so much that you need to take a shower and change clothes, it is inevitable for an individual to think too much.

Jiang Sesur wanted to explain, but he couldn't explain the foul-smelling gray-black on the dirty clothes that had been changed, so he had to forget it and swallow this dumb loss.

"Are you all right? Huh? This little face is slippery, like an egg that has been peeled off its shell."

Bai Wanqing touched it with his hand, and was surprised by the amazingly good touch.

"Did you make some weird prescription again, and tried it yourself? You girl, how many times have I told you that the medicine is three-point poisonous, so don't mess around. Why are you so disobedient?"

Bai Wanqing was a little anxious, but she still taught her granddaughter in a calm and calm tone.

Jiang Sesur smiled awkwardly.

She came over to open the door in a hurry, and just took out a bath towel and put it on, feeling really uncomfortable with the draft all over her body.

"Grandma, can I listen to your instructions after I take a shower? Give me a quarter of an hour."

Bai Wanqing had nothing to do with her and let her go.

The bathroom door closed, and Jiang Sesu looked down at Fa Cai who was desperately rubbing against her calf, her brows slightly raised.

"Are you not afraid of water anymore? Take a bath together?"

The green eyes like fortune gems flashed through struggles, but in the end they didn't scatter their claws. They hugged her slender ankles with the fleshy pads, and they were entrusted by her to the shower, and they took a shower together.

"You really should lose weight. Grandma said you were puffy, so now you're showing your original shape? You're not afraid that you won't be able to find someone if you're full of meat."

Jiang Sesu squeezed the body wash without distress, and rubbed out a rich foam. The elegant lotus fragrance permeated the air, dispelling the previous odor.

"Meow meow."

Fa Cai yelled twice in protest, still hugging her ankle.

"It's fresh, hey, don't you even say you're fat?"

Jiang Sesur wiped it with white foam, feeling relaxed and happy.

"Scared? Worried about me? Don't worry, your master, my life is hard. All the people on Earth are dead, and I'm still alive."

Jiang Sesur scratched its soft belly with his feet, and whistled comfortably.

How should I describe this feeling? It's a bit like taking a medicinal bath when she was a child. Although the impression stored in her memory is that the pain is rewarding and the whole body is relaxed, but after all, the real feeling has been taken away by the dog, and she can't tell the truth.

But she did not lose her memory, and she still had a basic judgment.

Maybe that's how it feels when a man smokes a cigarette after he's done?

Jiang Sesu cut off the unreliable associations in his mind, and ignored the clingy fat cat. After rinsing it thoroughly, he dragged the wet ball to dry and dress.

"Hurry up and wipe it off, or you'll catch a cold if you wait any longer."

Jiang Sesur shook off the dead lump on his feet.

This guy eats Hesse nonsense all day long, maybe he must weigh forty catties!

Fa Cai meowed in protest, and shook the tangled short hair vigorously after soaking in water, splashing water beads all over Jiang Sesu.

"What the hell! Go, go do the laundry!"

Jiang Sese kicked it lightly, and kicked it into the big laundry tub where the clothes were soaked.


Fa Cai let out a scream, struggled to jump out of the big basin, took two unsteady steps, and fell headlong.

"Hey, are you still in love with me?"

Jiang Sesu looked funny, and after a simple rinse, put on her clothes.

"Get up and work, or you will be deprived of snacks."

Jiang Sesu kicked it with her toes.

The cat who usually eats and is lazy, is always scared to death when she sees her serious master. She wipes the floor with a rag and washes it when she is told to wash it with her paws in the basin. Today, she is too bold to do any work. up.


"You want a kiss and a hug before you get up?" Jiang Sesu squatted down in a good mood, and poked the soft flesh on its belly with her fingers.

"You don't look at your body, why are you holding you? Do you practice weightlifting?"

"Hey, are you really a cat? You also eat desserts and drink milk. I'm afraid you're not a zongzi monster who got in with the cat people?"

"Be honest, what kind of monster are you? Are you going to save Grandpa? Can you spray water or fire?"

"Meow!" Grandma help!The little master is crazy!
 next chapter morning

(End of this chapter)

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