atypical prostitute

Chapter 190 A Man's Maybe

Chapter 190 A Man's Maybe
Sacrifice 10 people, just to capture the royal city before Ye Wurong shuts his eyes!
The lives of 10 people are nothing compared to the breath of one person.

Can Xiao Zhiqian like this still be able to bear the burden of the world!Someone couldn't help but doubt it.

Isn't 10 people enough? Do you want to burn the city?
The Confucian scholars felt that their hearts were about to explode.

The royal city is the foundation of the Turkic people's beliefs. Conquering the royal city is tantamount to destroying the Turkic beliefs. Although the sacrifice of [-] soldiers is very painful, from a strategic point of view, such a sacrifice is still valuable.But--

Killing all the people in Wangcheng, burning down the city of Changshengtian, and burying only one person, this... is beyond the scope of love, it is more like drawing a sword to the sky!

There have always been more and less wars between the Central Plains and the Turks.However, most of the Turkic land is grassland, which is not suitable for Han people to cultivate. Turkic people live after water and grass. They like the silk of the Han people, but they love beef and mutton more.Therefore, the Central Plains mostly adopted defense, while the Turks mostly used plundering. They clashed constantly, but they never had the will to occupy and rule the other side's land.

Sacrificing hundreds of thousands of lives to conquer a piece of worthless land is... so irrational.

This war must end immediately!

Even Ye Chuan has begun to doubt whether the Northern Expedition is meaningful.

Although he supports Xiao Zhiqian, the Central Plains really cannot get much benefit from the war against the Turks.The only thing that can be called a benefit is that the Turkic people are completely defeated, and they will not become a nightmare at the border within a hundred years.

The most frightening thing is that even he has such an idea, how many courtiers still support Beizheng!
The Xie Dynasty has been consolidating the monarchy and weakening the giants for hundreds of years, but the giants are giants after all. Although their power has been continuously reduced, they have not completely lost their power. What's more, even the royal family has begun to oppose the Northern Expedition this time. Two princes were born, and more than one person's mind started to fly wildly.

Perhaps the powerful monarch who was determined to go his own way in his prime should be replaced with a naive and incompetent emperor? !

Once the royal city is burned down, the Turkic people whose faith has collapsed will definitely hunt down and kill Xiao Zhiqian regardless of the consequences. Under such circumstances, the possibility of Xiao Zhiqian returning home safely is very slim.

No, even if he was lucky enough to return to the country, it was still impossible for him to return to the capital safely.

Those descendants of wealthy families who were defeated because of his greed and domineering will not give up this opportunity!

Thinking of this, Ye Chuan looked around subconsciously. The atmosphere during the banquet was still harmonious, but it was mixed with coldness. Not only the smiles of King Yan and King Liang were weird, but even King Wei's breathing was a little unusual.

But Ye Chuan still decided to choose to trust His Majesty, and believed that His Majesty must have left behind.

Other than that, nothing works.

After some thought, he squeezed out a blunt smile.

"Your Majesty has a far-sighted vision, which is beyond ordinary people's ability to fathom. This time, the Turks' royal city is brought into their hands. From then on, the Turks will definitely be devastated and will never be a disaster again."

King Yan smiled when he heard this, and said: "It is indeed a rare and great victory. Unfortunately, after this victory, the documents sent from the border to the capital have become less and less, and the most recent one is the snow mountain one. It is impossible for His Majesty not to have documents for recruiting troops, it is so strange, but this king is puzzled."

"Perhaps the battle is easy, His Majesty has calmed down."

Liang Wang suddenly interjected, and when this remark came out, everyone looked strange.

How could war be easy!The royal cities of the Turks have been taken!

However, even though he was suspicious, he only dared to shout in his heart, and no one made a sound when facing Liang Wang's shy smile.

The banquet became lonely because of his own words, and King Liang looked at King Liang apologetically.As the king of Liang was the host today, he was naturally prepared, and immediately waved his hand to signal the servants to serve the main course: bear paw stewed with ginseng and honey. Lie was born weirdly, with slender snout, scales all over his body and limbs. The local barbarians insisted that it was a hybrid of Tianlong and Shenyu.

But when Ye Chuan saw the soup made from the Elong meat, Ye Chuan's thoughts moved: Although the soup made from the Elong meat is rare and delicious in the world, it is not suitable for bear's paws. Why did King Yan choose it today? Elong?Could it be—

After contacting Cai Cai's few words, Ye Chuan understood most of it in his heart. He suddenly got up and said angrily, "Your Highness is using Elong to simmer the soup, but I don't know what it is for?"

King Yan said with a smile: "The current situation can be described as intricate. With Shaohou's exquisite seven orifices, he must have known how to choose."

"I'm not stupid, I don't understand what the prince means."

Ye Chuan spoke bluntly, but provoked King Wei to say bluntly: "The emperor is worrying too much. The emperor left a will before leaving. If there is a political change in the government, we will definitely support a new emperor to take the throne and keep the world safe."

"Nephew suspects that I have disobedience?"

The smile on King Yan's face was still pleasant, but there was a prelude to anger from embarrassment.

The king of Wei got up, straightened his robe, and said respectfully, "I dare not. It's just that if I'm not mistaken, someone in the court colluded with the Turkic court and forgot their ancestors!"

"You are saying something to your heart!"

The person who spoke was a scribe with a beautiful beard of a ruler. He was born in a wealthy family, and he was proud of himself. He was already full of resentment towards Xiao Zhiqian's series of policies that weakened the power of the powerful, but King Wei couldn't wait to jump up after saying a few pretentious words. Come out, but it's too ugly to eat.

King Wei gave him a disdainful look, and said, "Why is Mr. Hong angry? Did I hit your heart?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Hong was so choked that he couldn't speak up, his face flushed immediately, and he said angrily: "How could I, who is of the Chinese blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang, collude with that barbarian! His Royal Highness King Wei's words are too hurtful."

"It's one thing to hurt someone or not to hurt someone. But can you guarantee that none of you here have collude with Turkic people?"

A voice that was so gentle that it was even soft and sticky sounded, and in the breeze blowing in the face, someone walked slowly, shaking a cypress folding fan, with light footwork and light gauze, like an exiled fairy.

After entering the hall, Jun Fengxi put his fan back into his sleeves and bowed his hands in salute. Everyone nodded and smiled with him. Even King Liang stood up without waiting for King Yan to add a seat for him, and said, "Mr. Jun, would you like to sit with me?"

"Respect is worse than obedience."

Jun Fengxi said calmly, walked to King Liang, sat down calmly, with a pleasant smile, as if she had never been dirty.

At this time, Elong soup was also divided, because of Ye Chuan's words, everyone took the Elong soup, but no one moved it, only Jun Fengxi drank it with a smile as if no one was around.

Maybe it was an illusion, but Ye Chuan found that when Jun Fengxi drank the soup, his eyes were always staring at him!

(End of this chapter)

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