atypical prostitute

Chapter 186 The End of the Dream

Chapter 186 The End of the Dream
It has always been bitterly cold outside the Great Wall, not to mention Wangcheng, which has just arrived in August and has already started to snow heavily.

It is not the warm and moist goose feather heavy snow described by literati and inkmen. The snowflakes brought by the strong wind are of different sizes, mixed with hail, and crackling on the felt blanket.

After nightfall, the hail became more and more violent, and the bitter cold wind frequently penetrated into the armor of the night watchman, his cheeks and nose were so cold, and after a while, only snow was left in his vision, and he could only hear snow beating the ground in his ears It's crackling.

Whenever the felt blanket is rolled up because of people coming in and out of the tent, the all-pervasive cold wind will take the opportunity to sneak in and send in fine snow. The hard snow flies into the fire, but it does not melt immediately, and it takes three moments to melt. For the cold water disappears in the scorching fire.



It was freezing outside the tent, but inside the large tent of the Chinese army was still warm as spring, but no amount of warmth could conceal the decay here, Ye Wurong lay quietly in the center of the fur, dying.

Her eyes had seen the black wings of death, and because of the fear of death, she ordered the ladies to light all the candles they could find, and gather all the remaining green around her, as if light could dispel darkness, and green The envoys of the underworld will temporarily retreat.

She was afraid, although she didn't know whether it was death itself or the regret of unfulfilled ambition that she was afraid of.

It is impossible for the dream of breaking through the royal city to become a reality. The army is less than one mile away from the royal city, but it will become the eternal distance for the dreams of three generations of the Ye family.

The closer they are to the royal city, the crazier the Turkic people will be. In the face of lofty beliefs, life is insignificant.They defended the royal city with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Ye Wurong had a premonition that even if they sacrificed the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, they might not be able to flatten this small earthen city.

In the face of iron will, all words and actions are pale. The Turkic people resolutely chose to fight to the death, even if the bones were piled as high as the city wall, they would never back down.

In the face of an army armed with faith, the power of the world is ridiculous, so Xie Jun also gave up Huairou from the very beginning, and fought to the death. Every battle is a battle to the death. The only note.

The felt tent was rolled up again, and there was the clang of armor and the commotion of women saluting at the door.

Ye Wurong, who heard the sound, opened her eyes. Although her eyes could only see colors hazily half a month ago, fortunately, the person who came was the person she was most familiar with. figure.She also knew that he was here.

She tried her best to support her body, trying to maintain the etiquette of a monarch, minister, and empress, but she was too weak to stand up. Xiao Zhiqian, who had taken off his armor, had already walked to her side, supported her, and said softly: "We are husband and wife, husband and wife Do you still need so much etiquette?"

Ye Wurong said softly: "Etiquette cannot be broken in the army, let alone so many people are watching."

She was referring to the palace servants on both sides, Xiao Zhiqian snorted, those women and eunuchs lowered their heads knowingly, as if they would leave the tent at any time.

Xiao Zhiqian glanced at the jasper bowl beside him, most of the dark concoction was left, and gave off a strange smell from time to time, he couldn't help but asked with concern: "Why is there so much left?"

Ye Wurong said dissatisfiedly: "The medicine juice is too bitter, I can't drink it. Besides, my body knows it by itself, and I can't live a few more days after drinking it. Why should I suffer that?"

"How do you—"

Xiao Zhiqian said angrily, originally intending to say a few words of reproach, but in the end because of the cruel reality before him, thousands of words turned into a tense question: "How much time is left?"

"Probably... just these few days. All the symptoms are the same as Aye's back then. The body begins to decay from the inside, and the internal organs are gradually necrotic... unless the legendary fairy medicine is found... So, if I leave suddenly Now, you must not criticize the imperial physicians, they have tried their best, my situation cannot be saved by manpower...the medicine stone has no effect..."

She spoke intermittently, her eyes could not see clearly but she pretended to be watching, because she hoped that Xiao Zhiqian would firmly believe that her eyes were watching him until the last moment.

"The legendary elixir? Seven days ago, I summoned Jun Fengxi to come over immediately. I don't believe he can't save you!"

Xiao Zhiqian obviously didn't notice this small detail, he said bitterly, full of resentment.

Ye Wurong smiled lightly and took his hand.

"Mr. Jun will not come here. I asked him to do a fortune-telling for me before the expedition. He said that my chances of life are gone. This time, if I go and never return, I will die. Fortunately, the heaven loves His Majesty, and this time will surely be completed forever." Albert has an unprecedented territory."

"Immortal achievements? People who can stand shoulder to shoulder with me in the world are gone. What's the point of having the largest territory in the world!"

Xiao Zhiqian said angrily, his heart was occupied by madness, and his veins clenched into fists bulged.

"But this is my hope... I want to see the Turkic people become the eternal past of Xie Kingdom before I die, I want to see you own the largest territory in the world... I don't want to die with regrets... I want to see you King's Landing, I think... you... really grow up, and I don't need to worry about you anymore..."

She sobbed softly, the pain made her more vulnerable, but her eyes were brighter than ever.

Although she could no longer see his face clearly.

"I always remember the marriage letter you wrote to me in private. You said that you would like to be hired by Wanli Jiangshan, and you will be husband and wife forever. I believe that you will do what you say. The Wanli Jiangshan you promised me must be the Wanli Jiangshan. ...It's a pity that I finally saw your thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, but I... have to go to the next reincarnation, but I will definitely... I didn't believe in Buddhism and reincarnation, but for your life after life, I converted to Buddhism. I believe in Buddha Will bless me, will let me return to your side, no matter how many reincarnations, I will come back..."

"Afterlife? When did you believe in such illusory things?"

"Because I have to believe that what I can't do in this life can only be sent to the next life. If I have a thought in reincarnation, I won't get lost."

Pale fingers slid across Xiao Zhiqian's face, she suddenly leaned forward and kissed his stubble.

"It's a pity that I can't bear a child for you. After I die, those women in the harem will definitely fight for the position of the queen and the position of the prince. I have pity on you... I'm sorry, I thought I had enough time... I'm sorry ……I……"

"Don't say any more."

The closeness of the body melted the coldness of the wind and snow. Her body was cold, but his heart was hot.

He stared at her, in the eyes of her enemies, she is a woman without femininity, she has no charming beauty, she is known for her cruelty and murder, but when their eyes meet, there is only love flowing between them And gentle again.

In the eyes of her enemies, she should be unreal at this moment.

If it weren't for her pale skin that was almost transparent, if it wasn't for her facial features with a touch of haggardness.

He always knew that her eyes could no longer see anything clearly, but he dared not say it, he was afraid of the truth.He would rather deceive himself, firmly believing that the iron cold still flows in her eyes.

She is not only his wife, but also the unobtainable power of this country. He needs her, what a man needs for a woman, and what the monarch needs for his subjects.Only when he is with her can the dreams of Emperor Xuan and Ye Ziyun become reality.

Even if she never believed it, his need for her was mixed with a man's need for a woman.

Meng, burning coldly, looking at her eyes that became brighter and firmer because of death, his heart was only cold and redoubled tenderness.

"...our dream...I will capture the royal city before you die, even if...everyone is dead...I will also capture the royal city...I will take you to the royal city and see our country ..."

He said timidly, in front of this woman who was older than him, he always couldn't help acting like a baby.

Ye Wurong smiled, his withered fingers slid across his cheeks, the sadness in his heart ignited the temperature of his fingers.

"Don't force it...don't let the blood of the soldiers flow needlessly...I don't want you to leave any stains on the history and death cannot be saved by manpower...I don't care anymore..."

"But I care! If I can't keep you, at least let me show you the final dream come true!"

He grabbed her hand, because of the pain, the pale skin cracked again and again, congealed into pale patterns, entangled with the dead hand, which made his heart ache.

He knelt down on one knee and kissed her wound, tenderly and carefully, as if he was holding in his hand the softest and most fragile treasure in the world that would be damaged by a little negligence, and his loving kisses fell on the wound. Kissing inch by inch.

"Never say that word, even if it's right in front of my face."

He murmured and repeated, like a child, the palace people had already retreated with interest, leaving room for the dying her and the heartbroken him.

"I want to keep you, even if... even if I fight against the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, I... the world is thousands of miles away, and all I want is that small cluster. Can't I even fulfill such a simple request?"

He said sadly, this is not only the exclusive desire, but also the king's most sincere promise to the person he loves deeply.

He loves her so he won't let go.

" and death are not something you and I can control...I..."

She remonstrated softly, but suddenly found that the language was dry, the love condensed in her heart exceeded the limit of words, she choked up, and said for a long time: "...don't say anything, just like this... let me look at you, Lean on you, okay?"

"it is good."

He replied softly, in his heart, something called love was growing crazily. This was a feeling that would never be given up even at the end of the cycle of life, an emotion that would not fade away until the end of the world.Only by holding it in their hands will their lives be complete and new journeys begin.

Death is like a shadow, but they seem to have forgotten its haze, clinging to each other, but relying on each other quietly, they already understand each other better than all the lovers in the world.



The first ray of dawn painted her peaceful face with sanctity, and he stepped on the bones as high as the city wall to rule the Turkic royal city.

His horseshoe made the Turkic people's deepest nightmare, his flag was planted in every corner of the grassland, he has a boundless territory, and he can decide the life and death of millions of people with a single order, but no matter how hard he calls her name, and will not be answered.

So what about thousands of miles of land, he is still a mortal.

A mortal who can't even keep the person he loves the most.

She still lied to him, tricked him into thinking that he still had enough time to join hands with her and watch thousands of miles of rivers and mountains fall under his feet.

But he just hugged her harder, blood red tears burst from the corners of his eyes, and fell on her pale lips: "Wu Rong, did you see, I finally took you to the end of the dream, the dream of three generations, Finally finished……"

(End of this chapter)

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