atypical prostitute

Chapter 167 The Four Concubines Compete for Beauty

Chapter 167
The matter of the four concubines was finally settled. Mingzhu, the daughter of the Shangguan family, became a noble concubine as she wished.The only surprise is that Concubine Shu comes from the Lin family that has almost disappeared, and she is a concubine!
But as long as they think about who helped her enter the palace, everyone will feel relieved.

To be able to climb the big tree of Mrs. Shaohou, the Wudehou family is really powerful.

And the sage actually chose a woman of low status and middle appearance to enter the palace, which shows that the rumor——

But any woman who has made up her mind to enter the palace to fight for the future of her family, which one is not exquisite in heart, but also extremely vicious.Although there is no official contact yet, this Concubine Shu, whom she has never met before, has long been drawn as a strong enemy in her heart.



The palace maids in colorful clothes hovered in front of my eyes like catkins, their exquisiteness was unparalleled, but Li Ci who was in the midst of it was lacking in interest.

Today's royal private banquet, as an illegitimate daughter, she was not qualified to attend, so when she received the imperial edict, she was more surprised than happy.

The first reaction was that Xiao Zhiqian made another move, but she immediately realized that in front of the imperial power, she was as fragile as a newborn baby, and even though she knew that Xiao Zhiqian's banquet might be bad for him, she could not resist.

Ye Chuan was not invited. He is the queen's younger brother and a relative, so he is not eligible to attend the royal family banquet.

Today, I am afraid that I will fight alone.

Li Ci was thinking melancholy, pretending to be intoxicated in singing and dancing, but she couldn't help but look at the seats from the corner of her eyes.

Banquet seats are the most intuitive manifestation of the status change in the royal family.

Because of Princess Eldest and Princess Yan, Lici has attended the royal banquet more than once, and has a detailed understanding of the status of the royal family members. Compared with the last time, she saw many differences.

The first is the king of Wei.

King Wei, who was always at the last seat in the past, was seated next to several emperor uncles this time. He was dressed in natural clothes, with a chic attitude and a rather coquettish style.Princess Wei next to her was dressed in Zhai Wen's uniform, with a golden crown ostentatiously, and she even wore a few extravagant things.Although today is a family banquet, there is no need to be formal, but the royal family has no small matters, and they pay attention to rank everywhere, and everything they wear must be in line with their status. Wei Wangfei dared to wear something that was beyond her control, obviously she got a license.

Compared with Wei Wang's spring breeze, Yan Wang and his wife are much more low-key.

Still the seated person, still full of emeralds and emeralds, but the objects all over the body are well-regulated, and during the meeting, they also laugh when they should laugh, and speak when they should talk, without saying a word.

Apparently, King Yan had already smelled out the monarch's oppressive heart, so he kept a low profile knowingly.

Liang Wang, who once provoked the proverb of "Xiao Xiao Xing Zhongshui", has become more and more gentle recently.He sat in the center of the seat, like a polished stone, looking at his nose, nose, and heart, holding the bodhi rosary in his hands, with the posture of a master of Taoism, as if the glory of the world was nothing to him, even if he was deprived of it in the next moment. Move your eyebrows.

The wind and rain are approaching, but Huizhu is probably in his hand for being able to put on such a carefree attitude of staying out of the matter.

Li Ci thought to herself, she knew that she was not the opponent of King Liang, so she skipped it hastily and didn't try to figure out his thoughts. After a short pause, she turned her attention to Yu Jing.

Seeing this, she was stunned.

She was really pregnant!

Compared with Yu Jing in memory, she was much thinner when she was sitting next to King Liang, her chin was thinner, but her fingers were obviously swollen, which was very uncoordinated.She was naturally beautiful, but today she applied more powder than usual on the bridge of the nose, cheeks, and forehead, apparently to cover up the pregnancy spots.

The most critical evidence is Yu Jing's eyes, her eyes are covered with a layer of holiness, as loving as the Virgin Mary, but with the fierceness of a tiger.

She waited for the birth of the child with full of anticipation, but most likely the child was destined not to come to this world.Li Ci looked at King Wei, but King Wei was looking at Yu Jing, like a poisonous snake seeing its long-lost prey.

Xiao Zhiqian is a ruthless person, but Xiao Zhicheng is a murderous person.What kind of monster is Jun Fengxi who can walk among them unscathed?
She couldn't believe his promise, she just hoped that he didn't set his mind on her for the time being.

Just as she was thinking about something on her mind, the eldest princess next to her suddenly whispered: "You are really incompetent, a little servant has dragged on until now and still hasn't solved it!"

Knowing that she was referring to Ayu, Li Ci couldn't help but smile awkwardly, and said, "She... is Shaohou's nurse and sister after all, I... don't want him to bear grudges against me."

"So what if you bear grudges? Ye Wurong won't give birth to a prince, so he will be suppressed in the future. Ye Chuan's current situation is beautiful, but the world belongs to the Xiao family after all. It's too late for him to rely on you, so how could he stir up trouble!"

"Yes, the world belongs to the Xiao family after all."

Li Ci murmured and repeated, and suddenly the gentle music dissipated, and the prostitutes dispersed, and several red-clothed dancers came up to the hall with flower stands, on which stood a woman as bright as a full moon.

Shangguan Pearl.

She really couldn't hold back.

The Shangguan family has been a famous family for many generations, and the women of the Shangguan family are taught to be political tools from birth. They are naturally fond of power, and dedicating to the family is a mission that goes deep into the marrow.During the Du'an period, Empress Zhen performed a solo dance under the moon to impress the former emperor who was sad because of the loss of Empress Yuan.How can Shangguan Mingzhu not do her best with the jewels and jades of the predecessors in front of her?
But choosing to dance at the royal family banquet also revealed her embarrassment.

Today's family banquet, everyone present is well-informed, and they already know that among the four concubines who entered the palace, Shangguan Mingzhu is of the highest rank, and she is the only one who has not been favored by the emperor.

This is not a friendly signal.

The title a concubine gets when she enters the palace is determined by her family background, but whether she can consolidate her position and retain the heart of the monarch after entering the palace depends on her own ability.

A noble concubine who doesn't get the grace of the king is a little more noble than being thrown into the cold palace.

Judging by her attire, it is obvious that she is about to dance a sword dance.

Li Ci subconsciously glanced at Ye Wurong who was sitting on the jade steps, but saw that she was dressed in layers and her face was expressionless.

The music is already sounding.

Amid the sound of sonorous and powerful drums, Shangguan Mingzhu began to dance, her bright sword was shining brightly, and she started with a gorgeous shooting star chasing the moon, elegant like a swan, and with the wind and snow.

It's not as good as Ye Wurong's sword qi, but it's also extremely exquisite.

The sound of the drum beats closely, and Shangguan Mingzhu's dancing posture becomes more and more complicated and gorgeous. She was not born in the general family, but she was able to learn the strong and sharp sword dance so gorgeously and beautifully like the stars in the sky with only perseverance. It is indeed hard work. kung fu.

Everyone in the audience watched the flickering cold light, faintly revealing the meaning of competing with Ye Wurong.

But someone said disdainfully: "No matter how good a dancer is, it can't compare to the queen's sword intent. After seeing the queen's sword dance, who would fall in love with the noble concubine's sword dance."

Although the words are arrogant, they are indeed true. After hearing this, everyone nodded their heads.

Because of these trivial criticisms, Shangguan Mingzhu's dance steps had a flustered prelude.

As a result, the ridicule became more intense, and Shangguan Mingzhu's face even turned pale.

But Li Ci felt a crisis.

When she first found out that Shangguan Mingzhu was going to dance with a sword to invite pets, her first reaction was that this woman was really too eager to express herself.But she thought of Empress Zhen, a woman who was so vicious that she could use herself as a part of the calculations. Could it be possible that the family that cultivated such a woman was so ignorant that she didn't know how to hide her clumsiness when she tried her best to advance the pawns in the palace?
Why is it so abnormal?

Is it—

Li Ci looked at the eldest princess questioningly, and found a sneer on the corner of her gorgeous mouth.

"This... sword dance..."

She tentatively asked, and the eldest princess's smile became wider.

"Shangguan Mingzhu is really extraordinary, but it's a pity that she met Ye Wurong. But it's a good thing to meet an opponent in chess. Ye Wurong is probably rejoicing at finally meeting an opponent in fighting."

The eldest princess spoke vaguely, and Li Ci's heart suddenly brightened.

Shangguan Mingzhu's sword dance is not to compete with Ye Wurong, but to show her favor to Ye Wurong. She clearly knows that no matter how beautiful the sword dance is, it is impossible to snatch Ye Wurong's brilliance. In fact, it made Ye Wurong think she was not threatening.

The most important thing is that today's uproar will definitely be favored by the monarch.

Shangguan Mingzhu entered the palace as a noble concubine, how could she be willing to be left out in the cold!
It is not only low-key that can keep a low profile. Being arrogant enough to be considered stupid is also a means.

This Shangguan Mingzhu is really a powerful person!

As if to prove Li Ci's conjecture, Shangguan Mingzhu's sword dance made mistakes again and again in the next few beats, but each mistake was just right, as if the movements were stagnant due to excessive tension. , still beautiful and crisp.

The beating of the drums stopped, the palace people knelt down and bowed, and there was no sound in the golden hall. Shangguan Mingzhu bowed again and waited for the reward.

Xiao Zhiqian smiled and said a few words of praise on the scene, then glanced at Ye Wurong, Ye Wurong got up and said: "The noble concubine Shangguan has excellent dancing posture, and she is quite like me. One piece, four pieces of palace brocade."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The reward Jian Wu received was not rich, but it was a reward that was neither light nor heavy, which just proved that Shangguan Mingzhu had achieved her goal.

If it is too rich, it will easily become the target of public criticism; if it is too thin, it will appear that the recipient is insignificant; if it is neither light nor heavy, it shows that the queen still has some good feelings for Shangguan Mingzhu.

Shangguan Mingzhu understands the principle of accepting when she sees something good, and after receiving such a shallow reward, she was able to thank her kindly and leave happily. The eldest princess couldn't help but told Li Ci: "This girl can't stay long."

Li Ci listened absently, noncommittal.

The next performer in front of the palace was Concubine De.

Different from the publicity of Shangguan Mingzhu, Defeng Zhao Wanru wore a purple robe and white clothes inside, her makeup was elegant and glamorous, and she presented a zither song, "Mountain Ghost".

But seeing the purple sleeves and the red strings in the bright moon, I can feel myself playing, and the strings are condensed, as if there is really a person who is brought here by Xue, with a graceful posture, close at hand, far away in the world.

It's a pity that although the song was good, it was a bit cold after all, and it didn't go well with today's happy atmosphere, so when the song ended, Xiao Zhiqian didn't express anything special, and Ye Wurong just gave rewards as usual.

When Zhao Wanru stepped back, the corners of her eyes gleamed across Li Ci's face, but it was this seemingly unintentional stay that made Li Ci smell hostile!
But after thinking about it, Zhao Wanru's elder brother once confronted her tit for tat, and Lin Langya pushed into the palace by herself, how could Zhao Wanlu not be on guard against herself!

Who can enter the palace to be a concubine, who is really arrogant and self-admiring, and has nothing to do with the world?
Concubine Xian and Concubine Shu did not prepare a program this time, after Concubine Gui and Concubine De changed into their gowns, the four concubines entered the palace together and had a dignified audience.

The same jewelry, but four different temperaments, when Concubine Xian looked up, everyone in the hall couldn't help but gasp.

Concubine Xian looks so much like Li Ci!

It is not the similarity in appearance, but the similarity in small details, whether it is the slight shyness when bowing the head, or the delicateness of stirring fingers when being questioned, even the angle of the smile and the pace of walking, they are all very similar to Li Ci!
If it weren't for the huge difference in appearance, Li Ci even suspected that she was his long-lost twin sister!
The Pei family is really powerful, it is really a big gamble to train the daughter-in-law to be someone else!
But the fact is that they succeeded, the wife of the Pei family was the first among the four concubines to have Xiao Zhiqian's blessing, even though Lin Langya stole the limelight the next day.

While admiring, doubts also follow.

Why did you choose to imitate me?
Looking at her posture and movements, one can tell that this resemblance comes from years of hard work, but her own rise took place in the past three years. Before that, she had been a concubine who was unknown to the public, and had almost no connection with the royal family...

Could it be that the Pei family already knew about their relationship with the eldest princess...

Or, the object of the Pei family's imitation is actually the eldest princess.

Li Ci couldn't help but look at the eldest princess again.

The eldest princess smiled sweetly, as if everything in front of her eyes had nothing to do with her, she picked up a jujube and sipped it.

The fog in Li Ci's heart became more and more dense.

At this time, the fourth concubine had already completed the etiquette and formally entered the table.

Shangguan Mingzhu, as a noble concubine, accompanied the empress at the head, so the virtuous concubine Pei Ling'er had the exclusive seat opposite Li Ci, and Lin Langya and Zhao Wanru sat at the head of Li Ci.

Among the four concubines, Lin Langya has the lowest status. She never forgets the well-digger when she drank water. After entering the table, she immediately offered a glass of wine to Li Ci and said: "Today's family banquet, although there is Shangguan's sister's amazing sword dance, but if you say The beauty of appearance is the worst for Mrs. Shaohou."

This flattery made Li Ci very embarrassed, and hurriedly shied away: "Concubine Shu is too proud, whether it is the eldest princess or Liang Wangfei, the appearance is better than mine."

She deliberately disregarded the relationship, but Yu Jing had heard it, and said: "I am not feeling well recently, and my appearance is not as good as in the past. In terms of today, it is indeed the most beautiful fourth lady."

As soon as these words came out, Li Ci immediately became the object of everyone's attention, and even his modesty just now became a trick to play hard to get.

Friendly or sneering gazes came alternately, causing Li Ci to hang his head in a shy manner, but even so, there was still one gaze that he couldn't avoid.

It was Xiao Zhiqian's gaze.

A smile that is not a smile, with contempt and banter.

Even though he once said cruel words in front of Xiao Zhiqian, Li Ci always had an instinctive fear of this unpredictable monarch, and he couldn't avoid it. Making a calm gesture, he chatted happily with Lin Langya beside him.

But she pretended not to care, there were still people who wanted to stir up trouble, only to see that Zhao Wanru suddenly got angry and said: "I don't know why, I just met Mrs. Shaohou today, and I always feel familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it. .”

"It's not surprising, I've noticed a long time ago that sister Xianfei looks very much like Mrs. Shaohou."

Lin Langya spoke bluntly, the voice was not loud, but it was enough for those who cared to hear, Li Ci could only laugh dryly, and said: "There are so many similar people in the world, it's just a coincidence."

Lin Langya was innocent and innocent, he didn't realize that he had caused trouble, and said with his mouth curled up, "It's no coincidence, the eldest princess has an outstanding demeanor, I don't know how many people secretly imitated it."

In an instant, the air was a little stagnant, and all kinds of vision were erratic, and finally Ye Wurong made a rescue, only to hear her clapping her hands suddenly, and said: "Let's go to Liyue!"


Hundreds of musicians stepped forward in silence, and the elegant music played, which quickly drowned out the little unhappiness.

Only Li Ci noticed that Pei Ling'er, who was opposite her, looked even more ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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