Chapter 140

When Liu Erlang and his party arrived at Mama Duan's place, the lobby was already full of people. They were all descendants of aristocratic families in Beijing, with golden crowns in their hair, folding fans in their hands, and dressed in Confucian uniforms. Then exchange pleasantries.

"This man is—"

Liu Erlang was a little embarrassed.

Although he made military honors in the Battle of the Desert, due to the obstruction of the conservative forces in the court, even Ye Chuan, who made the first contribution, was not able to be rewarded generously. Liu Erlang's meritorious service was naturally ignored in the celebration performance.This time when he returned to Beijing to report on his work, although Ye Chuan revealed early on that he intended to promote him as the servant of the Huangmen, but so far, he has not been officially appointed.

So most of the gentlemen present here have never heard of the name.

Fortunately, these princes and grandsons are all tactful people. Seeing Liu Erlang's face-to-face, but the people who came with him were all meritorious sons, and seeing his unrestrained demeanor, he knew that most of them were sons of local princes. made a way.

Liu Erlang was also disrespectful, looked around, and found that the scene was messy but not chaotic, all the young masters came to do dirty things, but all of them were smiling and full of beautiful articles, coupled with this elegantly decorated lobby, at first glance, it seemed like a mess. Like a prosperous literary world where poetry meets friends.

Even the serving servants are dressed in simple and elegant clothes, without any frivolity.

Zheng Duzhi and Chun's mother separated from them when they entered the lobby.The two walked up to Mama Duan, and they didn't know what to say. Mama Duan looked enthusiastically in Liu Erlang's direction from time to time while listening.Liu Erlang felt righteous in his heart, after all, it was the first time to ask Liu, seeing mothers paying attention to him, he was inevitably embarrassed, and he couldn't get angry, so he had to sit down pretending to be calm.

Not long after, the guests were all assembled, Mama Duan looked at the crowd of young heroes, walked to the center of the arena with a smile on her face, and directed the servants to remove a section of peony screen behind them.

Beauty is coming.

Everyone watched with bated breath, there was another bead curtain behind the screen, and the beauty in pink was visible, Mama Duan clapped her hands, and immediately a maid lifted the curtain, revealing Duan Qing'er standing gracefully.

Holding the palace fan in her hand, she raised her head shyly, and she really had a good appearance, especially her amorous and beautiful eyes, which made her gasp.

But the similarity between her and Li Ci is only the similarity in facial features, their charm and temperament are completely different.

The moment he saw Duan Qing'er clearly, Liu Erlang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Anyone who has seen Li Ci will not think that they are similar.

Li Ci's appearance is clear and beautiful with a glorious atmosphere, combining the luxury and national beauty of peony, and the coldness and non-worldliness of white lotus.

Her beauty is inherently strong, which made Liu Erlang cherish and admire her at the same time.

Duan Qing'er is not like this.

Her beauty is a delicate beauty, like a stream of dew in the palm of a man, exuding an intoxicating aroma.She reminded him of the peonies after the rain, the flower stems were not able to bear the weight of the rain, and they were a little crumbling.

In Liu Erlang's heart, a tinge of pity was involuntarily born.Such a frail person can't resist a little bit of wind and rain, Duan Qing'er is like a dodder flower, it can't survive without a man.


A muffled sound broke the silence, Liu Erlang followed the sound and saw that Duan Qing'er's palace fan fell to the ground.


Although this section of Qing'er has long since realized that she has betrayed her body, but when she really stood up to accept the lustful scrutiny of so many men, she couldn't help but get timid, so that she couldn't hold her hand firmly.

What a poor woman!

Sighing, Liu Erlang thought about it.

But Duan Qing'er, because of the accident that the palace fan fell to the ground, became more and more flustered and cowardly.She instinctively squatted down to pick up the fan, but she forgot that Pingkang is a place for men to have fun, and the neckline of the skirt is inevitably lower than that of the outer one.She was born gracefully and softly, with great bumps, and when she bent down, the jade rabbit on her chest was ready to come out.

In an instant, the men all stared wide-eyed and helped the case to stand up, some of them even salivated.

At the moment when the lustful heart was surging, a cry broke out: "I will pay ten gold!"

The mothers who watched the ceremony were stunned. Although Duan Qinger was famous and would definitely sell at a high price today, the ten gold at the opening still surprised these old-timers in Pingkang.

You know, Yuan Ye of the ordinary Jiren is considered lucky to get ten thousand dollars, enough for fake mothers to show off for a long time.

If someone with a heart wants to push it up again, wouldn't it be a sky-high price!

Immediately, the look at Duan's mother became complicated.

A mother couldn't swallow the jealousy in her heart, and said flatteringly: "Qing'er is really hot, and you can't hold back so soon."

As soon as the sour words came out, the young man who shouted out "ten golds" immediately became the target of public criticism. He was so embarrassed that he shrank in embarrassment.
Mama Duan slapped the talkative woman fiercely, then rolled her eyes and rounded up the situation with a pleasant smile: "This gentleman offered ten gold, is there anything higher than ten gold?"

As soon as the words fell, the scene suddenly became lively.The gentleman, who was still gentle and refined just now, has stripped off the mask of a saint, revealing his true nature.

"Twelve gold!"

"I offer fifteen gold!"

"I, twenty gold!"


One shout was louder than the other, and several Wu Xun disciples shouted like a bell, causing the roof to collapse.

Duan's mother has been in Fengyuechang for many years, and she has seen a lot. She knows that today's bidders are all from deep backgrounds. Even the most inconspicuous one can easily pinch her to death. , Offended so many people.

So he rolled his eyes, and ordered the maids to hang down the bead curtains, twisted the waist of the bucket and walked to the center, saying: "My lords have given me face in this way, and I am so happy that my powder is about to fall off. It's just that there is only one Qing'er, Lang Gentlemen, but..."

Speaking of this, she paused, looked around, saw that everyone was not dissatisfied, and said: "Pingkangli is doing the business of sending to us, but Qing'er was trained by me. She is very happy today. There is no shortage of things that a lady should have when she gets married. I have already prepared a green house and a cup of wine, no matter who wins the first prize, I will invite the remaining gentlemen to stay and have a lively bridal chamber and join in the joy, how about it?"

The men laughed tacitly after hearing this.

After all, the days to come are long, after the first time, there will be countless times in the future, since it is for fun, naturally I don't care about such trivial things as not being able to eat the soup.

Immediately, several people laughed and said, "Mother Duan is worrying too much."

Duan's mother laughed and said: "It's not that the gentlemen are all handsome, so my wife can't help but want to end. It's a pity that I have such a heart, but the gentlemen don't like it!"

At this time, Qinger also came back.

But after a while, she had already changed into the bride's clothes. The bright royal blue dress made her skin fairer than snow.Most of all, that shy bowed his head, which aroused the enthusiasm of the people below, and started to shout the price again, and it was raised to [-] gold in no time, and the price was still climbing slowly.

Mama Duan is a woman in the romantic market, knowing that no matter how high Yuan Ye’s price is, it’s just a gimmick after all, but anyone who trades in flesh and blood doesn’t know what will happen tomorrow, so how can they have any vision and ambition, as long as the present is good enough.

Thinking of this incident, Mother Duan immediately gained courage, and stepped forward and said: "The gentlemen are so enthusiastic, but it's a pity that there is only one Qing'er—"

"I will offer one hundred gold!"

There was a sudden shout from the corner, which made half of the lobby faint.

It was actually one hundred gold!

Mother Duan pinched her thigh so hard that she almost fainted from the pain!

One hundred gold, let alone buying a woman's first night, is more than enough to buy this house together with all the servants.

All the princes who participated in the competition were also amazed.

They are playboys, but they are not prodigal sons who spend a lot of money on women. When they shouted [-] gold, most of them had already given up their hearts. Unexpectedly, a hundred gold broke out in the blink of an eye!

Even those who don't care about money the least, only think about taking advantage of the bridal chamber.

Liu Erlang, who wanted to call out "seventy gold" after Duan's mother finished speaking, was even more gloomy. He followed his reputation and found that he was a young man in a yellow-green uniform. A little heavier, obviously not a good match.

So he poked Fu Sanlang, pointed to the man in the yellow-green uniform, and said, "Who is he, so rich?"

Fu Sanlang looked at it for a while, and said: "My surname is Qu, I have no fame or official position, but there is an uncle who is on duty in the palace, and he is very unscrupulous."

"Surname Qu? There is no permanent attendant surnamed Qu in Da Nei."

Liu Erlang thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think of a permanent attendant with the surname Qu, but being an eunuch is not a glorious thing in itself, and it's not surprising to change your name after entering the palace.

"Could it be—"

Seeing his confusion, Fu Sanlang pointed out, "His uncle is Mr. An."

"Eunuch An? Then there's nothing to be afraid of."

Liu Erlang said disdainfully, Eunuch An really has face in front of the eldest princess, but a slave is always a slave, he is a fifth-rank general, so don't worry about it.

Most importantly, he is bound to win today.

Having made up his mind, he immediately stood up and said, "I'll also offer a hundred gold, plus a jade pendant!"

It was on the bar!
For a while, there was no sound, just waiting for Mama Duan to judge.

Mama Duan is a prudent person, knowing that Yuan Ye can sell for one hundred gold as the limit, not to mention that the competing man is born with a stately appearance, with eyes like torches, he is indescribably expensive, even if he loses money, he will climb this door good thing.

It's just that Mr. Qu is also a big boss in Beijing. She didn't dare to offend him. She bent forward and took the jade pendant with both hands.

Gold has a price and jade is priceless, and the jade pendant Liu Erlang took out was tied with a bright yellow silk ribbon—a gift from the palace!
Given by the royal family, who dares to sell it!Not to mention getting the Fengyue place.

"Lang Jun...Lang Jun... really want to... want to..."

The timidity in my heart flowed out, I trembled when I spoke, and the hands holding the jade pendant trembled like chaff.

Liu Erlang said disdainfully: "This thing is a loot I seized from the account of the Turkic Zuoxian King. There is no record in the ban. I feel pity for Mrs. Qing'er. I like it for a while, so why not reward her with makeup?"

After finishing speaking, he glanced around his eyes, and everyone who met his eyes lowered their heads timidly.

This ruthless man has a deep background, and he can sell priceless things casually, who dares to fight? !

Duan's mother also knew that it was powerful, and immediately twisted the waist of the bucket, ran to Mr. Qu, and said sadly: "Mr. Qu... look at this jade..."

Mr. Qu said angrily: "I usually spend money here with my mother, and today is also a regular auction. Mom wants me to quit, don't you think it's too much!"

Duan's mother said awkwardly: "I just follow the rules... tonight is indeed this—"

When she said this, remembering that she didn't know Liu Erlang's name, she paused in embarrassment. Luckily, Liu Erlang immediately picked up and said, "My surname is Liu."

So he said without hesitation: "...this Mr. Liu is better than Mr. Qu, please come back, Mr. After three days, I will definitely let Qing'er treat you well."

"Really? My surname is Liu, I remember you!"

Saying bitterly, Mr. Qu closed the folding fan heavily, and walked away with a group of cronies.

Mother Duan wiped off her cold sweat, and shouted flatteringly: "Congratulations, Mr. Liu for winning the first prize!"

 Yuan Ye..I actually wrote such an evil term, so shy

(End of this chapter)

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